Chapter 38

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'The inverted eye of the Goddess... It's watching me... Please save me... Someone... save me...'

With a start, I woke up from my insensible rest. 'What was that?!' I wondered, in a panicked state. I would have thought that it was a vision about the Yiga Clan, but that can't be the case because I'm not a seer. Perhaps it was just my imagination, besides what would the Yiga Clan need with me? I looked around at my surroundings. Hotel Oasis's interior greeted me, however there wasn't a person in sight. I got up and organized my bag. It felt ten times lighter than it did before. As I rummaged through my belongings, I found the Gerudo outfit that I felt obliged to buy the day before. Looking at my surroundings once more to make sure no one was there, I changed into the much more breathable clothes. From what I could tell without a mirror, the outfit fit me perfectly. It accented what needed to be accented and just wearing it made me feel gorgeous. My whistle sat idly on top of my bosom, as it shined brightly. I could have sworn that this whistle looked familiar. I decided to ignore this intuition once again. Walking out of the building, I was greeted by a smiling Princess Zelda with her two escorts behind her.

"(Y/N)! You're finally awake!! I have been waiting all morning for your awakening... W-Well maybe not ALL morning, but I have been waiting for a while!" I smiled at the staggering Princess. Of all the sides of her personality I have seen, this one was a little shocking to me. The Princess, with the blood of the Goddess flowing through her veins, was acting awkward and insecure. The thought of it made a chuckle run pass my lips.

"It's okay, Zelda. I know what you meant. Honestly, I thought you wanted to have a conversation way later in the day then so early in the morning; Nevertheless, I am glad that you are so eager to talk to me." I replied softly, not wanting to sound awkward myself. Zelda took my arm in hers and started to walk me about the town once more.

"So (Y/N), I was wondering what you are doing in Hyrule. You never seemed to tell me. So far, all I know, is that you want to go back to Greyham, but that doesn't answer my question." Zelda inquired, ready to hear my answer. I thought about it for a moment. I couldn't just tell her I had been teleported here against my will! Princess Zelda wouldn't even believe me.

"W-Well... it's complicated." I answered, looking to the ground for an answer. I knew that Princess Zelda would not like that response, so I had to think about a fitting excuse. My teachers and parents had always told me to never lie, but the truth would only hurt me. Though lying got me into this situation, dishonesty was the only way out without becoming hated.

"How so?" Zelda questioned, tilting her head off to the side, wondering what I could possibly mean by, 'it's complicated.' The answer had not come to me, and I started to mentally freak out. What was I supposed to do?! I couldn't come up with a valid response to either of her questions. Her piercing, deep forest, green gaze burned into the side of my face as I tried to say something. Anything! Finally, I heard a hum from Zelda, "I get it. You wanted to travel aimlessly, correct?"

"Not exactly... But I guess you could say that." I scolded myself, '(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)... You are officially the stupidest human-being to ever live in this universe, or wherever you are. Why did I say that?' I asked myself, wanting nothing more but to die alone. How more suspicious can I be?! "Anyway... what else did you want to talk about? That couldn't have been the only thing on your mind."

"Oh yes! I was wondering why you miss Greyham so dearly. After all, you have explained it as one of the blandest places outside of Hyrule." I stopped at her words. Zelda took a couple more steps forward before stopping to look my way. My head was tiled down. Tears threatened to fall from my (E/C) eyes. My hands were clenched so tight that my poor knuckles were turning white. Zelda wanted to say something various times, but she just didn't have the heart. Sorrow filled the air. Knowing I shouldn't worry the solemn Princess, I raised my head high and gave her a small, reassuring smile.

"It is bland. It's also cruel and extremely unfair, but no matter how much it hurts me, I still find beauty in it all. After all, it's still my home, isn't? Even if I can never go back home... I still would yearn for my homecoming. My family is there, and my home is there. Princess Zelda, Hyrule has taught me to appreciate all the wonderful things I had, and I will never take that for granted again." I spoke, putting my hand over my heart.

"Again?" Zelda asked, tilting her head to the side once again.

"Yeah..." I softly spoke, as I reminisced about Earth and its reality, "I miss pizza."

"What in Hyrule is 'pizza?' I have never heard of it. Is it some kind of celebration? Perhaps a place or custom?" Her questions made me let out large fits of laughter that may or may not have been necessary; However, it was necessary for myself. Never had I ever met someone who did not know what pizza was. Of course, I knew that Hyrule was unfamiliarized with the idea of cheese and tomato sauce covered bread, but it was still alien to me that Hyrule did not know about this! I proceeded to tell Zelda that it was a type of food, "It's almost lunch, so would you mind making some 'pizza' for me?"

I nodded my head, before looking at the food in my bag. Just enough ingredients to make one for Zelda and me. I took Zelda to the west side of town where the public cooking pots sat. I have only made pizza a couple of times, so I was really making sure that it didn't burn or taste bad. But how in Hyrule can you mess up pizza?! Once finished, I placed mushrooms and crisp summer sausage on top of the melted cheese.

"Here you go Zelda. Bon appetite~" My joke sadly didn't reach Zelda, so I shut up entirely and eagerly watched her take a bite. A small moan of delight left Zelda's lips as she started to take even more bites out of the Italian peasant dish.

"(Y/N)~ This is truly wonderful! Where in Hyrule did you learn to make such a delicacy?!" The scholarly Princess questioned, as stars lit up in her dark green eyes.

"I would say it came from Greyham, but I don't know where it came from. I am the only one in this entire world that knows how to make it!" I joked, "Well... I am pretty sure I am not the only one to learn this, but I don't know who actually took credit for it." My answered satisfied Zelda, as she continued to enjoy the lunch, I graciously made for her and I. The handmaidens also took a couple bites of my dish. After the meal, Zelda stood up.

"Thank you for your company, (Y/N); However, I must be off. I must go back to Hyrule Castle, before my father becomes too anxious. I hope that we meet again (Y/N)." At this point, I was standing as well. Before the Princess could walk to the exit, I called out:

"Princess?!" She turned to look back at me, "Happy early birthday." Zelda smiled fondly at me, before waving farewell. With that, she was gone once again. Out of my ever-flowing life. Suddenly, another presence appeared behind me.

"My little bird has taken quite the liking to you." Once realizing the voice was Urbosa, I externally calmed down. I wouldn't figure out that Urbosa took notice of this, "Lately, she hasn't been herself, but with you, she acts like the little bird I remember from so long ago. Happy and free-going. Your relationship with the Princess reminds me of the relationship I once had with her mother."

"Lady Urbosa? What was Princess Zelda's mother like?" My question struck one of Urbosa's nerves. The mood grew more solemn as the silence continued. It was deafening. Looking closure at Urbosa's expression, her emerald, green eyes threatened to spill tears. The Gerudo Chief's smile was nowhere to be found, "I-It's okay, Lady Urbosa! You... don't have to tell me anything if it will make you sad. I just-"

"She was beautiful and kind, like her daughter. She... has her dear mother's smile..." Urbosa had such fond memories with her dear friend and Zelda. I have always wondered what Her Majesty looked like, but the game never revealed her appearance, much less her name; However, a small part of me was okay without knowing. The tale of Hyrule has always been stricken with heartbreak. After all, there wouldn't be any legend to tell without a conundrum, would there? After a moment, Urbosa pulled herself together and smiled at me, "Come now, let's go to the bar. I need a drink..."

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