Chapter 119

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And just like that, we were on Stolock Bridge, looking out to the now peaceful Death Mountain. Gorons, once scared to leave their city, were now able to walk about freely, without a care in the entire world. Well... maybe not all the way, but they were no longer being terrorized by Divine Beast Vah Rudania at the very least. "So Yunobo, what are you going to do now?" I queried, as the much taller male stared at me gently. He was unsure, which made me giggle, "It's alright. You'll know exactly what you want in due time."

"W-Well, (Y/N). There is... something I want to do..." He spoke, gaining my attention. 'A dream,' I thought, 'He didn't really have one in the game.' I listened. "I want to protect the Goron, just as you and Link did. Including grandpa." This made me smile.

"That is a wonderful dream." I commented, however, I knew that wasn't what he wanted to say. There was something else on his mind. Something more intimate than I would ever know. In reality, he wanted to protect not only his people, but me as well. This was his dream. Yunobo, though shy and a little rough around the edges, was in love.

"What are you going to do after you leave Death Mountain?"

"I'm going to follow Link." I stated valorously. As much as Yunobo could tell, I didn't have a speck of uncertainty in my voice. "He's my friend, and just like you, I promised someone important to me that I would stick with him until the end. Whether or not it is a happy one. Though, I'm positive that it will be nothing but wonderful." Letting out a soft coo, my (E/C) eyes directed toward the Goron. He seemed insecure about something, "Hm? What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I gave him a knowing look before he went on. Obviously, it wasn't just 'nothing,' "You see... I want to see you... and Link again someday. Promise me that after you do everything you need to do, you'll come back to Death Mountain to meet me once again."

"That, I promise." I swore, shaking his large hand. Of course, it was too big for mine, so I shook his finger instead. "In the meantime, would you like to mine some ore with me?"

The clang of iron and Luminous Stone met my ears, before I collected the fragments to put in my bag. "I didn't know you had such a hobby like this, (Y/N). What do you need all this ore for?" It was more of a habit than anything else. I mined for other ore that day, collecting everything I could, even Flint. However, I loved holding onto Luminous Stone because the Zora needed it more than I ever could. 'The Zora...' I thought to myself, 'I wonder how Sidon is doing...?' After another moment, Yunobo brought me out of my train of thought. "(Y/N)?"

"Oh, um... Luminous Stone brings in a good amount if you sell 'em to the right people." I explained, as I hit another ore deposit. "Besides, I love mining. It makes me happy. It's therapeutic, don't you agree?"

"Would you like me to take over for a minute?" Yunobo insisted meekly, though I understood why. I still wasn't in the strongest state, and I probably looked stupid flinging around that hammer. Agreeing, I gave him the weapon. Unlike his usual self, his usual energy changed on a dime and represented something similar to a fiery storm of courage and determination. After all the ore in the area were devastated, he gave me all the ore and my hammer back.

"Yunobo! That was amazing!! OH my God!!" I freaked out, waving my arms around wildly, "It was like bam! And whoosh!! And then bam, bam, bam!!" Yunobo watched the entire occurrence with a flabbergasted like gaze. "Just like your grandfather, I suppose."

"Huh? How do you know that?!" He expressed timidly. In no way shape or form was his words meant to interrogate, however, they were enough so to throw me for a loop. 'What do I say? How am I supposed to explain this?!' I thought, biting my tongue in panic. That was before he remembered my expert level fib. "Oh, yeah. I forgot that our grandparents knew each other."

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