Chapter 61

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I had come just in time. Robbie's shield was the only thing that guarded me from getting slashed in Sidon's place. The little Zora Prince was cowering behind me before he opened his large, amber eyes to gaze at my figure, "Sidon, run!" I yelled, before parrying the Lynel's sword. The red beast jumped backwards, preparing to spit its fire at me. Without any hesitation, I raced over to the Lynel's figure, parrying the beast's fire attacks. Looking over to the side for a second, I saw the Sidon was still standing there dumbfounded. The Red Lynel took notice of this, taking the chance to smack me with the side of his sword. The young Zora Prince gasped, wanting to see if I was okay. The beast was taunting me. It didn't even bother cutting me up. The Lynel galloped over to Sidon, raising its weapon. Quickly taking out my bow and a couple of shock arrows, I shot at the Lynel's back. As the beast was distracted, I took the chance to tuck young Sidon behind one of the large rock structures, "You stay here."

Running out from behind the boulder, I grabbed out my Feathered Edge and shield, waiting for the Lynel to attack. The beast ran up to me and attempted to slice me into small pieces, however I dodged the attack and counteracted with cuts from my own sword. Climbing one of the large boulders, I used the height to my advantage. I fired a surplus of shock and ice arrows at the same time. Arrows fell with the rain. As the Lynel approached, I jumped on its back and started to attack the beast's spinal cord. Not a moment later, I was knocked off the Lynel's back.

Ganon's monsters are evil. They slay without a care in the world for the people they kill. The Lynels were the worst of Ganon's minions. The beasts are coldblooded and extremely feral. I hate fighting them, but I didn't really have a choice in the matter. I had to protect the Prince. But why? He is not my Prince, and he has been distant and cold from the start. Anyone with an ill will would let Sidon die, but I just couldn't. No matter how much someone hates me, I refuse to let them fall to such an impending evil. No one deserves to die that way.

The rain persisted to fall from the brewing sky. This downfall wasn't going to lighten up anytime soon. I felt my life force draining from my body, but why? Was I bleeding? Was I internally injured? Most likely both. I used up all my arrows and my sword was drenched in the beast's blood. My shield was destroyed. The feral creature and I were exhausted and bloody. Sidon had disappeared down the mountain a while ago. I was glad that he was safe. My fatigue had caught up with me, and I fell to my knees. The Red Lynel raised its sword, as I lifted my sword to try and fight the beast back, "(Y/N)!" Looking over to the voice, I saw Mipha run up to the Lynel. Finding my last bits of energy, I picked myself back up and ran toward the Zora Princess.

"Mipha! Lift me up!!" Jumping on the top half of her spear, the Zora Princess catapulted me above the Lynel. I landed on its back and struck my Feathered Edge into its heart. Then and there, it died. Everything disappeared, except for its weaponry and its beating heart. I fell to my bruised knees once more, as Mipha ran towards me.

"Oh (Y/N), I'm glad you are alright!" The Zora Princess wrapped her arms around me, giving me a tight hug. It hurt, but she didn't know that. "Can you stand? Oh- probably not! Here!! I'll take you to the reservoir house!!" Mipha enveloped her arm around my waist as I draped my bloodied one over her shoulder. I tried to not ruin her garb. Once at the waterfall, she sat me down. "I have to heal you here. I can't take you down the mountain in the shape you are in right now." Placing her small hands over my beaten arm, she started to heal my wounds. I hadn't seen her heal before, so it was a wonder to see. I found it amazing that she could do that.

"How did you know I was on the mountain?" I asked, trying to rid the awkward silence.

