Chapter 126

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... Well almost. Once we reached Woodland Stable, we passed out near the fire. Turns out the adrenaline rush had finished near the same time, though I was sure that Link could go on. His brain just worked that way. However, nothing was really urgent in the moment, besides Ganon of course. Honestly, I blame myself for us stopping. But... I can't remember why we did so. Perhaps I used up all my energy, result in falling asleep on my horse. The first time I ever rode a horse I was too scared to even move the tiniest bit, for fear of falling off, hitting my head on a sharp rock, and dying in such a dishonoring way. Though very likely. Now I can quite literally fall asleep. Quite a risky feat, probably why Link decided to stop for the night. The next morning, I woke up to a sound of scrapping. Opening my tired eyes, I was greeted by the same blond near the cooking pot. A sweet aroma swirled around my nose. "I see you are finally awake."

"Did I oversleep?" I inquired, slightly panicking as I stripped off Link's blanket. I would have questioned it, but I had something else more important to worry about in the moment. The blond chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Then why did you say it like that? Do you want me to get a heart attack?"

"I was worried. You fell asleep on your horse. But it seems your okay." Sighing a little, I decided to slyly change the subject by staring into the cooking pot. "Oh, I'm just making Seafood Rice Balls. I had to take some ingredients out of your bag, I hope you don't mind." Shaking my head, he went back to it. Getting up, I took my horse-pick out of my bag, before grooming each horse. Unlike me, Link kept up pretty good on his steed, which was to be expected, however, I forgot every now and then. So as I scrapped gunk from my horse's hoof, I cursed myself for ignoring it.

After grooming and eating, Link and I left Woodland Stable and up north, however, not for long. Link had recognized his surroundings, realizing that there must be a memory somewhere. Instead of going to the forest, his horse ran off on the east road. Following him, I watched him from behind. Back in the life I had before this one, I wished I had that same determination. That laser focus has no hope to fix unless it is achieved. I still wish I had that. Such a skill it is. First to apprehend peace was a Blue Lizalfos, which Link took care of himself. Deciding to take care of the ones ahead, I passed the blond knight. Once in view of the other two Blue Lizalfos, I jumped off my horse and shot each through the skull. Both died on the spot. I continued forward.

Link watched the kills transpire, and a sense of competition bubbled in his stomach. In an odd way. As I was preoccupied with two Black Lizalfos, Link pulled ahead attacking a Blue Lizalfos and an Ice Wizzrobe. Using the Blue Lizalfos's body, he flung himself upwards, pulling out a Fire Arrow, the knight aimed. It all happened so fast, and yet it felt like time completely stopped. The scene that played out was so picturesque that I stopped all movement. He took my breath away faster than I could grasp it. Before I even knew it, Link had returned to my side, staring at me in a worried manner. A simple hand on my shoulder explained a thousand words. "Don't worry. I'm okay. Spacing out is all." At the point where our horses couldn't go any further, we left them and continued on foot. It was pretty silent between the both of us. I didn't know what to say, and he was trying to find the right words.

"(Y/N)?" Gaining my attention, he continued. Or he was about to before he froze up. I watched, gaining a bubbly feeling in my chest. "What were you spacing out about before?" I thought of my answer intensely. If I dared tell him the truth, I would make a fool of myself. But lying to him didn't feel right either. Before I could answer him, much to the knight's dismay, Stone Pebblits rose from the ground before approaching. This enemy is definitely the cutest by far. As Link handled most of them, I approached one and flipped it on its head. It struggled, went dead, and then exploded. An amber came forth. The blond Hero apparently watched the display, before doing the same thing. Definitely safer than throwing bombs around.

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