Chapter 14

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I had waved goodbye to Revali, before running off to Rito Village. Revali had told me some of the many details regarding my training. It played through my head as I walked along the grass covered road.

"At dawn, I want you here and ready to go. If you fail to come on time by a single minute, then Hylia knows what I'll do to you. We will start with a run around the perimeter of Lake Totori. How many you will be doing will depend on how generous I feel that day. After that, we'll practice some normal one-on-one combat." He stopped talking to throw a concealed Feathered Edge in my direction. I barely caught it before I decided to ask the obvious question.

"Wait, one-on-one combat with a Feathered Edge? I don't mean to say you are wrong Revali, but I thought you were going to teach me archery." I took out part of the blade and inspected it. And by inspecting, I actually mean looking blankly at said object. Revali faced me again.

"I will teach you archery, but you need to learn hand-eye coordination first. Besides, there were a small pinch of times when archery didn't work in my favor... One incident you know about is the Frost Talus..." Nodding briefly, I continued to listen, "Besides, it would be a shame if a bokoblin killed you before you could take out your bow and arrow and aim directly at one of its weak spots." His sarcasm was so significant, that I was surprised that he wasn't born a peacock. Without knowing how to respond, I nodded awkwardly, "Anyway, after one-on-one combat, you will watch my own performance, so you can get a feel for the form... Besides! You're not my top priority and this is already wasting my valuable time!" If I was wasting his 'valuable' time, then why did he tell me that he wanted to train me?

"Well, then you don't have to-" Before I could say anything back to him, he stopped me.

"Now get to the inn! I'll be paying your housing bill, so don't dawdle and get out of here!"

Before I knew it, I was kicked out of Flight Range for the second time. I wondered why Revali just didn't have me stay with him, but I guessed it would be kind of weird. After all, it didn't seem like the Rito really liked the Hylians enough for there to be a bus-sized amount of tourists. The walk back was fairly peaceful. The smaller birds were singing happily as the other whispers of nature joined in. My migraine had completely disappeared, and I felt like I was on top of the world. Everything seemed romanticized somehow, but I didn't bother to know why. Some things were just better without knowing.

Once back at Rito Village, I walked toward the inn and walked inside. Sitting on one of the beds, I wasn't yelled at. The Rito at the desk nodded curtly at my presence. Out the open wall was a beautiful view of the Hebra Mountains. Sat on Talonto Peak was the lonely cedar tree that leads to Mozo Shenno Shrine. My mind drifted off to the unborn, pink Rito girl, Molli and one of the flight pads she would sit on to look at the cedar tree. Getting up from the comfortable, fur covered bed, I walked up the stairs to the landing pad. Like what Molli would do a century from that moment, I sat on the edge and looked out to the mountainous Hebra Region.

Everything was serene and aesthetic, almost like a renaissance painting. Nintendo had truly worked hard to make such a beautiful world. But then that got me thinking, 'Is this Nintendo's world or am I in another universe entirely?' On one hand, this world was a perfect replica of the game, on the other hand, it shouldn't even be possible to jump into the game. The game card had jumped in with me, which had trifled with my brain. Stress was slowly reaping over my emotions, as I looked down in defeat.

"I wonder what Master Revali will teach us today?!" One boy spoke.

"I hope it's something impressive!!" Another boy chirped. Looking over my shoulder, I gazed upon two young Rito. The first one was ebony black with green eyes and the second was pure white with amber eyes. The two boys looked strangely familiar to me. 'That's funny, those kids' kind of look like Teba and... Harth...' Realization hit me with all its might, but before I could say anything, Revali had made his entrance. Without acknowledging me, Revali started to usher Teba and Harth down the stairs, but they started to mess with Revali by running around him. A chuckle had threatened to give away my obvious existence, so I tried my hardest to remain quiet. Who knew that kids liked Revali? And who knew that Revali loved kids? This was a side of him I had never seen before. In the game, the memories and the cutscenes were the only things I had to go by when it came to Revali's personality. Certain things were never explained, so seeing the haughty Rito in such a different state made me smile. Revali eventually got Teba and Harth to go to Flight Range, with him not too far behind.

I had no sense of time, until I gazed upon the setting sun. Deciding to go to bed, I got up from my spot and looked upon the scenery around me. 'It's beautiful.' I commented to myself, before going to the inn. Checking in, I calmly tucked myself into the warm covers and fell asleep, hoping that I would wake up before dawn.

I did better than that, however. I ended up waking up an hour before, which gave me enough time to pack up my things, eat an apple or two, and head out. When I got to Flight Range, I ended up stopping to gaze upon Revali. Hiding behind something, I watched as he kneeled down and activated Revali's Gale. I continued to watch Revali. He flew up, but soon lost control of his trajectory and started to fall. He hadn't stayed in the eye, so he was spit out like a fatty piece of meat. Without hesitation, I ran out from my hiding spot to catch Revali, he was already using his wings to alleviate the impact of the fall; Nevertheless, I caught him. Correction, he used my body as a cushion.

"Ow..." I groaned, as I felt the cold snow on my back. Opening my eyes, I was met with Revali's gaze. He got up and walked a couple of feet away. Standing up myself, I dusted off the powdery snow.

"You're here early." He stated, coughing into his feathered fist.

"Of course, I am early. I didn't want to keep you waiting and turn up late..." I answered, pausing for a little bit, before continuing to ask, "What were you doing?" Obviously, I knew what he was practicing but I didn't want him to know that I already knew of Revali's Gale. That would topple the tower of lies I spent so much time building.

"Nothing, just something that could be used to put me ahead. By creating an updraft from beneath me, I could fly to incredible heights. It just needs work..." Before I could give him my words of encouragement, he cut me off, "Anyway, let's start your training! For interrupting me during something important, you are going to run four laps around Rito Village. Now flap to it, you useless girl!!" Revali yelled as loud as he could. From the shock, I jumped a little and started to run away from Flight Range. Around Lake Totori I ran. My feet made footprints in the visible, dry dirt. It seemed pretty easy, until it went off the road... A little after passing by a Korok twisting tree, I looked upon Hebra Plunge's far off waterfall. My running kept at a normal pace, until a small cliff was placed before me. I tried to look for an easy way to climb it, until an arrow was shot at the ground behind me. The arrow was so close to my heel, "Keep running!" Revali cawed from above me. I struggled to climb the little cliff but I made it to the top anyway. The cold air density met my body, and I felt the worst chill I had ever felt. After the first lap, I was a little tired. After the second, I was winded. The third made me want to die. And finally, on the fourth lap, Revali wasted a good portion of his arrows. My parched throat's yearning for a sip of water was completely unbearable. Grabbing my little canister, I took a large sip. Revali made it back a second before me, "That was terrible. Just watching you tired me out. ME! Moving past that, take out your Feathered Edge. It's time to teach you how to use a weapon."

'I don't know how much more of this I could take...'

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