Chapter 72

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Turning my gaze behind me, I met the kind face that I had grown to appreciate. "Angus?! What are you doing here?!!" I enquired loudly, making Angus laugh nervously. The knight ruffled his larger hand through his hair, trying to find the answer I was looking for, "Don't you know it's rude to sneak up on a lady?! You're so hopeless."

"Sorry (Y/N). I saw you in the pub, but I was too embarrassed to come over to say 'hello.' So here I am... saying hello..." Angus tilted his head down in embarrassment, as I tried to look at his face; However, anytime I would come close, he would turn away. I was confused about his logic. Angus was a social guy, so why would he be nervous about talking to me? I could pin it on shyness, but the streets were just as busy as the pub, if not busier. And why would Angus be shy talking to me? "I saw that you were talking to Link. What were you two conversing about?" My brain finally clicked. 'He must have been nervous about talking to me in front of Link! That makes more sense.'

"Oh, just... some random things. Nothing too important." Angus's smile disappeared into a small frown. "So, are you headed off somewhere, Angus?" His large, goofy smile didn't reappear, but a small grin formed on his expression. As long as Angus smiled, I would be okay.

"I was about to head out to the East Post near the Great Plateau. While I'm there, I'm going to visit my family." I lifted an eyebrow in question, pondering about his supposed family, "Actually, would you like to come with me, (Y/N)? It would be the first time we've traveled together since we met. It will be fun, I promise! You can meet my parents and little sister. They'll love you to pieces!"

"Sure, I would love to go. It's not in the middle of nowhere, is it?" I asked, wanting to head west to Tabantha Frontier; Nevertheless, I just couldn't say no to Angus. The bright-eyed young man showed me a glistening smile, before chuckling at my question.

"If you call Deya Village the 'middle of nowhere,' then yes." My silent breaths hitched upon mention of the desolate settlement. It was a thriving village until the Calamity was revived. After that, many factors destroyed Deya Village. The elements. The Guardians. And the monsters that soon followed. The closed-off village was susceptible to enemy attacks. They wouldn't know about the danger, until the threat was on the Hills of Baumer, in which the people would be doomed. "(Y/N), are you alright? You seem...dazed."

"Don't worry Angus, I'm okay. I just realized that I have never been to Deya Village before. I would very much like to see it." Angus wrapped one of his strong arms around my shoulders, before pulling me to the horse pen. Pulling my horse from the amount, Angus had already drawn his own out. "By the way, what were you doing in the pub? I don't see you as a drinker."

"Oh, some of my friends pulled me in there. And no, I'm not much of a drinker, but they were too insistent for me to refuse." Angus answered, as we walked our horses out of Castle Town.

"You, my friend, just got peer-pressured." My giggling brought a confused look to the young man's face; Nevertheless, he couldn't help but smile at my joyful features, "So, what way do you want to travel? There's the short, boring way through Central Hyrule, and then there's the longer, scenic way that's still pretty boring. Which would you prefer, Angus?"

"Bold of you to assume that Hyrule is boring, (Y/N), especially since Greyham lives up to be drab and dull." Scoffing in playfulness, I turned away from Angus in false aggravation. As the male tried to look at my expression, I jumped on my horse before galloping away. Instead of riding on the filled road, I let (H/N) run through the thick, tall grass. Angus, a second later, swiftly jumped on his own steed before riding off after me. They didn't name people knights without a valid reason. Angus caught up with me before I slowed down to a reasonable speed. We were at Mabe Prairie when the handsome knight was at my side once more.

"I guess we're going the scenic way." I breathed, happy to have some fun for once. Main characters gave me such headaches. Don't get me wrong, Revali, Zelda, and the others are great friends of mine, but their problems clashed with my own, making me tired. It was nice to be around someone without burning issues.

"I can see you are getting used to Hyrule and it's geography." Angus smiled, finding some pride in his home. Little did he know that I knew the geography way before I came to this world. Passing over Lake Hylia, I looked out to the shining waters. It's not like I haven't seen a river before, but something felt pleasantly different. It was a comfortable silence as we passed by Goponga Village. Conversation didn't again ensue until we were passing over Eagus Bridge. "So, what would you like to do in Deya Village once we're there?"

"I should be the one to ask you that. After all, you are the local." I giggled, looking in front of me.

"Well, there are some nice pubs we could go to. And I want you to meet my family, of course. Oh! There's also a tree that my sister and I used to play under when I was a child!! I would love to show it to you." A soft blush covered over his cheeks, as I wasn't looking. As my (E/C) eyes were turned toward the Floret Sandbar, his beautiful eyes were stationed on me. Turing my gaze from the scenery toward the knight, I smiled brightly.

"Sure, that sounds wonderful." We continued on our journey around Batrea Lake and over Owlan Bridge. Angus managed to keep steady conversation as we approached the Great Plateau. More knights and Royal Guards started to appear as I huddled near Angus. Once we were at the East Post, Angus told me to wait by the horses as he reported to one of his superiors. Seconds turned to minutes. And I started to get steadily bored with waiting. The sun was setting, and I was left there, wondering when he'll be done.

"Hey, it's the little mouse!" A masculine voice exasperated. I turned my gaze to the noise to see the three men that were with Angus at Woodland Stable before. The man with the mustache quickly walked over to my figure, as the other two kept a simple pace.

"Oh, it's you. I haven't seen you men since I was at the Woodland Stable. How are you doing? Well, I hope." I greeted politely, wanting nothing more than to jump into a bed and sleep. All three had small blushes painted on their faces. "Actually could one of you do me a favor and go in to find Angus? I've been waiting here for a while." My question had confused the three men, as they noticed the building I was standing in front of.

"Oh, that General Wynter's office. I fear that Angus won't be out for a while. The old nut's such a particular fellow that no one can make it out of his office in less than an hour." The timid looking male stated, as I huffed a sigh of frustration.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe I know your names." I hummed, looking at the three taller males.

"I'm Kyda. The scary one with the mustache is Ched, and the timid fellow is Relf." The white-haired male answered as I instantly remembered their names, "If you don't mind us asking. Why are you waiting for Angus?" Smug, knowing grins were plastered on their faces, as I tried to make out what Kyda really meant by his question.

"Um... I'm just going to Deya Village with Angus, to meet his parents and sister. I also have to get some supplies, so..." The knowing smiles on their face remained, as I became frustrated. 'Why are they looking at me like that?! Did I say something weird or suspicious?!! I didn't know!!'

"What are you guys doing? Harassing her?! Git, all of you!!" Angus's voice rang, making Kyda, Ched, and Relf leave us in peace, "Sorry about that (Y/N)! The General kept me busy for too long, and I just had to get out of there."

"How did you escape?" I queried. A blush was painted on his cheeks, before he took his horses reigns and rode off without me. Surprised by his sudden actions, I raced after him to Deya Village. "Angus, answer my question!" The handsome knight just laughed awkwardly before quickly changing the subject. I abided by his secrets. After all, I had more than enough to keep to myself. Upon reaching Deya Village, I noticed that it was far larger than I originally thought. The village was water based and there wasn't a single Lizalfos in sight. This village was bright and heavily populated, which only made me feel more pity. These people were brutally obliterated, without a single warning. But how would the warning be sent? No one was alive to tell the tale. Death silenced them, and as a result, the people were massacred.

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