Chapter 100

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"(Y/N)..." A graceful voice soothed, "(Y/N), open your eyes..." My warm body started to grow cold, as small droplets of liquid slipped down every crevice to meet the larger body, "Wake up, (Y/N)." As my (E/C) eyes opened softly, I looked through clear glass and toward a large rock. Without any warning, the glass door flipped open, letting in more chilling air. I held onto my body for any warmth at all, however, it had escaped me. I wasn't wearing anything except linen undergarments where I needed it the most. I wasn't concerning myself with such things at the time, unfortunately. I gazed at my hands, not seeing a thing. Light had left the small area, so all I could see was black emptiness; Nevertheless, I knew I was alive. Finding a chest off to the left hand side, I fiddled with the lock prematurely, before finally getting it open. From what I could tell, the items in the chest were clothes, however, they weren't entirely mine either.

'W-What happened?' I queried mentally, getting lost in thought, 'Why is it so dark? Why did I hear Zelda just then-' My eyes widened out of shock for a moment before I fumbled to put my clothes on correctly. 'No... this can't be!' Pushing against the boulder, all I could hear was my beating heart and the soft breeze slipping through the cracks. I eventually moved the boulder enough to squeeze my way through to find myself in a forest, next to a large, steep cliff. "N-No..." I heaved, before running up the side. The Temple of Time and beyond was in view. "God no... Please!" Collapsing to my knees, I started to cry. 'There was no way I can still be here!! This can't be happening!!' I thought, feeling an earth splitting migraine take over the surface of my brain and behind my closed eyes.

It was hard to breathe. It was hard to think. I couldn't do anything. I felt helpless and alone. 'Why am I still here?' were the words to move in and out of my head. An unbreakable bond that my brain wouldn't let go. 'I thought I failed... so why?' The sun had risen over the mountains in the east, however, this didn't mean anything to me. Finally running out of tears to shed, I lifted my gaze back to the woods, and then to my body. 'My arms...' I stared at said limbs with horror in my eyes. They were paler than the rest of my body. Scares scattered over my skin. These scars... these marks looking like lightning. Images of being electrocuted in Robbie's lab flashed over my memories, as I attempted to stop my overheating brain.

"It's unfortunate, isn't it?" A deep voice spoke. It was regal, but it didn't belong to Zelda. My eyes peered up toward an old man, with scraps for clothing and a large axe balancing on his shoulder. His long, white beard was lowered to his chest, and his familiar green eyes sent panic through my subconscious. I fumbled backwards, before hitting the boulder I pried open a long while before. The old man didn't even flinch.

"This can't be happening..." I breathed, knowing what was going on around me wasn't in my imagination. The old man seemed to pick up on my disbelief, and my stubbornness to accept it. He let out a sigh.

"You remember who I am, don't you?" He queried nonchalantly. My (E/C) eyes glared up into his green ones. Placing my hand against the large boulder, I attempted to find my balance. I stumbled quite a bit, before finally gaining my much needed composure.

"Of course I do. I am no fool, Your Majesty." I mocked, finally facing the man again. King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule, the man who wouldn't listen to my worries, my concerns, or my pleas. Did I blame him for everything? Of course not, however, he was the start of all my mistakes, so of course my grudge got the better of me. The King's eyes lower to the ground, as his fist tightened greatly. "However, you certainly thought so, didn't you?" He remained silent. "If you are here, that must mean that Link hasn't woken up yet, correct?" No response to speak of. Just a small sound that could have meant anything. Taking it as a yes, I decided to leave the ghost King behind. It's not like I need to stay behind to take another verbal beating on his part.

