Chapter 27

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Oppressed with sin and woe, a burdened heart I bear, opposed by many a mighty foe: But I will not despair. With this polluted heart I dare to come to Thee, Holy and mighty as Thou art; For Thou wilt pardon me. I feel that I am weak, and prone to every sin: But Thou who giv'st to those who seek, wilt give me strength within. Far as this earth may be from yonder starry skies; Remoter still am I from Thee: Yet Thou wilt not despise. I need not fear my foes, I need not yield to care, I need not sink beneath my woes: For Thou wilt answer prayer. In my Redeemer's name, I give myself to Thee; And all unworthy as I am my God will cherish me. Oh make me wholly Thine! Thy love to me impart and let Thy Holy Spirit shine forever on my heart!

-Anne Bronte

"So, you have been struggling to make a meaty living?" I nodded at the burly Goron's question. He continued, "Well, I guess it depends how you strike the ore. Here, let's give this a try! Pick up your weapon and follow me, little Hylian!" Daruk expressed loudly, picking up my hammer and giving it to me kindly. Almost immediately afterwards, Daruk lead me out of his house and toward the Northern Mine. In the game, the Northern Mine was long abandoned, but it was a bustling hotspot for harvesting only the rarest of metals and precious stones. Daruk lead me to a group of pure black ore, signifying that nothing good was hidden in the rock, "Alright, show me how you mine the ore!" After a moment, I thrusted the hammer at the ore, the only things to come out were two ambers and a piece of flint.

"H-How was t-that?" I asked nervously. Daruk didn't say anything. He put his hand to the back of his head and looked at me with an unknown emotion.

"Well... you hit it correctly but," Daruk paused, thinking of what more to say. I knew this was coming. That I would fail and embarrass myself in front of a Champion. If I had the ability to, I would curl up in a ball and die from internal shame, "Why don't you take a break from mining today? I am going to take you somewhere, little Hylian! To improve your skills greatly!!" He cheered, before he started to walk toward Stolock Bridge.

"W-Where are w-we g-g-going?" I asked, unsure about my feelings in the moment. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea where the muscular Goron was taking me.

"Have you ever heard of Gut Check Rock? If you haven't, Gut Check Rock is a massive pinnacle in northeastern Eldin Canyon, in close proximity to Eldin's Flank. The pinnacle stands in the middle of a hot spring river moat. Its body is sectioned into two halves, consisting of a much broader base and another pinnacle on top. Its rockface is otherwise entirely smooth, making climbing it difficult and strenuous. Many Goron go up this rock to improve their individual skills and gain a little confidence." I knew where the Goron Champion was going with this. After all, I was no idiot. At least not entirely. Daruk was a caring soul and wouldn't put anyone in direct danger, but he certainly was the type to put someone in a strange situation. Did I want to climb Gut Check Rock? Of course not! Through every play through of Breath of the Wild, I always dreaded doing this shrine quest; However, Daruk was pushing me to do this, so did I really have a choice?

Long hours passed by during our tedious journey. I hated the volcano. I hated the Goron. And I hated rocks! I didn't actually hate the Goron, but my sour mindset couldn't think of any other excuse for my discomfort. The kind Goron tried to start some conversation, but I couldn't completely cooperate well. It wasn't like I was trying to brush off his questions and statements, I just couldn't answer him without losing my point. It was more than a little frustrating. "So a couple of days ago, my son met such a wonderful girl. Her name was Galura I believe, and she sure is a beauty-" Almost considered a lucky, yet strange coincidence, a Fire-Breath Lizalfos came running at Daruk at full speed. As a form of protection, Daruk slammed his fists together to make an enormous, tangible barrier around the both of us. This was Daruk's Protection! I hesitated in shock. I wasn't expecting for him to use it in front of me.

A second felt like an eternity, before my mindset fixated itself back on the Fire-Breath Lizalfos. The monster was much uglier than I remembered it being. It was absolutely terrifying! My nerves started filling my senses with adrenaline, to give me the strength to do something. Is it best to stay in Daruk's barrier, or should I handle my weapon and swallow every ounce of panic that was reaping over my fearful soul? Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my bow and ran out of Daruk's barrier.

"(Y/N)! Come back!!" I couldn't listen to him. Why couldn't I listen to him? Taking out an ice arrow I picked up from the market, my eyes darted around the area. The rocks were still red as blood and some shrubbery sported from here and there. It would have been a fascinating scene, but I was looking for a vantage point. I ran up a slanted wall of red stone and drew my string. There it was, staring at me with malice and overbearing confidence, unlike other creatures. Normal animals would only engage after experiencing a fight or flight response, but this was far different. All this lizard-like creature wanted to do was kill me. Taking my shot, the ice arrow shot right through its stomach. It quickly screeched in pain before disappearing in a smoke.

The adrenaline had stopped rushing in and out of my brain, which made my covered knees weaken, causing my to fall to the ground. My shaky hands tried to take off the incredibly heavy helmet. Daruk ran up to me and put his large hand on my quivering back. "Little Hylian! That was amazing! How in the world did you know to use an ice arrow?! I thought you never been to the volcano before!! I guess I was proven wrong though!! ..." Daruk continued to praise me as I tried to calm myself done. That was the first time I actually had to kill something besides that Lynel, "Hey little Hylian, can you even stand?" I shook my head to answer him, "How about I put you on my shoulder until you know you can walk again, hm? Does that sound good to you, little Hylian?!" Once again, I was shocked. A shaky, yet large smile formed on my face, before I nodded curtly. Daruk lifted me up, so I could sit on his shoulder.

"H-Hey Daruk?!" I squawked, accidently. Daruk turned his head to look at me, "I t-thought your barrier was r-really cool..." After a small moment of silence, Daruk let out a hearty laugh. Daruk definitely reminded me of a 'fun uncle.' After all, he was kind, approachable, and a little weird around the edges. He was truly unique, like all the Champions. New and old. I guess they had to be distinctive, otherwise, they wouldn't be at the top of their field. More monsters appeared and eventually, I got off of Daruk's shoulder, before we made it to Gut Check Rock. Out of all of the areas in the Eldin Region this was one of the better looking spots. After all, the crystal blue waters could only be described as beautiful. Daruk directed me over to the pinnacle. I looked at him confused.

"Do you know how to climb, little Hylian?" He asked. I nodded in response, "Great because you'll be climbing this thing until you gain some confidence!"

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