Chapter 23

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My guilt weighed heavily on my shoulders. I gained his respect, yet I was reading his journal filled with his inner thoughts without his permission or knowing. I thought about putting the journal down, but a little part of me prevented my hands from doing so. That little part of me was my own curiosity. My subconscious was telling me no, but how come my hand flipped the page on its own?

Entry 25

(Y/N)'s training starts tomorrow and may the Goddess Hylia give me strength. I am going to need it...

'Well that is rude!' I scoffed mentally, continuing to read his curly, yet legible handwriting.

A part of me wants to believe that she will do fine, but that arrow she fired was most likely a lucky shot. Maybe it is a good idea to start her on something simpler. Sure I want her out of Rito Village, but this is probably for the best. For her safety and for my pride. I don't know what it is about (Y/N), but she draws me in. At any given moment, she is less annoying then most. There is an aesthetic aura about her that I can't comprehend. I was going to get Teba and Harth for training, yet she sat near them on one of the landing pads. (Y/N) still looked pretty tired, but a grace hung in the air around her. (Y/N) may very well be a reincarnation of the Goddess Hylia, but it is already fabled that Princess Zelda is said reincarnation. Is she a Princess from another land? She isn't stuck up like any royal I know, so probably not. Anyway she's ...

The rest of the page was scribbled out and covered in ink. I tried looking for indent markings, yet there was none. I had no idea that Revali thought I was graceful. Me of all people! A small, almost invisible blush colored my cold cheeks as I thought about what I read. From there on, more compliments started to appear in his entries. It was both flattering and a little odd. I read through all the entries up to the entry about the hot spring.

Entry 45

(Y/N) had asked me to fly her to Sturnida Hot Spring so she could bath herself. Of course I didn't want to take a bath with her... but I didn't want to leave her alone either. Monsters of the weaker kinds have started to appear more frequently. The thought of her being attacked while she was bathing worried me greatly. So, I decided to stay with her at the hot spring, however... it was a very awkward experience. The song she hummed is cemented in my brain on a loop. It was one good thing to come out of this embarrassing event. Occasionally, I would turn to look at her. She seemed so relaxed-

Before I could read anymore, I felt strong winds swirl around the entirety of Flight Range. Looking out and above, I saw a silhouette of a Rito flying toward the structure at top speed. I hide the diary back where I found it and tried to act natural. Revali settled on the landing pad, before walking in. His peridot eyes darted at every corner of the room before meeting my eyes. "I hope you used your time wisely."

"Y-Yes I did. Um... I ran out of arrows about five minutes ago, so I have nothing else to train with." I commented, to lead Revali off a trail he may or may not have known about. Revali walked over to a chest and opened it. There was only a couple of broken arrows that were completely unusable. He nodded briefly before sitting next to the fire. The flamboyant Rito patted next to him, signaling me to sit down. I did just that. Revali and I didn't say anything to one another. To me, it was gut wrenching; However, Revali felt very differently on the matter. I wouldn't figure this out till later, but Revali was enjoying a comfortable silence with me by his side, "So... um... how did the fight go? I am guessing you didn't get hurt?"

"Nope, not even a scratch." Revali didn't want to talk. Not one bit. Throughout the hours, I tried starting a conversation with him, but he wouldn't carry on the discussion. The navy blue Rito was lost in his own thoughts. Eventually, night fell, and I had to return to Rito Village. Packing up my things, Revali started to speak, "(Y/N)? I know we have to bid farewell soon. After all, you can't stay here forever. So? Where are you going after you leave Rito Village?" His peridot gaze was faced away from me. I couldn't see his expression, just his braids dancing in the breeze.

"I am heading to Goron City after my training has ended. Even though my switch is probably nowhere near Death Mountain, I still have to find a way to make some money. And it can't hurt to check, right?" Revali shrugged his shoulders at my reply before going off on a tangent.

"You never told me you needed money." He commented. I turned my gaze to look at his. No emotion was present on his features. If any emotion were to be assigned to Revali, it would be resolve. His eyes both stern and soft looked into my soft (E/C) eyes.

"Technically not, but there was that time you tried to give me some money. I never thanked you for being so kind. I never knew the Great Revali could have such a spontaneous heart." Almost immediately, Revali turned his face away from mine. Getting up, I tried my hardest to see at least a glimpse of his expression. I knew he would get flustered, but to what extent, I wondered. Anytime I got close to seeing Revali's face, he would turn away, putting me back where I started. Eventually, I gave up. I had grown close to Revali. Did I still feel bad about reading into his personal life? Of course I did. I would personally not be happy if Revali read my diary. He doesn't seem to know about my deed, and I liked to keep it that way.

"(Y/N), was there no such thing as money in your universe? If not, then how did you even feed yourself?" Sarcasm leaked from every syllable he spoke. Every time Revali shows the littlest bit of kindness and character development, he reverts back to a sarcastic Rito. I laughed off his question awkwardly. I would have answered but I knew it was rhetorical. Suddenly, after several moments of silence, Revali shifted and threw the same bag of rupees from before near me. I threw the bag right back at the prideful Rito. He looked at me confused.

"I am not leaving yet, and I am never going to accept that money. Thank you Revali, but you teaching me how to fight is more than enough." A thin smile was drawn on my features. Revali resentfully took the bag of rupees back. Small snowflakes fell softly from the dark sky as Revali, and I looked at the fire. Everything seemed perfect in the moment. I was getting familiar with Hyrule. To this feeling of self-worth and determination, I wondered how long it would last. The only thing I wished for, was that this newfound courage would hold out until I can go home, to the world that tossed me aside.

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