Chapter 44

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From childhood's hour I have not been as others were. I have not seen as others saw. I could not bring my passions from a common spring. From the same source I have not taken my sorrow. I could not awaken my heart of joy at the same tone. And all I loved. I loved alone. Then, in my childhood, in the dawn of a most stormy life, was drawn from every depth of good and ill. The mystery which binds me still. From the torrent, or the fountain. From the red cliff of the mountain. From the sun that 'round me rolled, in its autumn tint of gold. From the lightning in the sky, as it passed me flying by. From the thunder, and the storm, and the cloud that took the form. When the rest of Heaven was blue. Of a demon in my view.

-Edgar Allen Poe

Another morning of waking up in my cell and lounging about due to the lack of anything in general. It was just me, Mychel, Hew, and the boredom that seemed to surround the three of us. It was quiet, until Hew decided to start a conversation, "I'm glad you survived, (Y/N). Master Kohga usually doesn't spare anyone that he puts on death row, but it seems like you were the first to change our Master's mind." I sat up from my spider inhabited corner and went over to the bars to look at Hew. Even though he still had his mask on, I could tell he was carrying an expression of relief. Somehow, I knew he was smiling, so I smiled back at him, before retreating back to my corner to watch the spiders make their intricate webs, "(Y/N)! Do you have any other games from where you're from? We're bored, right Mychel?" Mychel nodded eagerly, before they both looked at me again. A weak smile appeared on my face.

"Let's just play I Spy. I'm not really in the mood to do anything else." The urge to sleep was tormenting my brain, as I said this. I hadn't slept well in a week and the bags under my eyes were probably larger than they were back in Rito Village; Nevertheless, I persisted. Unlike Rito Village, I didn't feel safe in the Yiga Clan Hideout. Paranoia was screaming into my ears at every possible second. If I feel asleep, would I even wake up? "I'll go first. I... spy... with my little eye... something... grey."

"Oh! The walls!! It's got to be the walls." Mychel insisted, folding his arms with pride. I continued to smile at him. I nodded in affirmation, signaling that it was his turn. I closed my eyes and decided to listen for a while, "Okay! Okay!! I... spy... with... my little eye... something- Sooga!!" Snapping my eyes open, I saw Sooga outside of my cell.

"What are you doing? I put you two on strict orders to not fall into the prisoner's mental games." Sooga scolded, looking down on Mychel and Hew. Part of me didn't want to say anything, and to just stay out of their business, but the other half of me spoke out.

"Sooga, it's not their fault! I-I'm the one who made them talk to me and keep me company. A-And we were just playing I Spy." I was imagining that Sooga was looking at me quizzically, "I-It's a game... w-where everyone tries to guess what the spier is l-looking at... W-Would you l-like to p-p-play a r-round?" My stutter wasn't making my argument any more convincing; Nevertheless, Sooga sat down in front of me and the bars, and looked down on my sitting figure, "O-Okay... um... I... spy... with... my little eye... something... r-red."

"But there's a lot of red in this room. You could be looking at anything." Sooga countered. 'Wow, Déjà vu again...' I thought to myself, before smiling at him knowingly.

"You better start guessing, otherwise we're going to be here all day." I sassed playfully, giggling into my uncoiled fist. Why was I acting like this? Was it merely to survive, or was it actually genuine emotion? Either way, I was contempt with the way I was feeling. Sooga froze a little before frantically looking around the hallway we were in. Time passed with haste unlike before, yet my eyes beckoned me to go to sleep and get some rest, but how could I when I was in the lion's den? "Alright, my turn. I... spy... with... my little eye... something-" Before I could finish, a large gust of smoke and talismans appeared in the spot Sooga had appeared in before. But Sooga was with me. Out of the smoke, an angry Master Kohga appeared in a disheveled state.

"Sooga, what have you been doing?! I've been waiting for you and that stupid girl for an hour!!!" He screeched, making Sooga, Mychel, and Hew jump onto their feet and bow at a ninety-degree angle. Master Kohga then stared at me, as I was still sitting idly on the floor staring back at him blankly, "Sooga! Take the girl and bring her to the Red Room. Let's squeeze all we can out of her before the sun goes down." Sooga nodded at his Master, before teleporting into my cell and taking the both of us to the presumed 'red room.' They didn't give its name for nothing. Every square inch of the room was red. The walls, the floor, and all the decorations were colored as such. I was sat down in a chair and chained by the ankles and waist. Master Kohga sat in a chair across from me, while Sooga stood behind his Master, "Now, I'll ask you again. How did you get in that cave?"

"I told you, I woke up in there." I answered.

"No! No!! No!!! You clarified that you woke up in the cave, but how did you get in there?!!" Master Kohga yelled, standing up from his seat and pointed at me with disgust laced into his voice. Sooga lightly placed one of his hands on Kohga's shoulder, before setting him back into his seat.

"Well, ah, I don't know how I didn't." I responded, deciding to play this game a little longer. I had learned this trick from a movie, so I hoped I could pull it off well enough to seem unclear.

"So, you don't know how you got in the cave?!" Master Kohga questioned loudly, as he slammed his hands against the wooden table.

"On the contrary-" I replied, smiling to myself, as my inner child laughed hardily. Even though death was knocking on my door, it was still funny to see Master Kohga's imaginary reactions.

"So, you do know how you got in the cave?" Sooga interrupted, making Master Kohga inch a little further into his seat.

"I'm possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that I undeniably do or do not know how I got into the cave on the Great Plateau, if that indeed wasn't how I didn't." It was then silent. Not a sound filled the room as the two Yiga scrutinized my facial expressions. Since I knew better, I knew that they were entirely and completely baffled. Master Kohga and Sooga just didn't know what think. Master Kohga calmly got up from his seat and looked at Sooga.

"I'm going on a banana break..."

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