Zora Ending

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Their souls disappeared as well as King Rhoam's. Into the afterlife they went, never to return to Hyrule. Link's eyes shifted from nothing to a slight movement. He snapped his gaze down to notice that I was breathing. I was just in a coma. My stomach had sealed itself back up, the gap being replaced by an almost white tissue.

I was alive.


All was dark. Had it been months? Years? A couple days? I couldn't tell. Everything was empty. But even then what was true emptiness? Even black isn't devoid of nothingness because it is something. From what most classify as nothing, a light shined from the distance growing ever closer. It was a brilliant blue. When I got close enough, I noticed that it wasn't completely blue. No, there was a silhouette in the middle. A hammerhead shape with a feather on top. 'Si... Sidon?' I thought, reaching my hand out toward the light. When I was able to touch it, I woke up, falling out of bed.

"(Y/N)! Oh, goodness, are you hurt?!" Zelda queried, coming to my side rather quickly. I was shocked for a moment, not believing my eyes. It was really her. Encapsulating her in a tight hug, I began to cry out tears of joy. "I'm glad to finally see you again as well... (Y/N)." She then proceeded to explain everything that happened. That my wounds healed out of nowhere, that Link and she took me back to Hateno, and that I've been asleep for close to a week. I could hardly believe it.

"That's a lot." I admitted, making her laugh. "Zelda?" She hummed in affirmation before I continued, "Um... There... I have somewhere I need to go."

"Oh? And where would such a place be?"

"Zora's Domain. Something is drawing me there. Just before I woke up, I saw a Zora reaching out to me... I think... I believe it was Prince Sidon." Zelda, at first, seemed shocked, however, a soft smile slowly decorated her features as she understood everything she was told.

"Once you are healed up, then you are able to head to the Domain. I would feel better knowing you were traveling at your best, rather you still being injured." In two weeks, I would begin my journey to the Domain. In the time of healing, I realized my true feelings. I couldn't wait any longer to see him.


"Is everything alright, Prince Sidon? You haven't slept in days." A concerned Zora asked, hoping to ease their Prince's worries in the best way possible. However, the shark's worries only heightened. The evil presence from Hyrule Castle has ceased as everyone: Hylian, Sheikah, Zora, Goron, Gerudo, and Rito all breathed out a sigh of relief. However, Sidon has been nothing but concerned. He watched helplessly at the Great Zora Bridge, watching. Waiting. Until a figure came running across the glowing path. The closer the figure came, the more his confidence grew. Making it into the Domain, he knew for sure. Sidon ran down the stairs, meeting me by Mipha's statue. He picked me up immediately, before I pressed my lips against his. I wasn't absolutely sure this was what I wanted. However, after the kiss, I knew that this was right. Sidon held me closer not wanting to let go. Releasing our lips, I smiled at him.

"I told you I would come back."

"I never doubted that you wouldn't."


"Mother?" My son, Ralis queried, sitting on my lap. I hummed in affirmation, before he continued, "How did you and father fall in love?"

"Well... I knew your father ever since he was young. He was always so brave and kind. I couldn't help but fall in love when he became a young man." We sat on the dock of the reservoir. My bare legs drifted back and forth through the cold waters, as I pet my son's head. "I know one day; you'll be just like him." I assured with a smile, as Ralis returned it fully.

"Talking about me, darling~?" My husband, the father of my child, questioned, sitting next to me with a grin on his face.

"Father! Mother taught me more archery again today!! I shot my first apple!!" Ralis cheered out, spreading his arms out wide to accentuate how impressive it was for him. Luckily, Sidon matched his son's energy with the power of five suns.

"Really?! Am I able to see it?!!" Ralis nodded enthusiastically, before hopping off of my lap and toward the off area where he could set up everything. Sidon had wrapped himself around me in the meantime, hugging me tight. "He reminds me of you." Sidon commented, as I laughed. "What? You believe that he isn't like you?"

"He reminds me more of you, actually." I answered, "After all, he looks more like a Zora than a human." A pause, as Ralis placed a lone apple on top of an upside down vase. "Though, it doesn't matter. He will always be my son." He beckoned the two of us over to watch. "Remember to relax your shoulders a little okay?" Ralis nodded, aiming as quickly as he fired. It shot straight through and into the water.

"That was wonderful!" Sidon cheered, lifting his son and I into his arms and as a result, into the air. "I'm so proud!" Another person entered the area. Ralis's teacher. She beckoned the boy to come with her, which he did with a smile. Sidon embodied my entire body, softly kissing my neck. "I have never been more proud." The Fish Prince commented, his hot breath dancing across my neck. I held his embracing arms lovingly, feeling at ease with myself and the world around me. So much so that crying became a possibility. Not of sadness, but of joy. "Would you like to go for a ride around the reservoir, my beloved?" Accepting the request, Sidon jumped into the water, before I joined him on his back. It was a quick ride to the small lake below Tal Tal Peak. He sat me on the shore, as he sat in the water, staring. There was that look in his eyes again. A certain sparkle that I couldn't resist no matter how hard I tried. Once I saw the look, I knew Sidon wanted something.

"What's on your mind Sidon?" I asked, as that same lovesick look from all those years ago was still evident on his features.

"I want another baby." I almost choked on my spit, attempting to clear my throat. Asking him why he wanted another one, he answered, "Ralis is lonely. I remember when I was little, I always wanted a sibling near my age to play with." Remembering Sidon's loneliness, I could understand why. "However, I was happy with Mipha's companionship, and of course yours." Taking my hand in his, he continued, "Besides... I would love to see you pregnant once more." Blushing madly, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

'What did I do right in my life to deserve this...?' I questioned mentally, before smiling at my husband. "Sure, we can have another baby." Right after my words slipped from my mouth, the Zora Prince practically tackled me to the ground. Here with my son and the love of my life, I was happy. 

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