Chapter 144

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As Link placed the last ball into its respected hole, Korsh O'hu Shrine rose from the middle of the arena like area. He groaned out of glee, before entering the shrine with so much excitement that I had to wonder- Not even that! I had to believe that he hated the shrine puzzle with everything that he had. Shocker! No one liked tedious shrine puzzles that took too long. With that time, one could have done something ten times more interesting. The Blessing was well deserved especially after spending over ten minutes on one. When Link exited, we made our way over to Champion's Gate.

"So, (Y/N)?" Catching my attention, "After Calamity Ganon is defeated, where are you planning on going?" This made me stop for a moment. It's not like I wanted to maintain some sort of filter. I wanted desperately to tell him everything, if I even knew what I wanted for myself.

"Um... I guess, it all depends on the aftermath, I suppose. Like, if I'm sent back to where I came from originally, because that is how the gamecard kinda ends, you know? But, if I really have destined to stay here..." Turning to face him, I smiled in his direction sweetly, "Then I'll join you in whatever comes next. What about you? What do you plan to do?"

"I... don't know." Link answered slowly, "I haven't thought that far ahead either." Listening patiently, the blond knight thought of his true answer, "I want to help rebuild Hyrule." Six words was all it took to explain everything. Turning the corner of the Champion's Gate, South Lomei Labyrinth came into view.

"That's it. The last maze and the last shrine in the desert. Do you want me to come with you?" He nodded in affirmation, taking my hand quickly, before pulling me in. The monk spoke to him and him alone, however, he continued to walk. He went right, which was the correct way. Making it to the middle, he turned left and went up the stairs. Malice blocked the obvious path, making the Hero go around. South Lomei Labyrinth, in my opinion, was the easiest of the mazes. The first playthrough, I found my way with ease. Without looking up a tutorial. The other labyrinths though... yeah.

"We'll stop for the night once we reach the shrine, okay?" Link inquired, making sure I was okay with stopping. I agreed, before we made it out of the bottom left section. Link, with great vigor, strayed from the path, to get a Golden Claymore, before we continued onward, following the outline. Making it to more Malice, we turned left, up, right, up, and right again, before making it to the bottom right. The rest was fairly simple, before Link and I dropped down to Dila Maag Shrine. As he entered, I began to start a fire. Placing the wood down, I pulled out some dried kindling, before staking them with each other accordingly. Instead of doing it the old fashion way, I pulled out a singular fire arrow, using that that started the fire. Adding some oxygen to the flame, it began to eat away at the wood.

'I can't believe it...' I thought to myself. I have lit a fire multiple times, but all those instances were after I came to Hyrule. Before then, I didn't even know where to even start with making something like that. It was hard to really know when I changed, it just happened before I could really think about it. I really was happier here. In this world. I couldn't imagine going back there. Catching myself, I placed my hand over my heavy heart. 'Did I really just think that?' I thought, unsure and almost frightened by the very idea. 'You don't belong here...' But I did. I really did. I finally had friends. People who cared about me. The weight that plagued my heart began to lift ever so slightly.

Link came out not too long after he went in, however, it was a significant difference, considering that it was a blessing. Turning around I was met with the knight wearing barely anything at all. "Ah!" I yelled, covering my eyes, "Link! Why are you wearing that?!"

"I got the final one of the set in the shrine. Now I'm a Barbarian." Link deadpanned, sitting on the other side of the fire. My nose was so close to bleeding that I couldn't even look at him in any way. Directly? Indirectly? Nope. "Do you want me to change?"

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