Chapter 96

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A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

-Albert Einstein

After parting ways with Link in Castle Town, I continued to search Hyrule for a solution. Though, it was futile to say the least. Checking everywhere I could, I found myself getting more frustrated. It had practically been months since the last time I saw Link. Eventually, I decided to head to Akkala so I could discuss something important with Robbie. As usual, Akkala was the crown jewel Hyrule. As stated by my subconscious before, the trees and ocean view made up most of the beauty to be found. The combination of rich green, yellow, orange, red, and glistening blue truly made it worth the visit. As I followed the dirt road, I noted that there wasn't anyone in sight. This unsettled me quite a ways. After all, no Sheikah were coming to and fro from the Akkala Tech Lab, and the conditions for a kidnapping were perfect. Ridding faster, I made it to the East Akkala Stable in no time. Stopping for a while, I fed (H/N) some apples as storm clouds started to approach on the blessed land of Hyrule.

"Great..." I murmured to myself, feeding another apple to my loyal steed. Once done, I jumped on my horse and made my way to Robbie's lab; However, no one was there. Walking inside, I found it practically abandoned. Some supplies were still strewn about, but not a single soul breathed in the still air. Not a sound was to be heard expect the soft pitter-patter of the rain. I would have snooped around, but I knew it wouldn't be right to stay there. Leaving, I watched the rain fall for a while, as I laid my head against the cobble wall. "Sure, is gloomy today, huh (H/N)? I sure hope this let's up soon. Wouldn't want to get you all wet." I chuckled in my horse's direction as (he/she) went about (his/her) business. Even though the clouds covered the blue sky, I knew that the sun had set not too long ago. Night had risen and the rain wouldn't stop. Pulling out my notebook, I flipped through the pages in a reminiscent manner. 'Was this research really for nothing?' I asked myself, before my notebook got taken away suddenly. "Hey?!" I screamed, as I gazed upon a man and a woman, who stared at the book with smug features.

"Sorry missy! We were just curious was all." The man spoke, as the woman grabbed my horse's reigns. As I was about to retrieve my horse from the stranger, I was blocked by the man. "Now hold on a minute! Are you aware of the discord that you caused the Yiga Clan, Mistress (Y/N)?" As my eyes dilated, he continued to speak, "We are only going to do this once. Come with us peacefully, or we will take you back by force. Your choice." Grabbing out my bow and placing an arrow an inch away from the man's face, he sighed, "Hard way it is." They turned into their Yiga uniforms before taking out their Demon Carvers. Whistling for my horse to come to me, I jumped on (his/her) back before attempting to retreat; However, they kept pace with my horse. No one was awake. The rain and active thunder would prevent any of them from hearing my pleas and my cries. If I was caught here, I would surely be taken away from my freedom once more.

I shot at the two as (H/N) made their way down the muddy roads; However, they continued to dodge. They laughed at my pain, as I considered pulling out an electrical arrow. This was risky. I could prevent my horse from any movement, the same as them, and would inevitably get me caught. I didn't have a choice. I had to risk it. Whipping the reigns to make (H/N) run faster, I managed to gain a small lead. Enough to save myself and my horse. Firing one electrical arrow, I managed to electrocute them for about five seconds. That was enough time. I diverted from the rode and raced down to the Ordoroc Quarry. Hiding behind one of the pillar-like rocks, I heard voices. Not sure whether they were the Yiga or not, I ran toward the Spring of Power's hidden entrance. "Do you see her?" The woman Yiga asked.

"No. Let's report back to Master Kohga." Hearing the sound of puffed smoke, I gently breathed out a sigh of relief. I stayed where I was for a moment, making sure they were truly gone. Once sure, I walked toward the Goddess Statue. What a sight it was... This spring was my favorite in the game; However, being here in person unsettled me. I stepped into the cool waters, holding my shoes to my chest. I gazed upon her likeness monotonal. The rain had stopped long ago, as the full moon shined brightly upon me and the statue. Suddenly, I heard the sound of two approaching horses from the other side of the leaves. In a panic, I went behind the Goddess Statue.

"...Thank you, Link." A feminine voice rang from afar. 'Princess Zelda? What is she doing here? Wait... that's a stupid question! This is the Slumbering Power memory!!' As I mentally freaked out, I continued to listen to whatever they had to say. The sound of someone entering the waters ran into my ears, as I listened closely. "I come seeking help... regarding this power that has been handed down over time... Prayer will awaken my power to seal Ganon away... Or so I have been told all my life..." An audible sigh escaped the Princess's mouth before she continued, "And yet... Grandmother heard them, the voices from the spirit realm. And Mother said her own power would develop within me. But I don't hear... or feel anything! Father has told time and time again... He always says, 'quit wasting your time playing at being a scholar!'" The frustrated splash of water could be heard, as Zelda looked to the crystal waters, "Curse you..." She swore, "I've spent every day of my life dedicated to praying! I've pleaded to the spirits tied to the ancient gods. And still the holy powers have proven deaf to my devotion. Please just tell me... what is it? What's wrong with me?!"

I often forgot how selfish I was during this time. Though my circumstances weren't in my favor, others were suffering just the same as I was. Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, struggled to live up to her overbearing destiny which wasn't the half of it. All of Hyrule depended on her learning her Sealing Power, and she had little to no clue how close Ganon was to reemerging. Link, the bearer of the legendary Master Sword, was burdened with expectation. He would go on to loss his home, his abilities, his sword, and everything he once held dear to his heart. I was selfish, and that night humbled me greatly. After Link and Zelda left, I approached the Goddess Statue and frowned upon her. Not saying a single word, I went to find my horse, so I could follow Zelda and Link back to Castle Town.

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