Chapter 87

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"Have you found anything interesting over there, Zelda?" I questioned, as I looked over my shoulder to look at the scholarly Princess. Her delicate hands fumbled through the massive piles of rubble, before she looked over her shoulder. Zelda turned to me, before dusting off her hands on her black pants.

"Nothing over here. Do you have anything yet, (Y/N)?" Zelda asked, before walking over to my figure. Rubbing my forehead with my forearm, I wiped the sweat and dirt off my contorted face. Smiling at her, I let out a small sigh. "Oh, I see..." Zelda knew what I was thinking, so there wasn't a reason for me to answer, "Well, there is no need to fret. I am sure we'll find something to your interest. Whatever, that may be..." After patting me on the back, Zelda returned to her pile of rubble.

Eyes. Beading, anxious eyes were glaring into my soul through my back. Anytime I would look back at said eyes, I couldn't find anything. Luckily, Zelda didn't notice, and I didn't take Link as a carefree type of person, so if he saw my state, he would likely feel the same way. Link was calm; Therefore, I should be calm. As my hands rummaged, I needed up finding a couple of slabs with strange writing on them. If I knew better, which I did, I would have thought that the writing was ancient Hylian. Shoving the rocks in my bag for later research, I started to wonder if there was anything inside of the buildings. After all, they looked inhabitable enough.

Before venturing inside, I decided to tell either Zelda or Link that I was going in; However, something discombobulated me. Not mentally, but literally. A hand the size of my face covered my mouth, as I tried to make a sound; However, I was already teleported away and onto the Cliffs of Quince. The hand was covered by a red glove, with all-to-familiar spikes that made my anxiety reach peaks I didn't know were possible. 'No! Not again!!' I mentally screamed, shutting my eyes as tight as I possibly could. "(Y/N), don't be scared." A deep voice spoke. Opening my (E/C) eyes, they were instantly met with a pair of brown ones.

"Sooga..." I breathed, as a soft blush covered my face. Sooga had a soft smile painted on his features, as he held his indented mask in one of his hands. He kneeled down to my level as he continued to give me a big smile. As minimal time passed, my surprised expression turned into a pout, "Sooga, that wasn't a good time to whisk me away! I was with Zelda and Link!! There probably worried sick..." Sooga lightly scratched his neck in embarrassment, speaking a quick and quiet apology, "But... I'm glad to see you again, nevertheless. So, how has the Yiga Clan been faring?"

"The Clan has calmed down quite a bit; However, Master Kohga has been relentless as of late." Giving him a questioning look, before he continued, "Ever since your... reappearance in Gerudo Desert, Master Kohga has gained a great confidence that you'll eventually slip up and get yourself caught. You have technically been three steps ahead of the Yiga Clan, so my Master is waiting for his moment to strike."

"'Three steps ahead?' I thought the Yiga Clan were skilled ninjas with the ability to track down anyone they choose. It seems... unlikely that I would evade them so much." Sooga affirmed my statement with a curt nod. "Sooga? Have you been keeping me out of the Yiga Clan's reach?"

"You know, you should learn to cover your own tracks. I can't follow you around all the time and clean up your messes. In any case if I wasn't watching over you, you would have been captured a couple of days after you escaped." Sooga answered, as I slightly flinched. 'Ouch!' I thought, before I started to look at the scenery before me. The view was not one I had witnessed before. Besides the abundance of flowers and rocks, I was able to look at the Dueling Peaks and Hateno Village. The area was secluded, as we stood on top of the world.

"This place is beautiful, Sooga. I don't think I have ever made my way up here before." I muttered, loud enough for Sooga to hear me, but so hushed that the winds intertwined with my voice.

Right in front of Sooga was the purest angel. A seer from the goddess Hylia herself. Though Sooga did not believe in such deities, he looked upon me as if I was worth more than his own life. All he wanted, was to see me smile every time I looked upon his figure. Luckily for him, that was most definitely the case. The very idea of seeing Sooga face to face made my heart swell; However, I had no clue as to why. Something about him sent so many emotions flowing through my heart. I knew that these feelings weren't bad, in fact they were the very definition of good. Knowing Sooga. Seeing Sooga. Talking to Sooga. These things made me happy, and that was all that mattered. "(Y/N)?" Sooga questioned softly, striding over to my figure. I turned to meet his gaze. The wind brushed through my (H/C) hair, gently playing with it as my eyes were steadfast on the stoic ape. My hands were over my heart as we stared at each other in silence.

"Yes, Sooga?" I replied, waiting for him to finish his thought. As he was about to speak, but something stopped him. He backed away promptly, before staring down at the ground. No hint of confidence hung in his beautiful brown eyes. Not anymore. "Sooga? What's wrong?"

"(Y/N)... I have decided something." Lifting an eyebrow, I motioned him to continue, "When I saved you from the Molduga that day, I thought you wouldn't bring anything to me as if you were nothing more than an flee ridden rat." Giving him an annoyed expression, he resumed, "However, for the first time, you proved me... inaccurate in my thinking. Every second I am by your side, I'm... happy. When I first saw you, when you first talked, when you showed me unwarranted kindness, and all the times after gave me much bliss. My dream... is for the Yiga Clan to disband and find the same happiness as I have..." A long pause ensued, "I'm afraid that this is our final meeting." Sooga informed, as my eyes widened greatly. Before I could ask, Sooga pulled the words out of my mouth, "The Calamity is upon us, (Y/N)... and Master Kohga is becoming more observant and paranoid as the days go on without you in it. I fear that he will soon figure out that I am the traitor of the Yiga Clan if I keep having meetings with you, like this one, unless a whole army is behind me, we will not be able meet again as we have. You must forgive me-" Before Sooga could say another word, I pulled him down by his arm and kissed him tenderly on the cheek. Time stopped. For us, we were the only people in the entire universe. I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment, before I gently put my arms around him, not wanting him to go. When I opened my eyes again, I was back at the Promenade. Alone, and without anyone to turn to, I tried to find Zelda and Link.

William Shakespeare once wrote, 'love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake - its everything except what it is!' From that moment onward, I couldn't possibly understand why my heart ached to see Sooga again. A little part of me hoped I would see him again; However, the stoic ape kept his word. We would never see each other again.

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