Chapter 45

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Another distasteful week had passed by, and Master Kohga was not pleased. Everything had annoyed my Master, even peeling bananas! (Y/N) had been with the Yiga Clan for almost a half month, yet everything has turned on its side. While the Footsoldiers and Blademasters loved her to death, my Master was not keen on her in the slightest. We've been trying to get any information we could out of her, but she hasn't said anything besides the fact that she woke up in the cave and didn't remember anything prior to said events; However, I deemed this to be untrue. How do I know this? The girl herself had admitted to living in Greyham, so she does remember where and what she was doing, before finding herself in that cave, but even this seems a little off to me. Greyham was a very poor kingdom that was mainly used as farmland. She would stick out like a sore thumb in Greyham due to her attitude and her ears.

The cute, tiny girl has been lying right to our faces, but I didn't dare tell my Master. I feared that this girl was far more of a threat that the Yiga Clan thinks she is. Something about those eyes. Her big, (E/C) eyes knew something. Something bigger than me, Master Kohga, or the Yiga Clan. Those eyes have witnessed something far bigger than Hyrule itself. Because of this sneaking suspicion, I decided to look into this girl myself. And the only information I found on her wasn't bigger than the Yiga Clan, but at least Master Kohga would appreciate it.


"You woke up in this cave." Kohga stated, pointing at a painting of the Shrine of Resurrection.

"Yes." I replied.

"And in this cave, there is only one exit and one entrance. It's the same way." The leader continued.

"Okay." I replied again, a smug smile painted on my lips.

"And my men had been guarding this cave three months before you came out of it." Master Kohga implored.

"Okay." I repeated.

"When my men checked if there was any life present, they could only find light footsteps from when you walked out of said cave." The leader informed steadily getting closure to my chained-up body.

"Okay." I repeated for the third time. My smile still remained.

"So the only way for you to walk out of said cave is for you to have been magically transported into it." Kohga apprised, staring me dead in the eye.

"That makes sense to me." I commented.

"Then how did you get in the cave?" Master Kohga asked, getting right into my face. I held the urge to gag. I put on an innocent expression.

"I told you, I woke up in there."

"You little... rotten banana peel!!" Master Kohga screamed, stomping his feet up and down as if he was a toddler who was denied a treat from his mother. Sooga and a couple of guards gasped in surprise at what assaulted their ears. Sooga walked up to Kohga.

"Master Kohga, don't you think that was a little too harsh?!" Sooga muttered loudly, urging Kohga to apologize for the insult he had just thrown at me; However, I knew he wasn't sorry, and he wouldn't apologize even if it meant life or death.

"Don't tell me how to feel Sooga!" Master Kohga argued, folding his arms over his chest in anger, before pointing at me accusingly once more, "She's the one thing preventing us from success, and she won't even answer my questions!! I going to kill her!!!" Somehow, his obsessive screeching became even louder than it was before. I covered my ears to block out the sound, but it still came through. Sooga managed to calm his Master down.

"Master Kohga, why don't you go on a banana break and relax for a while? Let me interrogate the girl alone." Sooga requested taking Kohga's arm and lead him out of the Red Room. They shared some words, which I couldn't hear from so far away. Kohga looked back at me a couple of times, before leaving me with Sooga. The guards had also disappeared in a cluster of smoke. It was just me and the stoic ape, "He's going to kill you at this rate, (Y/N). Why don't you tell us the information that we need to know before such a tragedy befalls you?"

"You wouldn't even believe me if I did tell you the truth. Besides, even if I did tell you, it wouldn't be of use to the Yiga Clan, or even Master Kohga. It is only a burden to anyone who has the curse of knowing about it." I spoke sadly, not wanting to talk about my upbringing in this world. I knew death was fiercely banging on my door, but I just didn't have the stupidity to tell a cult something so important. Sooga stayed quiet and just gazed upon me for a minute. He had no idea how I was feeling, and to him, it seemed like my emotions changed with a flip of a coin. One moment, I was sassy and unreasonable, but the next moment, I was solemn and broken, "Sooga? Do you believe in the impossible? Perhaps the improbable? Because if you don't, then I doubt you'll believe my words."

Sooga unchained me from the chair I was sitting in and teleported me back into my cell. Immediately after I got back, I grabbed Revali's shield and held it close. So badly, I wanted to be in someone familiar's arms. Revali and Robbie, at the time, were the only people who understood what I was going through. I wished I was back with the both of them, safe and warm. I just wanted security again. Once I fell asleep, Sooga disappeared and had a conversation with Master Kohga. One I wouldn't know about until much later.

"Sooga?! I didn't call for you!!" Master Kohga shouted softly, as Sooga walked up to his Master. He bowed down and lightly kissed the leader's hand out of respect. Sooga got on his knees before looking upon Kohga with seriousness.

"Master Kohga, I bring news about the current prisoner. This time the news is far more significant. There was a report a day after the current one we are asking the girl about. Apparently, she had an audience with King Rhoam." Sooga explained, as Kohga sat up on his podium. Sooga grabbed a report out of nowhere and started to speak again, "The report said, and I quote, 'Your Majesty. I am the Seer (Y/N) (L/N) and I have come here to tell you of the dangers that is to come, which heavily involve Calamity Ganon. Near Princess Zelda's seventeenth birthday, Calamity Ganon will take control of everything you and the kingdom have been supposedly working for. Ganon will take over the Guardians, the Castle, the Divine Beasts... everything! The mass majority of Hyrule will be devasted, if not destroyed. So please, Your Majesty, I beg you to prepare better for the incoming destruction of our livelihoods.' End quote. She has admitted being a seer and there were several Yiga witnesses that were at that audience. They have accepted this as truth."

"So the girl is a seer, huh?" Master Kohga thought out loud, as he gently stroked his mask, "The dots are aligning to when we first met her... Sooga! Cancel that appointment with that other seer. We don't need him anymore; We have the girl now." With that, Sooga disappeared. Kohga couldn't stop plotting his enemies' demise.

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