Chapter 95

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"Does it hurt?" I asked Link, as I temporarily bandaged up his arm. For a quick recap, as Link and I were making some conversation with one another, a pack of Lizalfos appeared out of nowhere, and attacked the both of us. Needless to say, we won but Link received a large gash on his arms from one of those monster's claws. Link shook his head firmly, before standing up from the rock he was previously sitting on. I always forgot how strong Link was... The young man before me could be described as many things as possible. Too many to list; However, one of them was definitely courageous. He was truly fitting of the name, the Hero. My eyes darted over to the Master Sword for a moment before Link threw it over his shoulder. "Link? It's said that whenever the Master Sword is drawn it is for a reason. And once that reason concludes, it must be put to rest. Why... do you think that is?"

"Hm?" Link hummed in thought, glancing back at his sword. "The sword isn't sentient, (Y/N)." Link answered, concluding I was wrong for thinking such a thing.

"But it's said that the one who bares the Sealing Power and the Hero of Wields the Sword that Seals the Darkness can hear her voice." I exclaimed, as Link looked at me confused. 'Oops... said something I wasn't supposed to... again.' I thought mentally, as Link took a couple steps toward me.

"You heard 'her' before?" He questioned, tilting his head as if he were a puppy. Nodding, he suddenly placed his hand on my head before ruffling my hair lovingly, "We should probably keep going. The sun isn't going to be in the sky forever." Smiling at that blond hero, we continued our way to the Domain. "You've been to the Domain before, right?"

"Yeah! I don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm actually great friends with Mipha!!" I gloated, knowing that Link wins when it comes to knowing Mipha better; However, I knew there was something pretty important that Link didn't know about his childhood friend. As we passed over the Great Zora Bridge, I saw two red figures in the distance. One was definitely smaller than the other. Once we were close enough, the smallest figure ran over to me with such vigor, that I couldn't make out who it was at first.

"(Y/N)!" A childish voice rang, as he approached. Sidon jumped into my arms happily, as I scooped him up and started to swing him around. "(Y/N), I really missed you! I was so lonely while you weren't around, that I almost thought you were never coming back!!" Sidon exasperated, as I placed him back on the ground before kneeling to his level.

"Don't fret my little fish prince~" I cooed softly, as I tugged on his chubby, pink cheeks, "I'd always come back to you." I continued, as Sidon turned his face away from mine. A small blush adorned him, but I wasn't supposed to know such a detail. Quickly, I gasped, making him turn around in surprise, "Have you grown taller?!"

"Yes, I did! Two millimeters to be exact!!" Sidon stated proudly, as I stood on my feet once more. The young Prince attached himself to my leg immediately afterwards. Suddenly, Mipha appeared and smiled in my direction before focusing her full attention on Link.

"How are you, Link?" Mipha asked shyly, as Link focused on her features. I watched the two with a wholesome emotion in my heart. 'Why are these two so cute together?' I questioned myself mentally, feeling happy to reunite them; Sidon, on the other hand, wasn't so happy.

"I am well, what about you?" Link questioned, as Mipha gave him a quick, and shy, 'fine, thank you.' Link noticed how attached Sidon was to my leg before kneeling down to become face to face with said Prince. "And how are you, Prince Sidon?"

"I don't like your face." Sidon blurted, hiding behind my legs.

"Sidon!" Mipha hissed, clutching her spear in confusion. I glanced down at the Prince, as he glared at Link from behind the safety of my legs. "You need to apologize to Link, right now!" She exasperated firmly, however Sidon didn't say a word. Instead, he spoke to me.

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