Chapter 13

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If I walked towards the light, would I wake up, or would I continue to sleep for the rest of my short existence? See, the direction the glow protrudes. My reality? The whole other existence? I'll never know. I look to the light for a clue. No! I can't see. I reel, blind, like a film left out in the sun. But it's too late. My retinas. Already scorched with a permanent copy of the meaningless image. It's just a little amount of light. It wasn't too bright. It was too deep. Stretching forever into everything. Various lights, illuminating infinite choices. I realized that I wasn't looking in. I was looking out, upon the world that was my so-called reality.


The light from my home was replaced by the flickering glow of a fire. Opening my eyes as wide as I could, I felt a blistering migraine erupt behind my eyes and all over my overused brain. I was in a hammock. Looking around, I heard a voice from below me.

"Go back to sleep. It's late." The voice was Revali's, but not his usual one. Normally, Revali was cold and petty, but when he told me to go back to sleep, his tone was stern and curt. Before I could say anything to him, my eyes closed softly and put me into the empty void that was once filled with hopes and dreams. 'What happened to me?' I wondered to myself, lying on my back peacefully, "I remember shooting the arrow at the Frost Talus and then it died, right? Yeah, I killed it! Then... it's all nothing after that... Did I collapse in the snow? Must of. Did Revali fly me back to his home? How kind of him to do so... He may be mean and petty on the surface, but maybe, just maybe, I misjudged him like everyone else...' Before I fell into my deeper subconscious, I promised myself that I would make it up to Revali. He saved me, even though he didn't have to.

I woke up to the sun's soft, warm rays, shining over the scenery around me. While sitting up, I banged my head on one of the ceiling posts. Groaning in pain, I opened one of my eyes to look around the room. I was at Flight Range. Pondering how to get down from the high hammock, I eventually jumped off and landed near the crackling fire. Revali was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't practicing his archery in the updraft pit. I would have made my way back to Rito Village, but that would only worry Revali, so I decided to stay in Revali's little hideaway. While looking around, I found Revali's diary. I hadn't seen it in the game before, but I decided to leave it well enough alone. It wasn't any of my business after all.

"I hope he gets back soon..." I thought aloud, trying to calm my head's roaring pain. I felt sick, but better than the day before. I almost immediately got a reply.

"I'm glad you think of me so highly, after all I am the best archer in all of Hyrule!" Jolting a little, I looked at Revali embarrassed for talking to myself aloud. His smile soon turned into one of concern. The navy-blue Rito walked over to me and motioned for me to sit, "Honestly, you shouldn't be awake. It's like you haven't gotten a wink of sleep for a week. I went to the inn, and they told me you weren't staying there, so where were you exactly sleeping?"

"Uh..." I wondered if I should have told him the truth or not, "I have been sleeping under the inn. Wacky isn't?" Laughing it off like it was some big joke did not amuse Revali. Warningly, he put his winged hand on the top of my skull and held it tightly. Fire swarmed around the room, figuratively, as anger surrounded Revali's usual personality, "I'm sorry! P-Please let go of me?!"

"What idiot sleeps out in the cold?! What were you trying to accomplish?!!" He yelled, with vicious intent lacing in with his harsh words. Revali's knew that I was reluctant with my answer, yet he waited patiently for my reply. I had told him that it was a money issue, and that if I stayed at the inn then I would eventually run out of rupees. Revali heard me out but scoffed in disgust, "Why didn't you just say so?" He unclipped a bag from his armor and threw it at my direction. Opening it, I saw silver and red rupees filling the bag.

"Revali, I can't take this! This is your money and I already have to pay someone back. It is a kind gesture truly, but I don't want to mooch off you like this..." Setting the rupee-filled bag down, Revali didn't have a single expression on his normally lively face. After a moment he took his generous offer back and looked away from me. There was a long moment of elongated silence. As we sat across from each other, I thought about what to do next. Not involving Revali, but my next move otherwise. Was I to go back up to the Hebra and search around Coldsnap Hollow again, or was it a lost cause? I wouldn't know since I fell unconscious before I could properly look around for the much-needed device, "Hey Revali? After I passed out, did you see anything foreign around Coldsnap Hollow?" He shook his head in disagreement.

"No. After you knocked out cold, I scanned the area for your 'device,' but there was nothing but snow, trees, and rocks. I brought you back here right afterwards." He answered. I appreciated his honesty, but I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I needed to remember more since it seemed like the switch wasn't even near Rito Village. No clues. No signs. No sightings. I made a quick decision on leaving Rito Village. Getting up and gathering my weapons and bag, I turned to Revali.

"Well... I guess that was the last place to look. I think I am going to get out of your... feathers and start heading east towards Goron City-" Before I could continue any further, Revali stopped me from leaving Flight Range. His large navy-blue wing had obstructed my path.

"There is no way you'll survive all the way to Goron City. You do realize that monster sightings have been on the rise lately, hm?" Revali paused, as if he wanted me to answer his question, but before I could say anything to the strange Rito Warrior, he continued, "I am not going to let you leave Rito Village until you are properly trained. Besides... when you shot that arrow at that Frost Talus... y-you managed to surprise me! So, from now until I decide you are ready, you (Y/N) will be my pupil!!" My eyes widened in shock! Revali, the Rito Warrior, one of the five chosen Champions, wants to train me?! Without knowing the reason why, I started to cry tears of joy. Revali looked at me funny, and all I could do was thank him ten times over, "Our first lesson will be tomorrow at dawn, so you better be at Flight Range by then. Understood?"

"Yes, Master Revali!"

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