Chapter 105

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The shift galloping of horses inhabited the eardrums of anyone who passed by. At the forefront of it all was myself, as Link rode behind me. This journey felt like a broken record. Back and forth. Until the end of time. And every time I would pass through, I would feel large amounts of mental heartbreak. I couldn't believe that this was happening. Not to me. My past self's fears had come true, that I would remain in Hyrule after the Calamity had stricken the land. The only difference was my innate fear of dying to a Guardian, or anything of that nature. As anyone could see I was still alive and thriving all too clearly. I didn't process my blaring thoughts well, as I pushed my feelings aside for the greater good of my sanity. I had plenty of time to think on the Great Plateau, and even then, I was abstinent, and only focusing on when Link would awaken from his slumber. All that really passed through my brain was the collapse of Hyrule in itself.

Taking a sharp right, we continued to travel around the Great Plateau and near Gatepost Town Ruins. I had slowed my pace, knowing that the destination was nearing. Link slowed down his abstinent steed, before riding behind my figure. I could feel his stares. I tried to ignore them, but they were too strong. I needed to be the bigger person, even if I really wasn't. Just like everyone else in this cursed kingdom, I had sinned time and time again. Rain clouds swarmed over the lot of Hyrule, as Link and I continued to our destination. First one droplet than two, until there was a downpour. Lightning struck the general area, as thunder followed after. Again and again.

"Looks like we're going to be stuck here for a while..." I murmured, not needing, or desiring an answer from him. The storm was unrelenting, and it didn't appear to be drifting away. We would be stuck there for a long while. A part of me wanted to say something, however, there was nothing to say. He pulled out his Sheikah Slate and started to look at all the memories that were present. Some were obvious, but incredibly difficult to get to, while others were lost in the scenery, impossible to find unless one stumbles upon it. "I once knew you personally... you know." I finally spoke, gazing at the slate with blank eyes. I caught his attention, as he looked upon me vacuously. "I've seen much of you, Link. However, as you are now, I'm not positive I know you anymore. And... I don't expect you to understand why I stick with you, but I hope that helps a little." The rain continued to fall even at such a late hour. I grabbed a blanket, before curling myself up. It was thin but wasn't incredibly awful either. I fell into a dreamless sleep, as Link kept watch over our surroundings.

The next morning, I woke up feeling groggy. Sitting up, I looked around at the area. I was in the same place. The only difference was the lack of Link. In my tired state, I threw my blanket aside. 'I cannot believe he left?!' I yelled mentally, before my eyes landed on Link's newly made horse. A whiff of cooked apples wafted through my nostrils, as I tilted my head upwards. Looking behind me, I saw Link near a built fire, cooking some apples on a stick. Three to be exact. And none of them were for me. Pulling out my own supply, I bit into the first one my hands tightened around. We ate in silence, before I got up to feed my own horse. After extinguishing the flame, the blond Hero returned to his steed before we continued forward.

Turning off from a familiar apple tree, we continued up the silent dirt road. Turning again, I was met with Lake Kolomo. I hoped to anyone listening that he would remember. If not... than I messed up big time. Stopping near the water I remained there, as the blond knight wandered around the area. The water was a crystal blue. It hadn't been touched by mankind for a very long time. I wanted to dip my finger in the lake out of boredom, but I held back, thinking I might ruin it. Glancing back at Link, I watched as he walked around with his Sheikah Slate adjusting his position to find the perfect spot.

Eventually he found it. Lowering the slate, he continued to take glances from the picture to the scenery. A quick gasp, then he was in memory mode. After a moment, he returned from his dream like state, drawing in a breath of held in air. Standing up from the shore, the male and I continued to make eye contact. My expression was monotone, before I took my gaze away. I debated about saying anything, which I decided against. "Was that Princess Zelda?" Link questioned, the moment I was out of his view. Turning around to face him, I nodded.

"So, what now?" I questioned, "Where do you think we should head to next?" He looked upon his empty map blanky, not having conquered any of the other towers. He looked about, before pointing northwest. I turned to match his trajectory, seeing Medoh. "You... want to go for a Divine Beast?" Looking back at him in query, he nodded. I hadn't noticed the Divine Beast until that exact moment, or at the very least, didn't care to look at it. My heart rate started to increase slowly, but surely. That Divine Beast wasn't nothing to me. It was Revali's. Turning away from the beast, my brain started to think of hundreds, no thousands of ways Revali bit the dust. Flashes traveled in and out, like a cycle. One after another. The game never ends. Eventually, I pulled myself together. 'More the reason to go... I need to avenge him...' I thought. Gazing at Link with great determination, I nodded my head briskly, before grabbing my horse's reigns. Jumping on, I started to ride with Link down the road we had just treaded across.

However, there was one thing different. A woman, hunched over and crying, was in the middle of the road. Immediately, Link approached her without another word. I tried to stop him, but there was no halting his actions. Not even for a second. I gripped my Feathered Edge, waiting for the attack. "What's wrong?"

Another sniffle, before she answered, "I want... I need..." Her muttering made barely any sense, however, Link managed to catch what she was spouting.

"What do you need?" He questioned.

"I need... grilled salmon." The woman blurted, continuing to shiver.

"You... what?" Link questioned, confusedly. The woman looked around before making eye contact with myself for a moment. She stood up straight, gazing back into the blond Hero's eyes.

"And also... the hero's life!" She yelled, transforming herself into a Yiga Footsoldier. "Got to admit, I'm surprised to still see you alive!" She taunted, pointing her weapon at me. "I guess it doesn't matter. Prepare to die!" The Yiga Footsoldier came running up to Link, attempting to dive her sickle into his shoulder. However, the blond Hero managed to block it with an old blade that he found on the side of the road. Grabbing out my bow, I shot an arrow into the Yiga Footsoldier's leg. Said Footsoldier, groveled in pain, as I took the chance to draw my own blade. However, the battle was already over. "Drat!" She yelled, before disappearing into a puff of smoke and talismans.

"Shallwe be on our way?"

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