Reality Ending

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Their souls disappeared as well as King Rhoam's. Into the afterlife they went, never to return to Hyrule. Link's eyes shifted from nothing to a slight movement. He snapped his gaze down to notice that I was breathing. I was just in a coma. My stomach had sealed itself back up, the gap being replaced by an almost white tissue. His tears, meant for mourning became ones of joy. "Thank you, Hylia!! Thank you..." He murmured, holding my body closer, refusing to let go. However, a golden light began to enshroud my figure. It wasn't Zelda's power, rather it was brighter and warmer. Link's smile disappeared, as the light spread. Like nothing, my body turned into light before evaporating into the sky. Link continued to keep his arms out. A moment of stillness. Zelda and Link made eye contact for a moment, speaking a conversation that wasn't spoken through words. I was gone; however, I would never be forgotten.


I jolted up in a cold sweat, breathing in and out in order to catch my breath. I held a hand over my heart, making sure I was alright and breathing. Then, and only then, did I take a look at my surroundings. It was my apartment. My empty ramen bowl sat to my right and my switch lay in front of me. Unlike before, it was completely in shambles. "No, no, no." I begged, holding it, hoping my eyes were playing tricks on me and it wasn't actually broken. However, that was indeed the case. A feeling of dread came over me. Not because of my switch, but because I was back. Staring at the clock, it read 1:01 AM. It had been an hour since I went to sleep and had my dream. Disappointment washed over me, as I got out of bed and did random things. I placed my switch on the kitchen counter, before washing my dishes. At one point as I was doing laundry, the switch began to glow again. It still worked, but just barely. 'I'll go get it fixed at another time.' I thought. When I had nothing else to do, I went back to sleep, hoping to be teleported back to Hyrule.

That obviously didn't happen. I woke up to my alarm, before getting out of bed to do my morning routine. Unfortunately, it had become super difficult. Instead of taking a shower, I deemed that I didn't need one because I didn't smell horrible, and my hair was far from greasy. Instead of doing my full face of make-up, I found it easier to not use any of it. Okay, I used a little blush and mascara, but it wasn't nothing like what I used to do one hundred- I mean, yesterday. Because I had extra time, I got dressed, grabbing my office essentials before leaving the house and into a diner. "Welcome to the Black Bear Diner, what can I get for ya?" An older woman questioned.

"A stack of flapjacks, a bowl of assorted fruit, a plate of bacon, and a pot of coffee." The woman was shocked.

"Is someone joinin' ya this mornin', honey?" She asked, as I shook my head. "Well, alrighty then. I'll be out with the coffee in a moment. Hang tight." When she brought out said hot drink, I thanked her, before she went to serve another table. I barely ever came to this diner, if not at all. Taking a sip of the black drink, I felt my energy bounce back. It was similar to the first time I ever drank coffee. I was bouncing off the walls. But as time went on, I didn't get the same kick anymore. The kick had returned, adding to the energy I felt this morning. When all my food came out, I began to dig in almost immediately. The sweetness of the syrup, the seasoning of the bacon, and that heat of it all boasted my spirits. This was much better than the food in Hyrule, I thought. However, I missed that robust flavor in said Hylian dishes. I finished the entire meal, surprising the server with my appetite. Paying for all of it, I walked out of the diner and to work. I didn't take my car. Instead, I walked, ran, all of that. Making it, I was a few minutes early for my shift. Making it to my cubicle, I sat down, before slamming my head on the keyboard. I was awake. I was just loathing my existence was all.

"Good morning, (Y/N)!" Thomas, one of my coworkers, greeted happily, to which I groaned in agony. "Hey is everything alright?" Glaring at him to leave, he did so almost immediately. Getting up myself, I went to get some coffee.

"Bro, is everything alright with (Y/N)?" Another coworker of mine, Johnny asked. Thomas looked over at me in the breakroom pouring more creamer than coffee into my mug. Thomas shook his head. "Well, what's with her? Did she even bother to tell you?" Again, Thomas shook his head. Both men nodded to one another, before approaching my retreating figure. "Heya there, (Y/N)! You look tired!" I glared at him. Clearing his throat, he skewed the conversation. "I see you made yourself some coffee... if you'd like to call it that."

"Look, I don't need your barista sass, alright? So what if my creamer amount is larger than my coffee amount? So what if I'm tired? I didn't sleep enough last night so leave me alone-" Before I could finish my confrontation, creamer from my coffee mug spilled all over my work clothes, as I let out a hiss of dissatisfaction. "I'm going to the bathroom." I told, before doing just that.

"Is it just me or... has she changed?" Johnny queried.

"Ah, man! This stuff is everywhere!" I complained, rubbing paper towels all over the fabric. My eyes drifted to my hands. They appeared to be covered with creamer as well. "Wonderful, just what I need-" When I tried to rub it away, I was met with no liquid. Confused, it suddenly hit me. Pulling up my sleeves, I was met with my electrocution scars. As fast as I could, I opened my shirt to reveal something that could only have followed me from my dreams. A circular, paled scar was in the center of my abdomen. Turning around as quickly as I could, I checked the back as well. That was there too. "Wait, so that means-" Suddenly the door opened to reveal Melissa, another one of my coworkers. She stared at me practically bare body.

"Woah! Are those scars?!" She exasperated, before I swiftly put my shirt back on. Without answering her, I left the bathroom. I swear, by the time my shift had completed, everyone on the floor knew that I was acting weird. Each of them tried to stop me, however, I just went straight home. Looking over my scared hands, I felt almost relieved.

"So it was real?" I questioned myself, before glancing over my switch. Knowing it wasn't all a dream, I smiled finding new confidence in myself.

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