Chapter 93

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Waking up with a jolt, I felt as if something terrible happened. Breathing heavily, I grasped myself for some sort of comfort; However, finding comfort in myself wasn't as helpful as I first thought. Stirring could have been heard from Link's sleeping spot before I laid back down and pretended to be asleep. I tried to go back to my dreams, yet the possibility was already thrown out the window. As I lie there, on the cold, moist ground, I hoped, with everything I had, that everything was fine. And that everything was going to be okay. When the sun was high enough in the sky, I started to make a simple breakfast for myself, Link, and Revali. The smell of cooking fish and eggs stirred Link awake. He sluggishly got out of his blankets and walked over to my side before taking the leaf from my hands. Finally opening his eyes, he gazed upon me before I received a small, thankful smile from his end. Revali didn't get up too long after. "Here you go, Revali. Eat up." I said, as Revali grabbed the leaf and gazed at it without blinking. 'Is he... okay?' I wondered, before the haughty Rito started to devour the meal.

"Thank you, (Y/N). It was wonderful." Revali thanked, before crumpling the leaf and throwing it off to the side. Nodding in affirmation, I glanced at Link to see how he was doing. At that moment, he was licking the leaf clean of the fatty juices.

"Yes, thank you." Link acknowledged, as Revali side-eyed him slightly.

"Well... should we get going?" After they both agreed, we packed up camp and started to head out. Grabbing my notebook from my bag, I started to draw a simple sketch of the dragon heads. As I did this, I started to mumble, "So if the dragon heads are more frequent than the owls or the boars, then that can only mean that the dragons had some significance to the Zonai, but why? What reason is there for the followers of Ganondorf to worship the dragon instead of the boar?" Before I could overthink even more than I already was, Revali placed his feathered hand on my head, to get my attention. Turning to meet his gaze, he glanced at me with his calm peridot eyes, before walking ahead, along the Dracozu riverbed. Once there, I stared at the monument in awe. A large, stone dragon's mouth laid agape, and inside was the Faron Goddess Statue. Without focusing on my companions, I walked up to the statue and stared up into the monument's eyes. My hands tightened and balled up in anger the longer I stared at her. Both males, unknowingly came up behind me to follow my gaze.

"There's a statue all the way out here?" Revali commented, expressing the obvious with some amount of confusion and distaste in his tone. Green, blue, and (E/C) eyes looked upon Hylia with all sorts of a differing emotions; However, my gaze differed the most. As Link and Revali looked upon her with some sort of respect, I had no sense of duty to her.

"I look upon this statue with the same distaste as the others. I wonder if she was the one that sent me here. And for what reason?" Taking a couple steps into the blistering cold waters, my eyes remained focused. "Why would you send me here? What type of sick game are you playing?! Your descendent needs your help and all you could have done was bring me into this mess?!! I just need an answer... All I need to know is why... why is that so hard?" Collapsing downward, I held my head in my hands and started to cry. As Link was about to comfort me the best he could, Revali put his feathered arm out to prevent the other male's movement. He shook his head, signaling to not help me. Revali knew too well that I had the ability to stand up on my own two feet, and that I could snap out of these emotions quickly. That day, Link understood something important. The fact that he didn't know me as much as he proclaimed to, and that I was hurting greatly. From loneliness. From fatigue. From fear.

After I searched around the area, I picked up every piece of rubble I possibly could for a clue. An answer. I searched the drawings for any sort of rejoinder. Alas, there was nothing to be found. Nothing. Merely rust among the wreckage. My switch was nowhere to be found. After hours of searching, I walked up to Revali and softly pulled on his scarf to get his attention. "What do you need, (Y/N)?"

"I-I want to leave. I don't wish to stay in this place anymore. C-Can you fly Link and I back to the stable? P-Please drop him off first..." Revali didn't have the heart to tell me 'no,' so he did as requested. He whispered something in Link's ear, before flying off with him on his back. Continuing to rummage around for any reason to live, something unexpectedly caught my eye. Shoving rocks of ruin out of my way, I picked up a piece of rubble. It had one fourth of a face on it. The carved eye glared into my soul. Finding it interesting, I stuffed it away in my bag. Not too long after, Revali landed and urged me to come hither. Doing so, I attached myself to his back, before he flew off, leaving the Zonai ruins. I had expected more out of my research; However, whining could only get me so far...

Upon landing, Revali let me off of his back and held my shoulders gingerly, "(Y/N), I want you to listen to me very carefully. Alright?" I nodded, before he continued, "I know you are frustrated, and I can't begin to comprehend how much turmoil is going on in the head of yours, but I need you to forget about it. I am the last person you want to hear this from, but I need you to know that you aren't alone in this fight anymore. You may have lost faith in everything; However, there is still so much out there to look forward too. Don't lose hope. Don't lose heart. Because I won't always be there to dry your tears. While I'm working hard to master Vah Medoh, I need you to work hard in whatever you have to do. Alright?" Revali told, keeping his tone calm, and collected. My tears had dried, as my eyes looked into his peridot ones. Placing his forehead on my mine for a moment, he stated, "Take care, you stupid girl." After that, he flew away. That was the last time... the last time I would see him. See his smile. His eyes. In person...

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