Chapter 67

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Out of the woods, I fled, with nothing to hold me back apart from guilt. 'Why did I leave in such a rush?' I scolded, walking down the dirt I once treaded before. The opaque mist had long lifted, but I hadn't realized that until I heard the sound of training. I had lifted my head to see the Military Training Camp, as soldiers worked diligently, whether through combat, general endurance, or archery, 'Maybe I should have stayed...' Letting out an exasperated sigh, I continued to the stable. The knights were gone, and it was as barren as usual. It was like they were never even there to begin with, "I would like to take out my horse from the stable system." The stable man nodded, before going to get my horse. And there (he/she) was, happy to see me once more. (H/N) was the only stable thing in my life. Getting on the steed, I steered (H/N) toward the road. I would take my shortcut to the Royal Laboratory. I knew I was going to be early, but I only had about twenty more days until I had to come back anyway. So might as well report back to Robbie early and have a couple extra days to search. Besides, I needed to see a friendly face. It had been a stressful couple of months.

I rode south of Elma Knolls, toward Irch Plain. I had resorted to trotting since the journey wasn't that long. A familiar field of flowers had reached my vision which drew a small smile across my features. 'What a lovely sight...' I cooed before stumbling onto a stone path. Looking in both directions, I saw that it was a road to the Royal Laboratory. I had no idea there was a path here; Nevertheless, I continued toward the tall building with a large telescope on top of the roof. Busy Sheikah researchers made their way in and out. The building itself was a beehive of ultimate knowledge and study. Tying my horse's reigns to a nearby tree, I slowly walked up to the entrance. Two guards were stationed on either side of the door. Weirdly, all the people vanished as if they didn't exist at all. I walked up to the door alone. "Who are you? Speak your business!" One guard yelled, making me freeze up under his covered yet intense gaze

"My name is (Y/N), and I'm here to see Robbie." The guard that yelled at me before, nodded toward the other, before said guard went inside the building. Waiting patiently for his return, I looked down at my feet in boredom. The guard came back out and held the door open for me, "Thank you." As I went through the entrance, I was tackled by a familiar white-haired male.

"Cherry! You're early!!" He cheered, letting go of the suffocating embrace and holding onto my shoulders. Becoming flustered, he let go completely, and scratched the back of his head, "What are you doing here so soon?"

"Well... I was passing by, and since I only had a couple of days left anyway, I decided to come and get my progress out of the way." I explain, as Robbie walked me through the impressive laboratory. A plethora of Sheikah researchers were busy with their work, as we passed them by. Robbie had sat me down near his desk, pulling out a notebook titled, 'Cherry's Research.' He had urged me to continue with a handsome smile on his features, "I... still came up empty handed. I had looked in Gerudo Desert and all of Lanayru, but no luck. I had also gone to visit Korok Forest, but the Great Deku Tree told me directly that he doesn't know where my switch is now; However, he did mention that it was in Hyrule. I plan to look anywhere else I can, but I'm sorry to say that I have had no speck of luck." I finish, as Robbie is writing down notes.

"Still empty handed, huh? Sorry to hear about that, Cherry. If it makes you feel better, I haven't had any luck either." In what way did this make me feel better about my current situation? In no sense did this news make me feel any ounce of positive emotion; However, I couldn't be mad at Robbie. Getting a better look at the male, he looked awful. Like he hasn't slept in days. Looking across the room at Purah, she looked to be in the same state. I gave Robbie a weak smile, before taking one of his hands in mine

"How does that make me feel better? You are losing sleep because of me, and for what? A piece of technology that none of us understand. I-I'm sorry Robbie... I didn't mean t-to overexert you!" Silent tears fell from my cheeks, as everything felt hopeless. Even with Robbie's hand in mine, I still felt the world crumbling around me. After a moment, the genius eccentric, took both of my hands in his in order to calm me down. He lifted up my chin so I could meet his goggles.

"Let's go outside to get some fresh air, okay? We both need it." Without protest, Robbie grabbed his notebook before leading me outside the building. He had taken me behind the Royal Laboratory and toward the field of flowers on Irch Plain. Burning tears were still fresh in my eyes. Without much reason, I hugged him as tight as I could. I needed this. I'm sure I did. He returned it wholeheartedly, letting the breeze be the only sound present, "Cherry, you don't need to be sorry. It's okay to be selfish sometimes!" He chuckled hold my head to his chest.

"I-I just really missed you." I whispered, however the white-haired male heard it. I didn't see it, but Robbie's face was covered in a hot, aching blush. Those five words made his entire day, "And I hate to see you become so sleep deprived."

"Oh Cherry, I'm usually like this. Please don't cry anymore... When you cry, I can't help but worry." And just like that, I stopped crying. Robbie's tired but genuine smile graced his handsome features. Calming down, I sat down by the tree's trunk as Robbie did the same, "Cherry, there is something I have to ask you. It is about where you came from." I nodded, signaling for him to continue, "There had to be a place where you first appeared, so, pray tell, where was that exactly?"

"It was a cave." I answered briefly.

"A cave?"

"Yes, it's called the Shrine of Resurrection. It's intended purpose is to resuscitate anyone who is put into the pool; However, this process will take a long while to hold effective. It is located on the Great Plateau, and it is where I found my gamecard." I explained further, leaning my head against the tree.

"You know, I have to head to the Great Plateau for some business tomorrow. Maybe you should come so you can show me the cave. That way, I won't have to aimlessly search, and you could spend the entire day with me!" I giggled at the genius eccentric's antics. Something about Robbie ignited a certain fire in me, one of pure ecstasy and happiness. Everything that Robbie did always drew a smile across my face. Agreeing, Robbie gave me his signature smile, and started to lead me back to the laboratory. Based on the sun's position, I deducted that it was practically dinner. Once at the lab, I started to sketch a poor looking Shrine of Resurrection for Robbie, "So, you just woke up in there without any prior knowledge on how you appeared into this world. The last thing you remember is being in your home and falling asleep with your device close to you. Interesting..." Faster than I have ever written before, Robbie's graceful hand danced its way across the pages in his notebook. Hours passed, and the Sheikah researchers slowly disappeared. Late into the night, it was just me and Robbie left.

"Um, I should get going." Robbie sent me a questioning look, "There doesn't seem to be a lot of room in the Laboratory, and I would hate to mess something up on accident. S-So I thought going to the Serenne Stable would be a... good idea."

"Cherry, you can just stay here for the night. I'm pretty sure Purah would be more than happy to share her room for such a short time. Why don't you go ask her? She has the biggest room on the top floor." Puffing my cheeks out in frustration, I let a sigh of indulgence. I always knew that Robbie was a push-over toward Purah, but I never knew to what extent. Picking up my things, I climbed up the ladder all the way to the top floor where two room were set up. One was practically the size of an oversized closest, and the other filled most of the upstairs. Knocking on the door, I waited for Purah to answer. Once she did, she looked groggy and all around cranky. 'This was a mistake...' I thought to myself.

"R-Robbie said I could stay with you." After my unsure words flew out of my mouth, the eccentric genius stepped aside allowing me into the room. Papers were scattered everywhere, and Guardian Scout heads were piled up to the ceiling. Finding a place on the floor that wasn't covered with any papers, I laid out my blankets before curling up. I felt the need to speak, but it was late and Purah didn't look to be in the best mood. Sighing to myself, I shut my eyes, waiting for the next day to follow.

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