Chapter 65

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King Forest is throned upon shadows. His locks are wide-blown by the wind, all fairies proclaim his dominion. His rule in no law is defined. His words are the birds and the runlets, his bed is the dream-woven sod; How gladly we honor his scepter and bow to his blossomy rod! And would you be one of his kingdom? Cringe never, nor humble your knees. But come with your lips tuned to singing, and love in your heart for the trees. To feel is the price of his favor. How easy to fill his behest! The tribute of courtier is silence, the service of minion is rest.

-Ruby Archer

The Korok Forest is located north of Hyrule Castle in the Great Hyrule Forest. Mainly consisting of The Great Deku Tree, and the many Koroks that live there as well. Besides the Great Deku Tree and his many children, the forest is also home to the Master Sword. The forest has many flowers and trees, as well as shallow water along the ground. Acorns are abundant, and the paths in the forest are lined with Bean Lamps. Inside The Great Deku Tree, there is the General Shoppe, the Spore Store, and an inn, as well as a Statue of the Goddess. In order to reach Korok Forest, one must travel through the Lost Woods, a foggy and eerie forest that serves as a barrier. There is only one way through the woods, and that is to follow the wind.

It was an early morning. The sun was rising, and the birds were singing happily to the sound of their own tune. I had stopped at the Woodland Stable to stock up on some supplies. As I was about to leave, I looked toward the road to see a large variety of covered wagons with the royal insignia painted on the thick tarps. Knights and Royal Guards had also halted their journey to rest at the stable. This brought up a similar feeling of discomfort and unease. Some wagons stopped while other sped by. It was weird. 'What on Earth are they doing?' I then remembered the stable's proximity to the Military Training Camp, which made the picture whole.

A couple of soldiers glanced at me, making me nervous. One had chestnut brown hair with a matching mustache and hazel eyes. The second practically had white hair, with piercing green eyes. The third was timid looking, with black hair and brown eyes. I decided to stay calm, before the group of three sauntered over to me, "Hey little mouse. Where are you headed to? I could give you a ride." One soldier offered, leaning down to make better eye contact with me. 'Why did I have to be so short?' I wondered to myself, before one of his friends spoke.

"Shut up man, you are scaring her with that hideous excuse for a mustache." That much was true. The second soldier had laughed at his own remark, as I just stared at the three of them, "Wait, now that I have had a better look at you..." Sweat started to run down my forehead and neck as I anticipated the worst, "You must be lover boy's girl. At first, I thought he made you up. I mean, a scrawny joker and someone as beautiful as yourself together is completely absurd. But look at you." The only emotion to go through my head was confusion. 'Lover boy? Scrawny joker? Who could that possibly be?' I was pulled out of my thoughts, by a familiar voice shouting my name.

"(Y/N)!" Turning my gaze to the direction of the voice, I saw none other than Angus. I immediately knew what the other three soldiers were talking about. With a large smile on my face, I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, using my tippy-toes to reach. The friendly knight snaked his broad arms around my waist, holding me close, "Look at you! You're here!! Has your journey gone well? That is what you're doing right?!"

"Yes Angus, and my journey has gone fine. What about you? And what's with your fellow knights knowing about me?" Angus froze up a smidgin, before glaring at the three soldiers. The three men snickered to themselves, before coming over to the two of us.

"Ah~ Why are you ang-y, Angy?" The beach blond one teased, as the other two couldn't control their fits of laughter, "Was I not supposed to tell her?" I asked what he meant by that, "Well, little mouse, Angy here hasn't shut up about you for months. After he reported back to our superior officer, he started bragging about how he met the most beautiful, humble girl upon his return." A small blush formed on my cheeks, as I looked down at the ground. Angus pulled the three away, arguing with them before coming back over to me.

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