Without anything on my back, I walked deeper into the Forest of Spirits, until I was on the edge of the Great Plateau. My eyes glued onto Hyrule Castle, as an immense feeling of dread overshadowed my heart. 'Was this... really real?' Gazing at my arms once again, I wondered why I was even still alive. 'What other purpose do I have?' Sitting on the edge, I contemplated everything before this day. Zelda, Link, the Champions... all of it was gone. Just an empty husk remained. All my friends were either dead or in a hell worse than such a thing. I guess Zelda and Link weren't really dead, but what is to become of them? Only Hylia and I know of such a fate. It finally hit me, and all at once to be exact. Before I could start crying for my lost loved ones, a ghostly hand was placed on my shoulder, consoling me the best it could. I didn't bother turning away or removing it. All I could do, was let it be.

"You should probably eat something, my dear. We wouldn't want you to starve to death." The regal voice spoke again, however, I didn't budge from my spot. All I wanted was to remain like this. I wanted to reminisce about all my past choices and mistakes. What really led me to this exact moment? I asked myself this constantly. Eventually, the King disappeared and didn't return for a long while. When he came back, I was still staring at the castle. "Seer-" Before he could continue, I spoke over him.

"Don't call me that. I'm not a seer and we both know it." I retorted immediately, making the King narrow his eyes in my direction, however, he didn't lash out. Either because he sympathized with my situation, or because he wouldn't have to deal with me too much longer.

"Everything you told me that day was the truth. The fact that my daughter couldn't fulfill her sworn duty until the last moment. The fact that Calamity Ganon would take over everything that was once my kingdom's. The Guardians... The Divine Beasts... And Hyrule Castle. You even knew the day Ganon would return. Do you still deny yourself a seer?" He inquired, facing his gaze toward my downturned one.

"I'm not a seer, Your Majesty. I'm just someone who has seen. It's a subtle, yet complete difference." I answered, continuing to look beyond the Great Plateau. "I do not deny that I have seen... this mess, however, I deny the ability to see what is to come from this moment onward. I am as lost as anyone else, on most cases. I have failed Hyrule. Your daughter... her knight... the Champions... and all of my friends are gone... They are gone because of me." Tears started to spill from my eyes and down my cheeks once more. The King attempted to sooth me, however, that wasn't going to work all too much.

"My daughter and her knight aren't gone. They are doing everything they can to save Hyrule. Zelda is keeping that beast at bay, while Link... slumbers until he is needed the most. I want you to help him navigate Hyrule, for the sake of my lost kingdom, and for my daughter and your friend Zelda." Glancing towards him, he still held a strong expression. 'Even now, he is his usual self...' I thought, before looking back to Hyrule Castle. "I shall leave you be. Come to the Temple of Time if you wish to speak with me once more." He was cold, and isolated. Honestly, I knew that King Rhoam still held bitter feelings from our only meeting. 'I guess somethings never change...' I thought, before standing up once more.

On a normal circumstance, jumping off the Great Plateau and to my demise would seem like a sweet escape from all of this, however, I knew that wouldn't solve anything. There always was a better solution. Besides... I promised myself in my eternal slumber that if I were to wake up, I would protect Link with everything I could. Maybe not from up close, but from afar... I had my resolve, and I decided to heed the King's orders. Walking toward the Temple of Time, I remembered how beautiful it was one hundred years before. Most of it was destroyed and left alone for several years. Approaching the Goddess Statue, I gazed into stone cold eyes. Eyes that weren't even real. "What are you trying to do..." I murmured to myself in questioning, before looting the chest nearby. Finding a Traveler's Bow, I nodded to myself, knowing that I needed arrows. Turning back to the statue, I was surprised to see the King's ghost, looking down at a grave. Approaching it, I attempted to tear the moss off the gravestone, however, it was completely stuck.

"This is my wife's grave..." He spoke, with much melancholy. I decided to keep quiet. He didn't say another word for the entire day. He remained silent and didn't bother to speak another word to me. I left, feeling unwanted before heading up the hill to the Shrine of Resurrection. Further in, the door was sealed shut.

"Please wake up soon... Hyrule needs you, Link... I need you..." I breathed, before running off to find shelter from the rain. There were clear skies that day.

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