Chapter 84

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I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

-Isaac Newton

'How did I get into this situation?' I asked myself, as I rode next to Princess Zelda and Link. It was silent. Too silent. For a total of ten days, I rode around taking brief notes about ancient Hylian structures; However, I naturally came up empty handed. I had written down notes in my journal about my next two excursions: The Lanayru Promenade and Forgotten Temple. As I was riding to the Forgotten Temple, I happened to come across Link and Zelda. They were riding out of Castle Town just as I was riding past. I tried to divert; However, Zelda spotted me before I could. She asked what I was doing. I told her that I was headed to Rito Village, which was another lie that I had to pallet. She insisted that I travel with her, which I couldn't refuse. Link, the whole time, had a blank expression written on his handsome features. 'I'm so dead.' I thought, as the ride to wherever they were going was long and silent.

"So..." Zelda started, not really knowing what to say. I gulped back some saliva in fear, as she did so, "Where are you actually off to this time?" Her voice was sweet and clear as sugar water; However, Zelda's eyes gazed at me with a plethora of emotions. The two most dominant were confusion and pity. 'Why is there no malice or spite in her eyes?' I wondered, before looking down at my horse's mane. I slowly brushed my fingers through the horsehair, trying to find a responsible answer.

"I-I'm... um..." I stuttered, kicking myself for being so obvious. Glancing back at Link, I noticed that there wasn't any hatred in his crystal blue eyes. No anger. Just traces of vague curiosity, "I was planning on going to the Tanagar Canyon, Princess Zelda. I believe there is something worth looking at down there, so... I was like 'why not...' you know?" A sigh would have escaped my lips if I wasn't right in front of the Princess and her escort.

"Yes, I have considered the possibility of Tanagar Canyon housing something more than what we let on. Do you mind if we join you, (Y/N)?" My (E/C) eyes grew wide in shock, as panic rushed through my brain and heart. I thought that Zelda hated me. If I were in her situation, I would have probably stayed clear of myself undoubtedly; However, here she was, knowing the dangers that was to come if she stood by me. Link rode behind the both of us, looking at my figure earnestly. I had little to no clue what was going on. I thought I was a traitor. A danger that Zelda has every right to stay away from. Yet... she wanted to come. And I couldn't say no.

We rode around Hyrule Ridge and over the Tabantha Great Bridge. Then we followed the road until we were between Rayne Hylians and Nero Hill. The area around us was considered a wasteland. Not a single structure was in sight, as all there stood was dehydrated ground and the occasional bush. A pack of wolves could be seen, but they luckily didn't pay any mind to us. Entering the canyon, we slowly rode down. The atmosphere was cold, and silence filled the inexplicable void. I wanted to say something, but I was too scared. The old me would have kept the silence, and I wasn't really her anymore. "Princess Zelda? I don't mean this in any ill-tempered way, but... why did you want to come along?" I asked, as she stared at me intensely, still no ill will in her eyes.

"We are friends, aren't we not? I thought it would be interesting to go along on one of your adventures. I thought it to be remarkable, and so far, it rather is." She answered, as emotions filtered in and out of me.

"I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but why? You were almost killed because of me, Zelda! How are we still friends when the odds are against me tenfold? When there is so much proof that I'm..." I stuttered before Zelda rode up next to me and gave me a large, kind smile.

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