Chapter 123

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What got me to stop crying was the opening of a drawer. As my attention shifted, Robbie beckoned me over. Doing as told, I was met with letters brimming. All of them had a single thing in common, my name. "My... letters?"

"I received them. Each and every one of them reminded me that I had a mission. A mission to get you home. Back to your universe, I mean." Link's ears perked up, before listening more intensely, "I see you haven't told your companion...Back to the topic at hand... each of these are yours. They came from all over Hyrule, it seems."

"Why did you keep them after the Calamity?" Silence.

"Because they reminded me of you, Cherry. So anytime I was at the point of giving up all hope, your letters were with me, and by extent, you."


"Are you sure you don't want to stay the night, Cherry?" Robbie questioned. We were leaving the Ancient Tech Lab. The blond knight had used most of my money to buy more Ancient Arrows and other weapons he found interesting. However, he ran out of materials way before all of his allowance was eaten up. He was determined to kill more robots, which made me incredibly worried. Afternoon had turned to night. I didn't wish to stay in Jerrin's hair all that much longer. The more I was with Robbie, the angrier she became. I no longer wanted to stay because of wife-zilla. Link seemed to be for the free room, on the other hand was for the free lodging.

"No thank you, Robbie! You've done so much for us already! Besides, we reserved two beds at the stable anyway, so..." The genius eccentric seemed put off by my claim, however, he didn't fight it. Waving goodbye to him, the old man shut the door, before Link started to walk toward the Lab again. Except this time, he past the abode and toward the edge of Robbie's land. "Link, wait up!" Taking the horses' reins with me. An approach was the start. I glanced at Link every now and then, however, he was full on staring. Intently, if I may add. "Fire away, Link." Like clockwork, words started to flow nonstop from his mouth. Well, not really. But for Link, sure.

"Another universe? So you weren't from a kingdom overseas? I thought you said-"

"I only said that as a cover. I mean if I said I was from another planet, universe, whatever! You would have called me crazy!" An uncomfortable quiet hung in the air, as Link pondered the possibility of said point of argument.

"That... actually explains a lot about you." Huffing at the blond's words, we continued to the edge, "So, what's a Switch?" Losing track of my many thoughts, I tried to work out how to tell him about my device.

"Oh, um... it's like a really thin brick, but instead of being used for building, it is meant for viewing other worlds. It has a screen and on the sides are controllers with buttons, so viewing is easier. You can walk around and pick out the little things." I explained, not having much substance. I didn't want to confuse him, but at the same time, I didn't want to be so vague that he doesn't believe me.

"Is that how you know so much about Hyrule?" I nodded, "So, you are a seer. I thought you were lying the entire time."

"Jeez, you're abusive today, aren't you?" I chuckled awkwardly, before returning to a tough exterior. "I'm not a seer. It's just easier to say I am. It's an explanation, an excuse for me knowing a lot about this Hyrule and the Hyrules before it." Link wanted to ask what I meant. 'There are various Hyrules?' He wanted to ask; however, it wasn't the right time. It would never be the right time. "So... you want to go into Lomei Labyrinth?" I questioned, as Link nodded slightly. I wouldn't have wanted to go; however, he did need more shrines. The more health, the more likely he was able to gain the Sword that Seals the Darkness. "Lead the way."

A little smile appeared. But just large enough for me to notice. With a jump, we were on our way to the large stone structure. It was larger than I could have ever imagined. Guardian Skywatchers, three to be exact, flew overhead, combating cheating. Like cheating would help anyway, considering there were hidden passageways built under as wall. Reaching the bottom, right in front of the maze, an updraft made itself known, before hovering upwards. Steeping foot on the cold stone, thought shouldn't have, sent a chill up my spine. I was standing on Zonai craftmanship. Interest remained. Almost immediately after landing, Link spaced out, as the monk told him about the labyrinth briefly. After he was snapped out, the Guardian across the way activated.

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