"Sidon told me. He came running up the stairs to my father's throne room yelling that you were being attacked by the Lynel. I managed to calm him down enough for him to explain everything. My brother told me and my father that you saved him... Thank you. You have no idea what that means to me..." The conversation ended there as she continued to magically heal all my wounds, even the ones that weren't as serious. After she was done, I was no longer in pain, "You had three broken ribs and some internal bleeding, along with those atrocious gashes. I took care of it, so you should be as right as rain." Speaking of rain, it stopped. The sun was shining over the Domain, and all was peaceful again. Putting on a spare set of Hylian attire, I descended the mountain with Mipha. Instead of taking me to the inn, Mipha lead me up the luminous staircase to the throne room. Front and center was the massive Zora, King Dorephan. I knew he was huge, but I chose to never think about it.

"Are you the one who saved my son? The one named (Y/N)?" I stood on the elevated platform, looking upon the massive Zora King, as I held my hand to my heart. Mipha stood next to her brother, holding him close to her legs. I nodded in affirmation, not daring to let my voice take control, "The entire Domain and I are grateful for what you have done. You have prevented the death of my only son, and I cannot express my thanks. As a reward for your outstanding bravery, young Hylian, I shall grant you any wish that you desire."

'A wish?' I thought, placing a finger under my chin, 'What could I possibly want? What would I even ask for?' After a moment, I had my answer, "Well... there is something that I want. I'm looking for something very important to me, but I have no idea where it went, so I would like some help finding my belonging."

"Is that all you wish for, child? Nothing of extravagance or wealth? I can grant you whatever you so yearn for. You saved my son from the beast up on Ploymus Mountain! Not even the best of my army could best a Lynel, so is that all you desire?" The King was unsure about my choice of reward. On normal circumstances, if anyone else saved Sidon, they would ask for so much; However, I was a different case.

"Your Majesty, if I may be so bold. I saved Prince Sidon out of complete and utter worry. I would have done the same for anyone who was defenseless. I would prefer to not receive any type of reward, because it is achieving enough to know that I saved a life; However, I am in dire need to find something close to me. So please King Dorephan! I beg of you to help me find the thing I have lost!!" King Dorephan looked toward Ploymus Mountain in thought. What he was thinking, I would never know.

"Mipha, assemble our finest soldiers for our esteemed guest at once. Thank you, Miss (Y/N). We, Zora, are truly in your debt." An older-looking smile shone brightly on the older Zora's features, which made me return the expression. Upon leaving the room, I noticed that Sidon's amber gaze was staring in my direction. I gave him a quick smile before slowly making my way out of the throne room, with Mipha as my crutch.

"I'm going to take you to the reservoir house, so you can peacefully rest. All of your wounds are healed, but your stamina is something I cannot restore. I recommend staying there for a couple of days so you can regain lost energy." The Zora Princess stated, as she walked me up the East Reservoir stairs. A smile was painted on my features.

"Thank you, Mipha. You're truly kindhearted." I thanked, finally making it to the top. I propped myself on the bed's backboard, experiencing great signals of drowsiness. Mipha pulled up a stool and sat there in silence, "How is Sidon doing by the way?"

"My brother is a little overdone for the day, but otherwise that, he is perfectly fine. I know I have said it before but thank you (Y/N). I wouldn't know what to do if I never saw my dear brother again. I blame only myself for this. If I took the time to watch him today, m-maybe this would have never happened..." Mipha grieved, taking blame for herself. I looked up at the ceiling without feeling a sense of anguish. In fact, I was still smiling.

"Sidon is such a brave boy." Mipha looked up from her tense lap, "But he simply doesn't know the difference between courage and arrogance. Courage is the overcoming of fear, while arrogance is only the battle against it. Once he figures that out, he will be a wonderful Prince. Do not blame yourself for his actions, and you should not worry about his wellbeing. Sidon, Prince of the Zora, will be fine. I believe he will do great things in his lifetime. But for now, he must learn how to be courageous." Little did I know that Sidon was listening to the whole conversation. The little Prince had followed Mipha and I all the way to the reservoir. My words would change the young Prince forever. He swore an oath, that he would win the next fight, for his sister's sake and mine.

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