Chapter 78

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Diary Entry #50

164 Days

I know I haven't written in a while, but I have been so busy. After my hangout with Link, I realized that I was steadily running out of rupees. In turn, I started mining again. Occasionally, I would sell some lower ranked ore to traveling merchants, but I want to get the best amount possible. If I had a normal (Hylian) life, I would go to Gerudo Town to sell my wares, since that shop is the highest bidder and is always in need for more jewelry. But there is one thing that's stopping me, and that was Gerudo Town, more accurately the Yiga Clan. Now, I could say that instead of mining rubies and diamonds, I could just exclusively sell luminous stone for the Zora; However, luminous stone is harder to find, and I don't want to be told 'no' if I accidentally bring too much. And no one else is in need for luminous stone.

So no buyers, no profit.

I tried to think about who else would need such valuable rock, but I couldn't come up with anything that I already know. I guessed there would be a jewelry shop in Castle Town, so I let the excuse put me at ease. Speaking of unease, I have the feeling that I'm being watched again; However, no one has attacked me yet. (I'm REALLY hoping it's just Sooga). To be fair though, I am currently writing this near Digdogg Suspension Bridge, which means I'm pretty close to Gerudo Canyon. Don't worry Sooga, I won't go in!

Steadily, I'm making progress with all sorts of things. I asked some people if they have seen any shoot star sightings and now, I have some leads! One man said he saw a shooting star crash in Deep Akkala. Another man stated a sighting around Mount Lanayru. And then a woman told me about one that fell in Oseira Plains. I will check all of those places in due time. Another thing that has been developing is my relationship with the Hylian Champion, Link. A couple days ago, he was so kind. Link didn't talk much, but anytime I hear his voice, I feel my heart flutter. For so long, I have wanted to hear what Link sounded like and now that I have... Let's say I wasn't disappointed.

"(Y/N)?! Is that you over there?" A feminine voice asked. I quickly looked up from my journal to see Princess Zelda, with a large smile drawn on her features. She jumped off her horse and ran towards me excitedly. Flapping the book about to dry the ink, I closed my diary before getting up to greet her. I had just taken a break from mining since my arms were getting a little sore. My sledgehammer laid right next to me, as my pen was drawn all over the paper, until Zelda appeared out of nowhere. I had picked up my sledgehammer just as she was at talking distance. "Oh, so it is you (Y/N). It is a pleasure to see you again."

"The pleasure is all mine, Zelda." I spoke modestly, trying to think about what else to say, "Are you... headed to Gerudo Desert?" The scholarly Princess nodded in affirmation.

"Indeed. I have some research to do so I thought it would be a good time as any to go to the desert. Besides, I... wanted to see Urbosa." She answered. Her excitement slowly turned into a hushed voice. I always knew that Princess Zelda had problems, and I have never hated her for having said problems. After a moment of silence on Zelda's part, she shook her head from toxic thoughts, before smiling at me once more, "Anyway, what were you doing before I snatched away your focused attention? It appeared that you were writing in something." As my answer, I showed her the journal in my hands.

"Some people say that writing down one's thoughts clears the mind, so a diary is helpful for one's mental health. I have a... journal filled with my personal thoughts. When I feel sad or lonely, I write in my journal." I comment, feeling proud of myself for no exact reason. Putting my journal back in my bag, I look toward Zelda. It's as if she wanted to tell me something.

"(Y/N)..." She breathed, placing her hands behind her back shyly, "Would... you like to accompany me to Gerudo Town? Ever since you told me about your research, I have been curious. I also enjoy your company, so will you come?" I was about to say 'no,' but then I stopped myself. Princess Zelda went out of her way to greet me and invite me to go with her. She also isn't accompanied by Link. I had a lot of ore in my bag at the time since I spent three consecutive days mining for rare ore. I had more reasons to go then to not. If I don't go, then Zelda will be suspicious of my actions. The last thing I want her to know is my past affiliation with the Yiga Clan.

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