Chapter 120

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Diary Entry #60

I guess there isn't a point of writing the makeshift date anymore, huh? I only had it to keep track of the date when Ganon would reemerge. It's been one hundred years. I should be sleeping, but it has escaped me. Despite my depressed thoughts, everything seems to be going well. Medoh and Rudania are conquered. Two down and two more to go. We are headed to Akkala as we speak, and the excursion, I believe, will turn out fine. As he sleeps, I pray for a safe journey.

Signing off for now.

We had stopped at Foothill Stable for the remainder of the night. Leaving Goron city at midnight may have been a bad idea, but at least we were out of the volcano. I'll never have to deal with it again until Ganon was defeated, but Link certainly will. I giggle to myself, as I close my journal, before staring over to Link. He was fast asleep. 'I guess I should hit the hay too...' I thought, before blowing out my candle. However, the outside had started to lighten up a tad. It was almost morning anyway.

The rather short journey to Akkala had begun a few hours later. The sound of galloping hooves alerted me every second it possibly could, but most of the time, I blanked out. I almost didn't see the point of tuning in. After all, Link was in a state of intense focus. Even if I did talk, I was positive he wouldn't hear me. Once at the top of the peak, Akkala Citadel came into perfect view. I was shocked. I had seen this large compound before, but... never so destroyed. Tears started to brim. Akkala Citadel was the pride of the Hylian people, which is exactly why Ganon went for it right after Hyrule Castle. The monster was smart, I'll give him that much. Link had stopped his steed next to my own as I stared out toward the structure with melancholy in my eyes. Link's mood, on the other hand, improved when he saw the tower. "(Y/N), let's go get that tower!"

"Are you sure, Link? I mean... look at all those Skywatchers." I stated slowly, "That! And there is a whole other thing on top! I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to paraglide down from Death Mountain..." Link gave me a confused expression, before shrugging it off. With a crack of the reins, the blond sprinted away, as I followed behind him. There was no changing that boy's mind after it's made up. As he looked for the possible entrance, Link eventually landed his gaze on a stable and its shrine. His focus, like always, shifted immediately and wholeheartedly.

I always thought it was interesting that Akkala was one of the only regions with two notable stables. South Akkala Stable was right on the base of Kanalet Ridge. It was a well-placed stable like all the others, and due to this, it wasn't my absolute favorite. Though I appreciated it being there because of a shrine nearby. Ze Kasho Shrine used motion controls, meaning that my feelings for it were the same as its stable. However, it was pretty fun to do glitches and such. Link waved a little, before riding up the slant. He entered quickly, as I opted to wait down below. I found myself staring up at the Citadel. No matter what, they never faltered from them. It was like an incubus's eyes. The only thing that snapped me out of it was a light tap on the shoulder. Beedle was the only one to snatch my gaze.

"H-Hey, (Y/N)! Fancy seeing you here in Akkala, huh?" His smile was large and took up the majority of his features. Freckles were tinted a soft shade of pink, as I returned the grin. "What... are you lookin' at?" The brunet queried, obviously knowing what I was going to say. After all, the object of attention was all one could really see.

"Akkala Citadel. It used to be so beautiful, and now look at it. It's no longer a symbol of strength." I muttered out, which Beedle lapped up quick. The trader caught onto the context, but he didn't understand it, making him confused. As he started to question, I caught on myself, "That's what my grandmother said, at least!"

"You know... I think our grandparents might have known each other!" I jolted lightly, hoping he would continue with his train of thought, "My grandpa once told me about this beautiful woman with (H/L) (H/C) hair and gorgeous (E/C) eyes. My grandpa said that she was snippy, but kind over all. He told me that he would have married her if he wasn't already married! I thought you looked familiar." Oh boy, I thought, what am I supposed to say to that?! My first idea was to deny it, but that would either make him suspicious or he wouldn't sell me my precious arrows.

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