Chapter 133

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The moment Link came back, he stared around the area, expecting to see me. However, I was nowhere to be found. I told him specifically that I would stay near the shrine so where was I? "Link! Up here!" Moving behind the shrine, he looked up to seen me in Hylia's hands. "Link, can you climb up here really quick." Following the request, he did as told, before meeting me up on Hylia. I stepped forward, before sitting on the edge. Link reciprocated. "I hope you get your memories back." A pause of silence, "We came here together once before. Zelda was here with us too. I still look back on that day."

"You and Zelda are good friends, aren't you?" I hesitated to answer, thinking off what to say.

"Yeah, I guess we are. I didn't know her all that well, and vice versa, but we got along well. When she is set free, I want to tell her everything I can. About this journey. About my time in my original universe. And about everything else that we missed out on."

Something within me conflicted with another sentient being, or rather thought. What were to happen when this world matches up with the end of the game. Do I get sent back? This ate me up since a few days prior. The idea surfaced when I was sleeping. Part of me wanted to go back home after this was all over. It was ideal. However... something little, miniscule even spoke a quiet, almost unheard, 'I don't want to go back.' I have gotten so attached to Hyrule, that I could hardly imagine my life going back to normal. I grew to love this way of life and the people I lived with. Link had become my best friend and my life without him would grow bleak and practically empty. To stay or to go back. I didn't know. The only reason why this thought didn't plague my entire mindset was due to the unknown future. I could only guess my fate in Hyrule, but I would never know, until Link and Zelda defeat Calamity Ganon. Such a mellowed out feeling. I had nothing to fear. As long as I held onto my determination, my faith, and my sanity, everything would work out. One way or another.

Link in that long moment remembered something. A memory that I could not foresee. He reminisced about the last time we were all here. When I told him about Skyloft and the Hero of the Sky. Link, despite knowing nothing of such a distant past, felt a strong connection to this ancient Hero. Stronger than anything he ever expected. Despite the past, the burning embers of his heart bristled, ignited. Never had he felt such a strong urge of aspiration and adoration. I didn't even notice he came to when he did. "Let's head back out. This place kinda freaks me out." Climbing down, we were on our way.


Tanagar Canyon is one of the worst places in Hyrule, ever. Seriously, I hate this place. There was no quick way out without teleporting, it didn't offer any good materials, and there were only two shrine. I would have liked it more if there were more shrines, more materials, and didn't look like a complete wasteland, but whatever. Hyrule had so much to offer that there was bound to be some empty areas. And it could always be worse. It could be the desert.

Link and I fought the two Black Bokoblins on horses and dealt with them quickly. Stealing their horses defiantly hurried the journey along. Sidetracking a little, Link obtained another Korok seed before we continued forward. After a short while, Link conquered Dunba Taag Shrine, and as divine gifts, he received a Falcon Bow and a Great Thunder Blade. "You should keep those for a while. They'll come in handy later." He agreed, not doubting my underlining warning. Passing by the Tanagar Canyon Course, we continued forward. Link got another Korok, fought Stone Pebblits and three Lizalfos, before we finally made it out of the Canyon. I breathed out a large sigh of relief, before we continued north. Link started to get a signal for a shrine, so his solution was to follow it, even though that already gotten us into some trouble. Upon approaching a slab of stone, he used Stasis to get rid of it, before he went in Kah Okeo Shrine. He came out with a Thunderspear.

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