Chapter 121

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Stuffing the rupees into my wallet, Link went ahead, killing another Black Bokoblin off to my right side. At the moment, I was tightening my bow, making minor adjustments to better the performance. I didn't bother helping, knowing the blond had it covered. I was just waiting for him to quickly conquer the tower; however, the sound of his voice alerted me to come hither. "(Y/N)! Come here for a second!" Doing as asked, I sat up before making my way over to the Hero of the Wild. Rounding the corner, I couldn't see him anywhere. Another call beckoned me forward. Jumping up on the elevated platform, I saw Link a few feet away and the second lower level. "I found this hole." Indeed, there was a hole in the wall. "Do you know what is inside? It's not a trap, is it?"

"No, you'll be rewarded. You'll be fine." I spoke softly, before he crawled in. I always forgot about this cubby hole until I would climb the tower again and look upon it. I wish there was more of this in the game. Places you could crawl into, adding a new concept to the sneaking mechanic. The male came out again, before gifting me three fire arrows. "Where are the other two?"

"I don't have to give you everything." He scoffed teasingly, which brought a small grin to my face. It was cold on the top of the citadel. Not enough to be unbearable, but every little breeze made me shiver, unless something was in the way. Going back to the task at hand, Link's eyes trailed on the building above us, he ran around whatever perimeter that he could, before jumping on the once wall. He walked up, until the floor was intact. Turning another corner, another Black Bokoblin made himself known. A small fight took place, before Link continued up the stairs.

Another problem made itself known. Malice covered the tower and there didn't seem to be a way to get above it... naturally of course. Before he could even use his brain, Link activated Revali's Gale. 'Cheater...' I thought, huffing a little.

Squealing could be heard as I stared down toward another Black Bokoblin with a bow in hand. Taking out an arrow before it could, I shot my arrow into its eye. Approaching it, I felt immense pity for a moment, however, with an ice arrow in my face, I quickly changed my mind. Once the Bokoblin was defeated, I collected his ice arrows, before watching the tower go from inactivated orange to Sheikah blue. After which, I somehow managed to get across the malice safely, before going after the Blue Bokoblin a little ways away. After getting done, I opened the chest above to gain five bomb arrows. 'Need more of these!' I thought happily, before putting them in my quiver. At this area, Link joined me once again, before we glided back down to Akkala Bridge.

Night had fallen upon the land once again. Fluffing the pillow softly, I was happy to finally sleep in a bed for once. Link laid on the bed next to me, just staring up at the quilted ceiling, pondering his own private thoughts. "Are you okay, Link? You've been awfully quiet."

"I'm fine." He spoke. Silence filled the void. There were other patrons in the South Akkala Stable, however, it felt as if we were the only creatures alive for miles. His baby blue eyes then drifted to my arms once more. My eyes followed the direction, before pausing myself.

"Do... you want to go outside?" I stood up gently, jogged over to Link's bedside, before taking his hand. I led him outside. I laid on the grass, patting the spot next to me softly. Link did as requested, before laying opposite of me. "You know, back where I come from, the stars were never visible. We had too much light pollution to see them... but here, you can see them really well. That's one thing I really like about Hyrule."

"Why did you travel here, (Y/N)? What was your reason?" He didn't mean this in a harsh or annoyed kind of way. It was genuine interest and concern. I sighed at his question.

"It... doesn't matter." A few moments of undisturbed silence. A few stray clouds passed over the far off star as they came along. The distant sound of the ocean and the light sway of the branches kept me at peace. I pointed up to the sky, directing my attention to each constellation I could remember, " The one that looks like the spoon is called Ursa Major, but most people call it-"

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