Chapter 139

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"When you part from your friend, you grieve not; For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain. Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation."

- Anonymous

"I can calm Naboris." Link spoke, placing a hand over his heart, showcasing genuine feelings and emotions. As Riju, chieftain of the Gerudo, pondered about all the information fed to her, Buliara was the first to question the blond Hero.

"You think you have what it takes to subdue something so powerful as a Divine Beast? The only ones who could ever control them were Champions like Lady Urbosa. And all of the Champions died in the Calamity one hundred years ago." The strong woman shouted, stamping her sword down and into the sandstone below her. Riju sat up from her throne, staring Link directly in the eye.

"Hmm... Buliara, a memory just jumped into my head—something my mother spoke of. When the Calamity happened, the Princess of Hyrule placed a fallen swordsman into a deep sleep. That swordsman, much like our new friend here, was named Link...though it always seemed more legend than fact." Riju commented, connecting the dots. As Buliara tried to argue, Riju stopped her caretaker. "What of the device on this one's hip? It appears to be a precious relic of the Sheikah. I can't imagine they would give something so valuable to a simple drifter—can you?"

"... I don't remember ever hearing of Hylian vai among the Champions." A moment of prolonged silence, "Wait a moment... You're a voe!"

"A voe within our walls is a great crime. But a voe who is a Champion... Well, we'd never mistreat a friend of Lady Urbosa. And if you're here to help us with Naboris, then we are allies. You saw it on your way to our town. Divine Beast Vah Naboris, cloaked in a massive sandstorm, hurling lightning at any who dare approach. We have to do something to stop it, but we have yet to find any way to appease the Divine Beast on our own. If you truly are a Champion, perhaps you will be able to enter Naboris and calm its anger." Riju spoke, mainly to herself, but that was of little consequence.

"Lady Riju! I don't see how you can trust a complete stranger with something as important as this task. Perhaps if this person were first to prove his worth by recovering your stolen Thunder Helm..." Buliara suggested, which made the young chieftain smile.

"Ah, yes... An interesting suggestion. You see, there is only one thing in all of Hyrule that can withstand the lightning from Naboris. The Thunder Helm, a family heirloom and relic of the Gerudo. But as Buliara says, it was stolen from us."

"You needn't worry, Lady Riju." Buliara reassured, "If he truly is a Champion, this should be an easy task for him. Our soldiers can tell you all you need to know about the thieves who stole Lady Riju's heirloom. Head through this arch. It will lead you to the barracks. Then, seek out captain Teake, and ask for a full report."

"Without my heirloom," Riju sighed, "you'll never be able to approach Naboris. Heh, you know... I take heart in having such a rare visitor as yourself. Lady Urbosa must be looking out for us."


"Congratulations, Mistress (Y/N)! You have been allowed to wonder around the hideout. But only if you behave, and you are with two Footsoldiers. Isn't that fantastic?!" Toottootbicknungersnazal spoke with glee, as Jerry carried the same expression. Or rather, what it would be if it weren't for the mask. I barely even reacted to the news making the two of them frown. "You don't seem very happy, Mistress."

"Leaving this cell will make me sad~" I cooed out, as Toottootbicknungersnazal and Jerry stared at one another however briefly. "Is there anything else to report?"

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