Chapter 80

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A nice, quiet sleep that made me feel warmth in the deep depths of my softly beating heart. Everything felt so nice, until... "(Y/N)?" A voice spoke abruptly. Pulling the covers over my head, I tried to go back to sleep, "(Y/N)! I know you're awake. Get up!" The covers were torn off my body, as I let out a small whine in distaste. Opening my crusty eyes, I was met with Zelda. I was not in the mood, but I guessed it was something important. "Come on, let's go do some research. Link is asleep, so this will be my only chance to have some free time."

"Zelda, no offense, but that is a terrible idea. You and I almost got eaten by a Molduga yesterday, and I refuse to leave this town without Urbosa and or Link with us." I stated, putting on some shorts and my Hylian tunic. Zelda pouted for a second, before getting an idea.

"Fine..." She exasperated, placing a hand on my bag before picking it up, "Challenge accepted!" With that she ran off with my stuff. I ran after her; However, she lead me out of town and into the desert. The sun had risen, yet the temperature was still pretty cold. I shivered a couple of times, as I ran after the Princess. In what situation would I have to chase after a Princess who stole my bag?! 'Now apparently...' I thought to myself. When I caught up to the scholarly Princess, we were almost to Kara Kara Bazaar. She laughed hysterically, as I swiped my bag from her quickly. "Now that I successfully got you out of Gerudo Town, will you excavate with me?" Feeling defeated, I agreed with a grain of salt. With me in tow, Zelda dragged me to the ruins in front of the Northern Icehouse. Once we made it, I was immediately on edge.

I was getting a weird feeling, as I looked at my surroundings. We were being watched, but by who? A gut feeling was telling me to expect to worse, as I grabbed out my bow and some arrows. I hoped that it was Sooga or Link, but deep down, I knew that there were several eyes watching our every move. My eyes darted around as paranoia filled my senses. "Zelda, I think we should get back to Gerudo Town." I urged, as Zelda glanced over her shoulder in confusion, "Don't you feel their eyes?" I felt like I was going crazy, but I felt it better to act on my emotions then outright ignore them. My instincts hadn't failed me yet. Taking the Princess's hand, I started to run back to Gerudo Town; However, I was stopped by a familiar figure. I pointed an arrow toward his head, but this didn't faze him in the slightest. 'Sooga... why?' I wanted to ask, but I knew the answer. "W-What are you doing here? What do you want?" I tried to keep my threatening tone and stance, but it wasn't enough. Sooga snapped his fingers making Footsoldiers appear before my eyes.

"My Master is becoming impatient." He stated flatly. The odd part was his tone. It sounded all too genuine, "You are to come with me quietly and discreetly. I will not ask you again." Sooga's cold tone, sent shivers down my spine; However, I continued to shield the Princess. Sooga grabbed my shoulder and tugged me toward his muscular body. Princess Zelda was in full view, "As for the bystander... kill her." Tears bubbled into Zelda's eyes as she gazed upon me. She was hurt and confused.

"Zelda..." I breathed, "Run!" I elbowed Sooga in the stomach and bit his hand, before taking Zelda's hand in mine and ran toward Kara Kara Bazaar. Zelda kept asking what was going on, but my only answer was, "I'll tell you at a better time Zelda, but please believe me when I do." Halfway toward the bazaar, Sooga appeared again and manically grabbed my collar, "Zelda, go!!" My yelling shock the scholarly Princess, before she nodded in all seriousness. Zelda kept running toward the intended spot. It was just me and Sooga. Some Footsoldiers sat in the distance watching our every move. I guessed they were ordered to not break position until they were authorized to do so by Sooga.

"You came back, even though I told you to not do exactly that! What's wrong with you?!" This was the scariest I have ever seen Sooga. He was angry, but I couldn't blame him. I had just broken a taboo that both Sooga and I had set out for my safety and for his own. Tears were boiling under my closed eyelids as I felt myself breaking down. 'Why? Why am I crying?' Sooga put me down on the ground before kneeling down to my level.

"I-I'm sorry. I have no excuse for my own s-stupidity. Forgive me, Sooga." Sooga didn't know what to do. No one was watching, yet he couldn't comfort me like he always did. After all, he was always at risk of revealing his secret. "Please don't cry..." He whispered, wiping my excess tears away. Finally pulling myself together, I managed to calm myself down enough to talk to the stoic ape normally.

"I know I'm putting our secret in danger, but if you let me get away, I promise to never set foot in the desert again. This time, I'll live up to that promise." Pulling out my Feathered Edge, I placed it in front of me as if I were about to start a fight. In response, Sooga pulled out his own swords.

"You better." Sooga briefly stated. I was the first to swing my sword, but Sooga easily blocked it with little to no effort. Metal clashed with one another as we went at it. All my frustration was put into my hits; However, I doubt Sooga was going all out. As we started to move toward Kara Kara Bazaar, I saw a familiar mop of blond hair, but it wasn't Princess Zelda. It was Link. He started to move toward the both of us, sword in hand, but I stopped him.

"Link don't protect me! I'm fine! Princess Zelda ran toward the bazaar!!" Link continued to run toward us, "Hurry!! I'll take care of him!!! She's your top priority!!! Go!!!!" Link nodded curtly before running toward Zelda's supposed destination. I felt alone, but I knew it couldn't be helped, "I'm leaving now. Bye, Sooga..." Pulling out some bomb arrows, I aimed them between Sooga and I. Through the smoke, I disappeared. I ran to the stable and took out my lovely steed, before running through the canyon once more. No eyes were upon my back, but an intense guilt weighed heavily on my shoulders. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes as I pressed my face against my horse's mane.

'Zelda...Please forgive me...'

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