Chapter 91

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"Revali!" I exasperated happily, running up to him to give him a large hug. He returned it as quickly as it was given. I hadn't seen him in almost three months, so acting clingy was only natural, "How have you been? I hope you have been in good health."

"I have been, (Y/N). There isn't a reason to worry about me." I always forgot how gentle Revali could be when he was comfortable. I wish we had more moments like this. They felt nice. "The real question is, what are you doing all the way in the Faron?" He asked, tilting his head to the side in questioning. I was suddenly reminded of my current mission.

"We were about to go do some research connected to the Zonai. I... don't think I actually wrote to you about that, did I?" I queried, feeling a little guilty for not telling him something so important. After all, when I wrote that letter, I had just directed my attention to my research. Revali's expression became very vague.

"No, you didn't. Oh! But speaking on the topic!" Suddenly, Revali gripped his two feathered fingers against my cheek before squeezing it harshly. "That's what you get when you take my bomb arrows without permission! Honestly!! I don't know how I tolerate such asinine behavior." The navy Rito huffed, before he turned away from my figure, obviously annoyed. Smiling a little, I stepped in front of his feathered figure.

"Because you love me~" I teased jokingly, as Revali stared down at my happy figure.

"You're an idiot, and that is final." Revali scoffed, before he snapped out of it, "Wait, you said 'we' didn't you?" At first, I was confused. 'We?' I thought, 'What is he talking about?' Before I could answer, a twig snapped from under another person's foot, which so happened to be the blond knight that Revali despised. I was suddenly reminded, as Revali stared at Link with an unstable glare fixated on him, "Oh, um... Revali? I'm sure you know Link. He had the day off, so I thought it would be fun to go into the Zonai Ruins with him." Without so much as a warning, Revali's feathers puffed out, making him take the shape of a ball.

"Revali! What's wrong?! I didn't even know you could do that!!" My concern slowly became amazement as I gazed upon my mentor. At the speed of light, Revali skyrocketed into the sky and disappeared for a moment. An echo of a frustrated scream met Link and I's ears, before Revali flew back to us. "Are you okay, Revali? I know it's a stupid question but-" Before I could continue any further, Revali spoke.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). I'm fine." Revali reassured, before giving Link a disheartening glare, "However, I can't let you go on this expedition by yourselves, so I will do you both the honor of accompanying you along your journey."

"You really want to come, Revali? I'm not saying you can't!! It's just... adventuring doesn't seem like your thing." I tried to sound as polite and nice as possible, to avoid hurting Revali's feelings. It didn't seem like I did; However, something else seemed to upset him. But what, I wondered.

"Just because it isn't 'my thing,' doesn't mean I wouldn't want to do it with you. You are my most prized student. I wouldn't wish for you to go to such a desolate area with someone... like him." Looking back at Link, I saw a soft glare in Revali's direction; However, the blond hero's expression still went unnoticed by the navy bird who wanted a reaction from the knight so much.

"Okay..." I sighed, knowing that this excursion was going to be nothing but frustrating with Revali and Link at each other's necks, "But if you two are coming with me, that means no fighting. No glaring. No nothing. The last thing I want is my two friends fighting and for everyone to get some weird form of mountain madness. Deal?" They glared at one another without saying a single word. Finally, Revali huffed before placing his eyes on my own. It was an unspoken agreement; However, I knew it wouldn't last. Revali and Link were bound to find a loophole. But besides the blatant truth, I decided to believe that they wouldn't fight. "Alright. Shall we be off then?" Both of them nodded, before we continued down the forested road.

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