Chapter 66

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I lay on the naturally made bed, feeling at peace with myself. No problems had woken me up that morning. Not a blistering headache. Not a painful cramp, or crick. I had forgotten that I was sleeping in the Great Deku Tree's navel, as I heard cute voices whisper over me. "Miss Seer is really pretty!" One spoke.

"I wonder if she knows Mister Hero." Another spoke.

"Come on guys, leave her alone. She's going to wake up!" Stirring a little, I sat up and tiredly rubbed my (E/C) eyes. As I looked at my surroundings, I saw three Koroks sitting on each side of the moss-covered bed. One to my left, one to my right, and the last at the end. Each one was looking at me. Picking the left one up, I instinctively nuzzled him as he let out small giggles, "Miss Seer, the Great Deku Tree told us to tell you that he wants to talk to you." I timidly nodded my head in upholding, before slowly getting up from the comfortable leaf-made mattress. I had left my things and shoes by the foot of the bed, as I walked out of the decorated navel. I walked by the large root and made my way to the small, cut down podium. I waited for his words.

"I am sorry to say that I was indeed correct the first time, Seer. I do not know the current location of your device. When I try to think on it, my memories are enshrouded by incredible darkness. I apologize again, Seer." The Great Deku Tree apologized, moving his mustache around. My (E/C) eyes were coated in a thin layer of tears, as I tried to pull myself together; However, the best I could manage was keeping my tears at bay. My body language was really shining through the darkness.

"Please don't call me a seer. I am no such thing. I only said that to sound more convincing for the King and his subordinates. I'm no one special Great Deku Tree. Sadly, I am just a bystander who saw the impending future that anyone could see under the right circumstances." I spoke, disheartened by the whole ordeal. Were those last few months for nothing?

"You have seen so much, (Y/N). More than I have. As far as I am aware, you have seen all the way into the far-off past, when the people of Hyrule lived in the sky, for the first time. You have witnessed events that I, myself, can't barely comprehend and many hardships of those with the blood of the Goddess and the soul of the Hero. You are an individual who has seen the muddled history and the inexplicable future. Whether or not you believe that you have seen these things, I can guarantee that in the eyes of every person in Hyrule, you are a seer. One who has had visions that could benefit the entirety of Hyrule. You are free to stay or leave at what will. I will not stop you. I wish you luck on your quest to find your 'switch.'" The Deku Tree assured, leaving me a bittersweet feeling in my mouth. But hope started to flood through my senses.

"But Great Deku Tree, you said that you didn't know the current location of my switch, correct? That means that it is somewhere in Hyrule! Just somewhere I haven't looked yet!! Thank you for all your help, and I think I am going to stay in Korok Forest for a little while longer, if you don't mind." Before he could answer, or even reply, I ran off his roots. If I looked back at him, which I didn't, he would've had a disappointed and pitiful expression on his wooden features. He didn't have the heart to tell me the truth. Everything seemed so painfully beautiful. The tall greenery, the beautiful flower strewn about, and the tiny spirits dancing to the sound of maracas. 'Wait, what?' Following the sound of the music, I eventually found myself looking at a large, familiar Korok with unforgettable maracas in each hand.

"Oh, hello Miss Seer!" Hestu cheered, waving his instruments around out of sheer delight. Around him were smaller Koroks. I had made a complete circle around the Great Deku Tree and found myself where Hestu usually stands. "Would you like to hear a song?" Nodding, he started swishing around his large instruments. The music sounded fine, but it didn't really have a melody or rhythm. I just passed it off and listened quietly, as the Koroks secretly braided my hair. Once they were done, they placed Silent Princesses and smaller flowers into the strands. Feeling relaxed, the Koroks started to cheer and ran toward the entrance of Korok Forest as they pushed on my legs for me to move. Out of curiosity, I allowed them to lead me to the stone platform. Silence overcame the area, before Korok started to cheer 'Mister Hero!' Before I could run away, a couple of Korok sat on my lap to keep me in place.

At that moment, I made eye contact with the Hero of the Wild. Though his face was vague, he was shocked to see me here of all places. Unlike last time, his bright blue Champion's Garb shined in the sun, making him look more attractive than usual. The Master Sword was placed on his back, and his blue eyes sparkled underneath bits of his blond hair. "What are you doing here?" He asked, before looking at the approaching Koroks welcoming him back into the forest. Taking the chance, he walked up to me as he held a Korok in his hands, "Can you see them?" I timidly nodded, looking to the ground for any courage.

"Haha! Of course, Miss Seer can see us!! Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to play with us!!" The Korok in Link's hands laughed, before the blond hero let the spirit down. Something had changed in the hero's eyes. The last time we talked, he was unnecessarily cold, but at that moment, he seemed unsure, but respectful.

"Um... I'm sorry about whatever I have done to you, Link. I mean no disrespect to you or Princess Zelda." I wanted to speak more, but I realized I had nothing else to say to the blond hero. A small blush faded onto my cheeks as I realized how handsome Link was. But I forced myself to stop thinking about things like that! I had no right to feel anything along those lines. He did hate me, after all.

"Link, I believe you already know Miss (Y/N)." Link grunted in upholding, before the Deku Tree continued, "It is not my place to push any sort of relationship on either of you, but I wonder why you don't get along. You both are more alike than you know. After all, your sacred goal is the same." Feeling unneeded, I jogged into the navel to retrieve my belongings, before quickly saying a mumbled goodbye. I ran to the open-mouthed tree and jumped inside.

After I was teleported away, Link and the Great Deku Tree had a conversation, "I know what you are thinking, young hero. You still have your reservations about the seer, don't you?"

"How could I not?" Link muttered, as the Deku Tree let out a mighty chuckle.

"I have no control over who you choose to trust, but she only has good intentions. No malice lurks inside of her. In many ways, she reminds me of Princess Zelda. Just this once, dear hero, trust her as much as you trust in me. With her on Hyrule's side, victory could not be more certain." The Great Deku Tree sighed, as the little Koroks played about. Link had originally come to the forest to ask the wise tree some questions about the Master Sword; However, he had gotten terribly lost and aimlessly searched through the woods. Once he made it through, he saw a beautiful girl in the distance, seemingly playing with the Koroks. The girl was none other than myself. Link knew in that moment, that I couldn't have been so bad. After all, the Koroks could sense evil in a person. The only people the Koroks appeared to was Link, Zelda, and myself. If I was marked as the enemy, then how come I haven't caused any trouble, and why would the Korok trust me if that were the case? At that moment, Link didn't think I was so bad. In fact, he was a little disheartened by my sudden leave. So, Link made a private oath to himself alone, that the next time we met, he would apologize even though he didn't completely trust me at the current time.

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