Chapter 125

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Diary Entry #64

Akkala truly is a beautiful place. And I don't mean that with any condescension. Rolling green hills, colored trees that put a smile on my face, and, of course, the people are pleasant. Well, more than pleasant. Completely delightful. A beautiful sunrise rolling over the hills with a serene sort of nature. Of course, beauty doesn't equal safety. There are plenty of dangers in Akkala, but despite them, it really is quite a journey. Such a trek may be less suitable for some, but that is what makes such a place special. Nature curtains a lively paradise. It is pleasant to walk humbly on the earth with wildflowers.

Despite all of this, I kind of want to leave Akkala. We've been here close to a week, and there are more pressing matters that need Link's attention, like the Master Sword or the other two Divine Beasts. Nevertheless, it is Link's decision and all I can hope is that we leave soon. I'm not sure how much longer I can stand being in Akkala. At the moment, we are riding to Tarrey Town, or the start of it. I remember, in the game, I went to Akkala before doing Bolson's quest in Hateno Village, and coming to this exact spot. I remember finding it weird, since there were a bunch of large, divided boulders, and then a Goddess Statue in the middle. I didn't know why, and played it off as a cool feature the developers put in. However, that wasn't the case at all. And then I remember dying to the Guardians in the swamp lands, so that's fun.

Signing off for now!

"(Y/N), what are you writing?" Link questioned, leaning over to see the writing. Obviously I let him see. My handwriting wasn't the best in the world. Some people from my universe even told me that it was unintelligible. From a side glance, no one could read it, so I wasn't concerned. Besides, I didn't have anything to hide... well, Kohga... and Mount Satoru... and- Okay, I had a lot to hide, but if I played my cards right, then Link wouldn't find out. Was it really right to keep all this from him? Keeping a secret from someone close to you can be difficult. You may feel guilty about it, but there are times when you should keep a secret. Sometimes, keeping a secret is the best option for everyone involved. Secrets can be damaging if they are revealed and there are many reasons why someone might want to keep their secret hidden.

"Nothing too important. Just recording everything that's happened on our journey." The blond asked why, before I answered with a swift, "An old habit is all." This appeared to confuse him further, but Link didn't want to continue with his words. It was easier to believe me then ask why I was doing it in the first place. "Anyway, let's get ourselves to Tarrey Town-" Missing. Gone. Vanished. 'He really needs to stop doing that.' I mentally scolded, watching his horse spring down, toward the vortex. Whipping the reigns, (H/N) took off running, down toward Link. When I found him again, he was staring at the ancient tablet, while holding the ball cutely. Er, manly.

"'Only a hero bearing this ancient orb shall be granted the right of trail on Rist Peninsula.'" Link stared back at me, waiting for a certain signal. Apparently, he got it, before trudging down. I waited there for a moment, before following close. He was walking straight at the Moblins in the distance, making me groan out. With an arrow out of my quiver, I shot the first one in the face. It must have gone directly through, as it died right there and then. Next were two Bokoblins on horses. Link had taken them out himself, before pondering about said lone steeds.

"Link, we can't take them, what about the artifact?" He agreed before we continued forward. As we continued our approach, three Lizalfos made themselves know. Then three more Moblins and about four other Lizalfos. Around the circle we went, around and around. Of course, during that time, I had to hold the artifact while Link fought. Making it to the pedestal, I handed the orb to Link. He thanked me quickly, before awakening the shrine. As he went in, I became fascinated with the ancient structures of Skyloft. Before he went in, the blond watched me for only a moment, rather than going inside. The knight watched me take out my notebook and scribble down whatever I found interesting. Not knowing how to feel, he finally entered the shrine. I waited for only a few minutes, before the blond knight exited the building. Into the Vortex quest has been completed as well as Ritaag Zumo Shrine. "Ready to go?"

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