Chapter 107

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Link decided to not glide down to Flight Range. Instead, he opted to walk, or go by horseback. I trailed behind him for a while, before passing by the clothing shop. Link noticed my disappearance rather quickly, before joining me in the store with him. I remembered when there was all sorts of colors and styles in this small shop. One hundred years later, the clothes came in one style and color. Picking up the only thing in stock, I jogged up to the clerk.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" The blond knight asked, not really knowing why I was buying winter clothes. After the purchase, I handed him the set. He was startled for a moment, unsure why I was giving it to him, "Are these... for me?" I nodded.

"Don't want you dying from the cold, you know?" I joked, before letting out a small giggle, "Besides, the Rito specially made these so you can travel in any cold region and not get too cold. Isn't that wonderful?" I smiled; however, Link wasn't so sure. "Put it on. I'll wait." I said, before walking out of the shop. I waited by Hylia's statue, waiting for the Hero to descend the stairs. When he did, I lightly gasped at the sight. He wore the shirt and pants, but he was holding the headdress in questioning, not knowing how to put them in his hair. I reached out for them, before he recoiled. 'Right... he still doesn't trust me...'

After that, we started to walk. "(Y/N)." Link stated blandly, "Have you foretold all of this as well?" He asked, before I quickly nodded, "That must be why you bought the clothes..." His mutter set me off guard for a moment before all returned back to normal. Passing the small Bokoblin camp, we continued forward. "(Y/N)... who was Revali?"

"W-Well... Revali was one of the four selected Champions to pilot the Divine Beasts. You and he didn't get along too well, but you had your moments of working together side by side." I retreaded, trying to not think too much about Revali, however, tears still wanted to escape my eyes. The more I thought about my teacher, the more I felt like his death was my fault. Deeper and deeper, until I was in a full on state of panic. However, I didn't come to that when I was with Link. The last thing I needed him to see was my weakness. "I don't need to tell you that Revali was... prideful but trust me. He was a good guy, with heart as pure as gold..."

Walking through the cold, I instantly felt a familiar chill. The days I would run through the snow to run laps around Rito Village. Continuing forward, I looked back to Rito Village, seeing a completed shrine. 'So that's what took him so long...' I thought. I waited for Link to conquer Sha Warvo Shrine. Once he exited again, we finally came into Flight Range's view. Emotions of all kinds swept over me, as I fell to my knees. Getting up again, we climbed the ladder, gaining the attention of a familiar Rito.

"Yeah...?" Teba asked, looking back at the visible Link. I remained hidden, not expecting this to impact me this hard. "I don't know you. And I'm actually pretty busy here. You should probably go." Teba faced toward his bow once more, looking over it once again. I finally climbed the ladder, facing his back. His glistening white feathers caught my gaze, as he worked diligently. I couldn't believe that I was here for this. Link continued to pester, "... Did you need something? I'm busy here."

"I can help you." Link voiced, as Teba's amber eyes shot toward the blond knight.

"Help me?" Teba questioned harshly, facing the blue-eyed boy, "With what exactly?" Teba questioned further, still blissfully unaware of my presence.

"Vah Medoh..." Link muttered out, making Teba a little irritated.

"Let me get this straight... Some random Hylian wants to help me bring down Divine Beast Vah Medoh? I'm not buying it. What's your name, stranger?" Link answered promptly, as Teba took a second to think about it. "Link, huh? Well, Link. I'm Teba. But you already knew that. And who is the girl behind me?" I jolted slightly, before making eye contact with Teba again. His pupils dilated a good ways, unsure how to feel. Link answered with my name, as Teba continued to stare. Finally, be snapped out of it, "(Y/N), huh?" Now it was Link's turn to be confused, "I'm guessing the elder asked you both to come here and talk some sense into me. Am I right?"

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