Chapter 7

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I knew the state of the castle after the Calamity struck. In the game, the castle looked bleak, ruined, corrupted, and dark. But who knew the castle before Ganon ruined everything would be so bright and beautiful? The color palette of Hyrule Castle matched perfectly with Castle Town. Once through the gate, the Observation Room was in the first thing that caught my eye. Looking up the path, I noticed an ample amount of security, both from the Sheikah Tribe and from the Royal Guard. Some of the soldiers were in armor, others were in more formal clothing, consisting of red, yellow, and blue. The Sheikah Tribe on the other hand were wearing their usual ninja suits.

I had no time to gawk at the scenery, so I continued up the twisting stone path, making my way to the First Gatehouse. They checked my belongings and told me to keep (H/N) at the Second Gatehouse, since no further horse entry is allowed past that point. I nodded in understand, before cracking the reigns and trotting to the Second Gatehouse. The castle grounds were so beautiful. In the game, everything was dead and burnt, but I was seeing Hyrule Castle in its prime. The way it was meant to be before Calamity Ganon struck.

At the Second Gatehouse, I got off my horse and gave the reigns to one of the guards. He concurred with a curt nod, before ushering me out of the Gatehouse. I had walked past a couple of people; all were muttering about someone's return. It was none of my business, so I continued to walk until I was in front of the Sanctum. Four golden archaic birds stood at the main entrance and King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule sat idly in his throne. Walking where he could see me, I bowed out of upmost respect.

"You may rise." He bluntly commanded. I did as he said and looked into his far eyes with a plentiful amount of determination, "What is your new information on the Guardians' progress in Akkala? That IS what you came here to tell me correct?" I breathed in heavily, before speaking. 'If I have to be in Lockup to prove my point, then I have no other choice.' I thought, collecting my words.

"Your Majesty. I am the Seer (Y/N) (L/N) and I have come here to tell you of the dangers that is to come, which heavily involve Calamity Ganon." Stopping for a second to let myself catch a breath, I continued, "On... Near Princess Zelda's seventeenth birthday, Calamity Ganon will take control of everything you and the kingdom have been supposedly working for. Ganon will take over the Guardians, the Castle, the Divine Beasts... everything! The mass majority of Hyrule will be devasted, if not destroyed. So please, Your Majesty, I beg you to prepare better for the incoming destruction of our livelihood-" I was interrupted, by the King putting his hand in the air.

"We are more than prepared to fight against Calamity Ganon and I don't like your tone. Whether you are what you say you are... a Seer... there is no obligation for you to tell your own King what to do against this obsolete threat! I am going to decide the Champions very soon, and we already have the Hero Wielding the Sword that Seals the Darkness. And Princess Zelda's progress is still being worked on. The Sheikah Tribe has finally gotten control of the Guardians. Ganon has no chance against the technology we have gained in the last couple years. Isn't that enough?"

"No! I came with this message to tell you that more needs to be done!! Trust that all your efforts up till now are going to be useless against Calamity Ganon's raw strength and corruption!! If I may be frank, Hyrule is on the line! Why aren't you listening to my pleas?! Shouldn't a king, a good king, listen to his people whether or not they are in the right or wrong, no matter who it may be?!!" The king had risen from his throne in an angry fit of rage. Without noticing it, more guards came into the Sanctum and started to circle the perimeter of the large room.

"How dare you speak to me that way, you foolish girl?! I am King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule, the leader of the kingdom you say you are part of! Everyone is doing their part, which will be enough to defeat Calamity Ganon!!" He sternly bellowed, as he gave me a hate filled frown.

"You aren't listening to me! All of everyone's efforts are in vain!! You said it yourself, the only force that can eradicate Ganon is the Hero Wielding the Sword that Seals the Darkness and your daughter's Sealing Power, which will not be unlocked until it is already too late! Hyrule, maybe the whole world, is in your daughter's hands, yet you refuse to listen to reason!!" The room became eerily quiet. I looked around to notice a fleet of guards surrounding me. Looking back to the king sent shivers down my spine. I had went too far, now I was going to pay the price, "I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't m-m-mean to!! I was just-"

"You are not to come to this castle again. Seer (Y/N), or whoever you may be, you are hereby banished from setting foot near the castle grounds. If I see your face again, I will make sure you are put into Lockup. Guards! Get her out of my sight..." I yelled and screamed for him to listen to me, but he wouldn't face me again. This was the last time I would see King Rhoam before the Calamity strikes. And it felt like this was my last chance of going home. Tears flowed from my (E/C) eyes, as I begged the guards to bring me back to the king, but they wouldn't listen. They were only following orders. Once my horse and I were kicked out of the main gate, rain started to pour from the sky. I put my forehead on the metal door, feeling nothing but pain. Visiting hours were over, and the guard retreated back into the castle.

"How could I do that? Why did I do that?" I whispered to myself. Salty tears continued to stain my cold cheeks. I slide down the door and grieved, "I'm never going home... Please God! Give me a sign!! What am I doing here? What is my purpose? Please... tell me..." The last thing I would have thought of getting was a reply.

"Tell you what?" The stranger's voice was curt and oddly familiar. It was a male's voice. Turning to face the stranger, I gasped at the sight. His long blond hair was tied into a low ponytail, and his eyes were a bright cerulean blue. His skin was tanned from the sun and his long eyelashes only added to his beauty. 'I-It's Link!' I fangirled internally, keeping a straight face on my features. Link looked down on me from his horse, which I could only guess was Epona. I pulled (H/N) close to me, avoiding his peering eyes. I got on my horse and simply shook my head.

"Nothing..." I cracked the reigns hard, before (H/N) took off running toward the heart of Castle Town. I pondered to myself, as I roamed the empty, wet streets. 'There has to be a way back home. But if it is not changing the events of the game then what could it be? What is the one other thing that society has relied on since the beginning of time? Science!!' At that moment, I headed out the East Entrance and towards the one place where I knew people of science could help me... Akkala.

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