Chapter 68

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Diary Entry #46

137 Days

Many say that things will happen in due time; However, I haven't had the best of luck with that thus far. The only things that have changed have nothing to do with getting me home, but that doesn't mean they were bad alterations either. At least they didn't feel immoral. I am slowly fitting into Hyrule, which is both an up and a down. On one hand, I have more of a social life than I did in my world, but on the other hand, that is half of the problem. If I feel too connected to Hyrule, will I ever want to leave? Do I want to leave?

Anyway, my search for my device is at another dead end as I stated in my last entries. The Great Deku Tree could not pinpoint the location, but he said that my switch is in Hyrule. But I scratch my head in curiosity. Where could it possibly be? It has to be hidden somewhere, but where? Could it be in a building, or underground? It has been close to one hundred fifty days, and I still haven't even scratched the surface.

For better news, I'm going to show Robbie the Shrine of Resurrection today. Hopefully nothing bad occurs during our journey; Nevertheless, I have a bad feeling about today's voyage. I knew it didn't have to deal with Calamity Ganon since he isn't due until Princess Zelda's seventeenth birthday. So what is this aching suspicion? I am deciding to ignore it for now.

Robbie is calling for my attention, so I leave this as a complete entry. Signing off for now!

"(Y/N), are you ready to head out?" Robbie asked, grabbing his bag before slinging it over his shoulder. He showed his million dollar smile, as I timidly nodded, before grabbing my own belongings and heading out. Once outside the Royal Laboratory, I looked back at the large building and then to the horses. To the left was (H/N), while the horse to the right seemed unfamiliar to me. The steed was of similar to mine in stature; However, the horse was a fine chestnut with a beautiful black mane. Robbie climbed on the unknown horse, before giving me an expecting smile, "Well? Are you coming or not?" His soft chuckle sent my heart soaring. A hot blush covered my once pale cheeks before I untied the reigns from the tree and climbed on my steed. Then, we set out.

"So, it's just going to be us, Robbie?" I queried, as Robbie and I rode side-by-side. Continuing to look at the road, he scratched the back of his neck in thought, carefully formulating his words.

"Yeah... Purah didn't want to come with me to the Great Plateau. She said something about how dense I am, and how I can do the trip by myself without her babysitting me. Sometimes, I just can't comprehend how we even became colleagues." The genius eccentric sighed, as we entered the Breach of Demise.

"You are both brilliant scientists from different fields. Purah is learning more about the Sheikah Slate, and you are researching all you can about the Guardians. I would be surprised if the King didn't put you two together." A smile was drawn on my features as Robbie returned the expression; However, something seemed off. Unlike mine, his was a very weak grin. Almost like it wasn't genuine. A moment of unearthly silence befell us before he decided to speak again.

"(Y/N), there is something else we need to talk about, which I have been putting off for a really long time." I looked at him expectingly, as Robbie looked back and forth, from the road to my eyes, "Calamity Ganon. You said something about his return. So, do we truly fail?" I debated to myself for a moment. I knew this wasn't the first thing he wanted to tell me. I knew I should have expected this sooner. But I couldn't help but feel conflicted. If I am to say any more about the Calamity Ganon then I already have, then will it further change the timeline? I mean, my very presence in this world is probably changing quite a bit. My presence near people I deeply care about. Were they even real? Passing off my thoughts, I looked toward Robbie again.

"Maybe the first time, yes, but the Hero will rise against the impending evil. And Princess Zelda will ignite her Sealing Power, she just won't awaken her ancient ability until the Calamity is at its peak. It has been this way for many reincarnations, all the way back to the Goddess herself. I know that the Hero of the Wild will overcome and take back everything. As long as we have the Shrine of Resurrection, we should be okay." I spoke, keeping my eyes on the leather reigns, "But I doubt you believe every word I say. I don't expect that of you, or anyone for that matter. If the King didn't listen, then I doubt the majority of people will. And even if they do, I don't want to cause mayhem. Even though I do want people to escape to safer regions."

"(Y/N)..." Robbie muttered, turning his attention back in front of him. I hate how quiet it got as we walked through the Breach. This part of Hyrule always stuck out to me, mostly due to how creepy it was. Referencing Demise, the Demon King that reincarnated himself to be Ganon time and time again, this breach always sent chills up my spine. At least metaphorically, since I never expected to drop into the game, yet here I was. Just the idea of Demise's soul giving up recreation to become a formless malice-induced monster made many known and unknown emotions flood through my psyche.

As we rode through the strange canyon, I noticed the lack of people coming in and out. 'Isn't there a village up ahead?' I ask myself mentally, before exiting the Breach of Demise. The settlement must have been a branch off of Castle Town; However, this area of Hyrule would always confuse me. It bared no name, or deep history. It's just a settlement that the player gets weirded out by whenever they go near the castle, "Hey Robbie? Why are we going toward the castle? Shouldn't we have went through West Hyrule Plains?" I questioned, noticed that the castle was getting steadily closure.

"I decided that we could go the long way, since it's such a beautiful day. And what better way to spend the day then with my lovely Cherry~" He cooed brightly, with his old smile returning to his features. It was almost like the Ganon conversation never happened. Unlike most, who would hold onto the conversation, I decided to return to a happy state as well. Out of practically nowhere, Robbie abruptly steered his horse away toward a random stall, before buying something. I didn't see what he got, and I wouldn't find out for a while. "Sorry about that Cherry! I just saw something that I couldn't resist buying. Let's continue, shall we m'lady?"

"So, I'm a m'lady now?" I giggled, riding close to the genius eccentric, feeling safe and content. He laughed with me as we continued to make our way toward the castle; However the closure we got, the more uneasy I became. Castle Town and the castle itself didn't exactly hold my best memories. I had not been there in months, but everything seemed so familiar and new. Almost like I had just saw it yesterday. As we passed the Quarry, I decided to revert my gaze to Passeri Greenbelt, so I didn't have to look at the castle more than I had to. Once my eyes met the Sacred Grounds, I turned my head to the left to see the front gate to Castle Town, and two familiar blonds. Zelda waved to me greatly, before galloping over to my side.

"Hello, (Y/N)! It is nice to see you once again!! I hope you are doing well?" The scholarly Princess asked, being genuine with her words. I looked back to see Link gallop over to the three of us in a quick fashion. Zelda rolled her eyes at her predestined knight. I nodded at the Princess's question making her smile, "That's nice. The last time I saw you was in Gerudo Town, yes?" I nodded again, "Oh wonderful!" Before she could say anything else, Robbie slowed down his pace, so he was behind Zelda and I. Robbie was right next to Link, looking a bit down. Zelda noticed his presence, "Oh, good morning, Robbie. Do you know (Y/N) by any chance?"

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