Chapter 153

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Link joined us soon after that. At the crossroads, I started to follow Link. However, I was stopped by a certain Prince. He picked me up in order to keep me there, "Where are you going, (Y/N)?" His tail (?) fin waved back and forth a little, which I never seen done once in my life.

"I-I'm going to Shatterback Point... with Link." I answered.

"(Y/N), that is much too dangerous. I'm positive Link can defeat that thing if such a decision is made, but I am unsure you won't be hurt in the assault." Sidon expressed. To a certain extent, I understood. We haven't seen each other in a very long time, however, that other part of me was almost offended that he thought I would get hurt.

"Sidon, I'll be fine. Come on Link, let's go." I asserted, before I jogged off to the waterfalls. Link took a glance at me, then at Sidon, before running over to catch up. The Zora Prince watched on with a broken heart, regretting his words the moment they escaped his lips. However, he didn't remain guilty for long. 'I'm just glad she is alive and well...' He thought to himself. "Alright." I spoke, making it to the water. "Link, do you think you can swim up there with me on your back?" I questioned. He shrugged his shoulders, not knowing how this was going to play out. Nevertheless, when we entered the water, Link managed to pull me up there. I had to hold tight, but we made it there without Link breaking so much as a sweat.

Three waterfalls later, Link began collecting all the electric arrows that he could. However, there weren't many on the lower level of the mountain. Making it up the slope, all I could even bother to remember was running up here in the middle of a thunderstorm. When I saved Sidon... but only by the skin of my teeth. Peaking up from my position, the Lynel let out a mighty roar. We couldn't just approach the beast without a plan. I brought out the Great Eagle Bow, and an ice arrow. Link had changed into his sneak set, before pulling out the Master Sword. He placed a finger over his mouth, before moving over to the nearest rock. Making over to the rock, the sound of approaching hooves met my ears. 'Did he see us move?' Perhaps, however, the beast moved back to its original path. To this, we breathed out a sigh of relief. I held my bow close to my heart. Link signalled me that we were going to fight the Lynel for its arrows. I agreed, getting ready to climb over the rock. A single nod brought us into battle. Link ran up to the beast, as I climbed on top of the stone. I shot a plethora of arrows, more than I could count in a second, as Link attacked its legs.

When I ran out of arrows, I joined Link in close combat. All went well, until the Lynel became desperate for a swift victory. Gravity didn't seem to affect the outcome of what was to come. The Lynel's sword slashed right, avoiding the both of us. However, since Link was further right, the beast's sword rose up and began to approach Link's head. When he saw it, it was too late. Pushing him aside, I pulled out my Kite Shield to protect me. However, it wouldn't do much to help, considering that the blade was being slammed in a downward motion. It hit my shoulder, as something snapped. When the blade was recuperating from the amount of perpetual force, I ducked down, avoiding the attack, before jumping away. Link, in blind anger, began to attack the Lynel, giving it no time to breathe, let alone, attack.

My arm was in so much pain, that I fell to my knees almost instantly. My arm turned a shade of red, slowly becoming purple. It didn't feel broken. 'Maybe it was a fracture?' I question myself, 'No... that's not right. Damnit! Why does my shoulder hurt like a-' The final roar of the Lynel reverberated through the air before all went silent again. Link didn't care about the loot. Rather, he ran over to me. "Oh Goddess... have mercy on us..." Link murmured, "Where does it hurt?" Tears flowed from my eyes, as I tried to control my breathing in whatever way I possibly could. It remained erratic, as I began to panic even more. "Looks like a dislocated shoulder... Okay, I'm going to pop it back into place, alright?" He pulled out a piece of cloth, "Stuff this in your mouth, (Y/N). I would want you breaking your teeth..." I did as asked, before he gripped my arm as gently as he possibly could. "Okay, okay, breath in for me." I did, "Alright, breath out." I did, "Alright... breath out." Before I had a chance, he snapped it back into place. I let out a muffled scream, before instantly, feeling better. He took out the wet rag from my mouth, as my breath slowly started to calm down. There was still pain, however, it wasn't as terrible as before. "You're okay... you're fine..." He reassured, mainly to himself. He proceeded to created a makeshift sling to keep my arm in place for a little while. "Are you going to be alright?"

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