Chapter 89

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"Oh, for Hylia's sake!" A man cursed as I looked up from my map. I stood in front of the fork in the road. One dirt road leading to Akkala, the other leading to the volcano. The air was warm, and the grass was a brownish hue. Akkala Citadel stood in the distance, standing in all of its glory. Looking over my shoulder to see the beholder of the aggravated voice, I looked upon two Sheikah men. Both had glistening white hair tucked into their head-mounted umbrellas. Their brown eyes were fixated on a horse, who was lying on the ground with great discomfort. Getting off my stationary horse, I walked up to the duo.

"Is everything alright gentlemen?" I queried, which got their attention. One of the men was older. He had crowfeet near his eyes and his hair was more silver than white, while the other was younger, which meant they were probably related.

"Oh, yes! We're all peachy and having a grand old time! Thanks for asking!!" The younger one spoke sarcastically, before his traveling partner slapped him over the head for his obnoxious comment. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"Sorry about him. He's a little cranky is all. To answer your question, we're fine. Our horse may be out of commission however." The older gentleman answered with a wrinkled smile drawn on his features. "Oh, where are my manners! You must excuse my old age." Before I could say anything in response, the Sheikah started to speak again, "My name is Irwin and the young, obnoxious one is my son, Lyle. Who might you be?"

"I'm..." With little reason, a picture of Sooga came into my head for a single moment. The words, 'cover your tracks better,' was nailed into my brain. "My name is Cherry, it's very nice to meet you gentlemen. Um... are you headed to Akkala?" I asked, feeling some sympathy; However, Hyrule was small, so getting from one place to another wasn't as bad as one would think. It was nature and the monsters travelers had to worry about.

"Indeed. If it wasn't for old Valene spraining her ankle, we would still be on our way. I fear me and my son are going to head to a stable to mend her." Our conversation ended up being one with his son. I didn't mind this since I was debating on helping these poor people. The sun wasn't going to shine brightly in the blue void of a sky forever, and the monster sightings have gotten so out of hand that the army are urging citizens to stay in their homes after dark. Petting (H/N)'s mane, a light bulb clicked in my head.

"Sirs? What about you use my own horse? I can get you to wherever you are going, and (H/N) is very tamed and diligent. (He/She) won't have any problem getting you gentlemen where you need to go." I offered graciously, as the two men side eyed one another. One being pleased and grateful while the other was more than skeptical. The older male didn't brush off his son's reaction and took his suspicion into account.

"What about you? I'm sure there is somewhere you have to get to." Irwin asked, throwing me a little off guard; However, I wasn't discombobulated for long. I didn't really know why I was helping either. Just the thought of leaving Irwin and his son behind in such a dilemma would be cruel.

"There is but I can always wait. Besides, I'm headed to Akkala myself, so it is no bother at all." I answered, before Irwin looked back at Lyle. This time, his father didn't take any of his distrust into understanding, before making his decision. It wasn't really like they had a choice.

"Lyle, hook up (H/N), and bring Valene to the nearest stable. Catch up once you're done alright." Without any sense of satisfaction, Lyle hooked up (H/N) onto the cart and walked off with Valene, mumbling a quick, 'yes father,' before leaving the both of us alone. "We should probably walk until he catches up, don't you think?" Quickly nodding, we started to walk. (H/N) didn't struggle or go against my wishes. (He/She) just strode right next to me unwavering. The atmosphere hastily became awkward and uncomfortable, so I decided to make some conversation; However, before I could speak up, Irwin beat me to it.

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