Chapter 20

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"Come on Miss (Y/N)! We got to go to Warbler's Nest to get ready!!" Teba squawked as he ran his little legs to Warbler's Nest. I didn't really understand why he was so insistent on me being there, but I guess it sort of made sense. I had grown very close to the little Rito in only a couple of days. I would tell them stories from my world and stories centered around the other Zelda game's plots. I would sing and play with them if we weren't trying to do something for the egotistical Revali.

"Don't worry Teba, I'll make it to Warbler's Nest soon, just go on ahead with your friends." My sweet smile and timid words weren't enough to get Teba off my back. He continued to walk next to me.

"No way! I-I'm going to stay right next to you!!" He assured firmly, facing forward. Seeing Teba like this only enlarged my smile. Even if it seemed like my life was falling apart, the little Rito gave my heart a sense of ease and warmth. Teba, a skilled Rito Warrior that protects Rito Village in Revali's place. Most likely the second Champion of Divine Beast Vah Medoh. Disciplined, serious, and stubborn, unlike Revali's flamboyant and arrogant personality. His childlike innocence was nothing near to his personality in the game; However, it was somehow similar. Teba was still as stubborn as a mule. Nothing had really changed.

"Are you sure? I am pretty sure Saki, and all the other girls are decorating. They'll need a big, strong Rito to help them out~" I cooed, as Teba turned his face away from my view, but I knew exactly what emotion was on his face. His crush on Saki was too obvious not to notice. Don't worry Teba, you'll get the girl soon enough.

"Don't say something so stupid! I'm still going to walk with you!!" He scoffed, as we continued to walk down the dirt road. Deciding not to tease the little Rito anymore, I looked to my surroundings for entertainment. Spotting something, I stopped in my path, which made Teba stop as well. I looked to the foot of Cuho Mountain to see an all-to-familiar flower. Detouring toward the patch, I gazed upon the specimen in all of its beauty. A Silent Princess. I wanted to pick it, but I turned against the idea. These were supposed to be rare, so picking it would be selfish. Teba gazed over my shoulder to see what I was looking at before gasping dramatically, "Wow! That's a Silent Princess!! They're beautiful!!!"

"They truly are, aren't they?" Faster than I could think, Teba picked one of the flowers and put it in my hair. Fear had stricken over my features, as a small blush colored my cheeks, "T-Teba?! You just... Never mind..." I sighed, knowing there wasn't anything I could do. He picked the flower and tucked it behind my ear! I couldn't reverse time or anything, so arguing about it would be useless. Leaving the flowers, Teba and I continued to Warbler's Nest. The young Rito welcomed us when we arrived.

"Teba, what took you so long?" Kass scolded, running over to us. A smile still apparent on my face.

"Sorry Kass, it was my fault! I saw some flowers I hadn't seen before, so I had to eat up Teba's time to get here. Besides, Teba was nice enough to walk with me. Otherwise, he would have been here sooner." I explained. Kass nodded and started to whisper to Teba. Something about this was suspicious. There was no decorations and no presents in sight. I knew that Hyrule was different. Maybe they didn't celebrate birthdays the same way as my world did, but something about the lack of anything seemed off. Before I could think about it anymore, Saki took my hand and dragged me over to one of the large boulders. She sat me down and started to take out the ribbons keeping my hair in twin braids. I looked back to the purple Rito, but she just turned my head around and started to unravel my hair.

"Your hair is super pretty Miss (Y/N)!" Saki complimented, starting to put flowers within the strands. I thanked her kindly before letting her do her own thing. It was calming almost. The occasional tug surprised me, but otherwise, it was pretty relaxing. The Silent Princess remained tucked behind my ear. I hummed Revali's theme softly, as Saki played with my hair. As time passed, all the little Rito had disappeared except for Saki. Of course I wouldn't notice this until a large gust of wind could be heard from a distance. Saki's presence disappeared, but I thought she was getting more small flowers to place in my hair. The silence was unbearable if it weren't for the natural sounds that lived in the forest; However, footsteps hit the ground as the pair of feet slowly made their way over to me. I was turned toward where Voo Lota Shrine would be. Turning to face the guest, I gasped loudly. Revali stood before me with his wing reached out to touch me. He withdrew his feathered hand and looked away from my eyes and to the grass covered ground.

"R-Revali?" Looking to my surroundings, I didn't see any of the young Rito. I officially have been duked; However, that was the least of my worries at the moment. Revali and I were alone. The soft breeze was our only company. A soft blush covered my cheeks. 'Please say something Revali! That's all I need from you right now.' I thought, hoping for any of his words, harsh or kind.

"You- I- um..." He stuttered, struggling to find the right words, but he clicked his tongue instead, "Useless girl!" Unlike my past statement, I wasn't happy with his harsh words. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I tried to keep them in. Breaking down to Revali would only make his point.

"R-Revali? I-I know I shouldn't b-be asking something so t-touchy, but..." I paused, trying to regain as much courage as I could, "Why have you been ignoring me?" Revali's expression widened in fright, though I didn't really see it. After all, I was looking to the grass for composure. He reached out his feathered hand and gently placed it on my trembling shoulder. His expression was of a guilty man. Moving his hand down my arm, he interlocked our fingers before leading me to the Shrine pad. Revali sat me down and rested right next to me. No words were spoken for a minute or so, yet I waited patiently for his answer.

"Something about you is... off to me. From all of the Hylians I've talked to, you don't seem to match any of their characteristics. Your intelligence is ahead of its time, and I can't figure you out. No matter how hard I try, you remain an enigma," His words were sinking in deep, as the hairs at the back of my neck stood up, "And all the ridiculous things you say are not of Hyrule, or from anywhere else." He looked me dead in the eyes, then asked, "Who are you? Truly? And where did you come from?"

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