Chapter 60

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Diary Entry #38

109 Days

I would have never imagined that Zora's Domain would be so beautiful. When I first played the game, I wasn't really impressed. After all, anyone can agree that the various colors of coral and the pine trees don't go with one another; However, my feelings changed once I saw the Domain in person. It was a work of art built into the gleaming rocks. All my doubts about the Domain were washed away when my eyes landed on it for the first time; However, my reasons for coming to the Domain had nothing to do with sightseeing.

The hunt for my switch is still in progress. Every place I have been to, has been empty handed. The only thought to flow through my skull has been, 'where was I last when I fell asleep?' Worry and stress were large figures hanging over my overloaded brain. Lanayru had a lot of land to cover and there's simply not enough time, but I refuse to get up! Until my final breath, I will look high and low for my switch. Fate cannot hide it forever. Mipha, the Princess of the Zora, offered to help me find my device which I accepted almost immediately. As she looks in the water, I look on the land. We have been unsuccessful so far.

Princess Mipha is the kindest person I have ever met. She didn't have to help me, but she did. Like me, she is a fairly large introvert with a lot to say. Mental Note: Remember to thank Revali for talking to her about me. Unlike Zelda and I's relationship, Mipha and I get along well, but that doesn't excuse my relationship with Sidon.

Prince Sidon, hunk of fish men is what he'll be in one hundred years, doesn't like me. The first day I met him was on Luto's Crossing. He was looking at the far-off Domain when I was going to pass by. I assumed he was lost, so I took him back to the Domain. He refuses to speak to me or accept any of my help. Mipha has told me that Sidon isn't close with anyone in particular, but it still hurts that one of my favorite characters hates my existence. Besides Sidon's dislike of my presence, the fish Prince loves his sister greatly. I have noticed that he also takes his sister's company for granted. I remember his disheartened state one hundred years in the future. Prince Sidon is lonely, and who can blame him? I want to get closure, but he always draws himself away from the people he cares about the most.

The more people I know in Hyrule, the more I become attached. Mipha, Revali, Daruk, and many others are characters that I hold dear to my heart, but are they even real? No matter who I meet, I still feel like I'm different. I haven't been in their lives before, so why was I now? I decide to disregard this question.

The sky was covered in thick, grey clouds. Rain was inevitable. I look up from my journal, pondering about what else there was to write about. In a subconscious state, I look over at a group of Zora children laughing and playing happily. A small smile was drawn on my features. All the children were huddled together, until a certain young Prince slowly walked up to the group. 'No matter what happens (Y/N), you can not intervene.' I told myself, continuing to watch. The circle became disfigured, as Sidon started to speak. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it seemed like Sidon wanted to play with the other young Zora. The girls were more than happy to let him, but the young little boys snarled slightly. Of course, I only witnessed this at a distance, so I just passed it off as a fault in my (E/C) eyes. I looked back at my journal.

I wonder how everyone is doing. Mother, father, my coworkers. Have their lives improved since my disappearance? Or am I important to them? I can imagine my mother yelling at the detectives to find my whereabouts as my father becomes quieter than usual. It is both a wonderful and terrible thought. I also wonder about the people in Hyrule I haven't seen. Sooga, Angus, Link, Princess Zelda... I wonder what they are doing right now. Zelda is probably struggling to awaken her Sealing Power, while Link quietly follows behind her. Perhaps Angus is still working diligently to become a great knight like Link. And Sooga... is he dead? I hope he is okay.

Signing off for now!

Closing my diary, I looked back to the group of young Zora to notice the lack of a red hammerhead Prince. They have gone back to playing with one another. Putting the leather cover back in my bag, I walked up to the group of children. Each looked at me with either smiling faces, or large distrust, "Hey kids, what are you doing? It's getting pretty late; you should be with your parents." One of the little Zora boys scoffed.

"We're playing Zora Challenges." A girl politely answered, tugging on her silver belt, "We were playing with Sidon, but then Yasi gave him a big dare!" The sky was darkening by the minute and just the thought of Sidon being alone sent chills up my spine and goosebumps up my neck. I asked what they dared him to do, "Yasi challenged Prince Sidon to retrieve a Lynel Horn from Ploymus Mountain." Thunder boomed after her words left her mouth. My pupils shrunk and my breath was elevated. My eyes snapped toward the mountain.

"You kids get home." Was all I answered before I started to run toward the mountain. Rain poured from the black clouds, but I couldn't care less. Only waterfalls and no other way up the mountain. Grabbing two sturdy arrows, I started to climb the slippery cliff.

To trust someone means you trust them with your life.

My tired, throbbing feet and hands carried me up the mountain. I was drenched, yet it didn't bother me in the slightest. Why didn't I just take the hint before?! Those boys were glaring daggers at him, and I should have known better. Making it to the top of the first edge, I sprinted to the second and started to scramble upwards.

To trust someone is based on your clarity of judgement.

'Sidon, please be alright!' My brain was overheating. I made it up the second cliffside, and then ascended the third. One of the arrows broke, as did the second a couple seconds later. My hands were scratched and sliding constantly, but panic and adrenaline was the only thing keeping me going. Once I made it to the top, I sprinted up the mountain, hearing the Lynel's roars.

To trust is to believe that the person has your back.

The wet, slippery grass caused me to fall on my face. My hands were covered in my own crimson colored blood. I was hyperventilating as I forced myself to get up; Nevertheless, I fell once more and repeated the same process.

To trust is to believe that the person will always love you.

My feet couldn't carry me anymore, but I just couldn't leave him to die. I picked myself up and sprinted. Lightning had struck below the mountain, while thunder soon followed. I cursed myself for letting this happen, but there was nothing I could do. Sidon was with Zora his age! I wouldn't have anticipated for this to happen!! I took out my weapons are I continued to hurry. My mudded hands tightly grasped my iron shield and my shining Feathered Edge. My bow was on my back and all my shock and ice arrows were at the ready.

Who could you trust in your greatest moment in need?

Up Ploymus Mountain, where a horrible beast lies.

Who will be worthy of having your trust?

The little Prince was in sight, as the Lynel lifted its mighty sword.

Will you be able to confide your trust among certain people?

A split second. A single moment.

I certainly hope so...

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