Gerudo Ending

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Their souls disappeared as well as King Rhoam's. Into the afterlife they went, never to return to Hyrule. Link's eyes shifted from nothing to a slight movement. He snapped his gaze down to notice that I was breathing. I was just in a coma. My stomach had sealed itself back up, the gap being replaced by an almost white tissue.

I was alive.


All was dark. Had it been months? Years? A couple days? I couldn't tell. Everything was empty. But even then, what was true emptiness? Even black isn't devoid of nothingness because it is something. From what most classify as nothing, a light shined from the distance growing ever closer. It was a stark red. When I got close enough, I noticed that it wasn't completely made of blood. No, there was a silhouette in the middle. A man, tall and burly, with two horns protruding from his head. 'Sooga?' I thought, reaching my hand out toward the light. When I was able to touch it, I woke up, falling out of bed.

"(Y/N)! Oh, goodness, are you hurt?!" Zelda queried, coming to my side rather quickly. I was shocked for a moment, not believing my eyes. It was really her. Encapsulating her in a tight hug, I began to cry out tears of joy. "I'm glad to finally see you again as well... (Y/N)." She then proceeded to explain everything that happened. That my wounds healed out of nowhere, that Link and she took me back to Hateno, and that I've been asleep for close to a week. I could hardly believe it.

"That's a lot." I admitted, making her laugh. "Zelda?" She hummed in affirmation before I continued, "Um... There... I have somewhere I need to go."

"Oh? And where would such a place be?"

"Gerudo Desert. Something is drawing me there. Just before I woke up, I saw someone reaching out to me... I think... I believe it was Sooga... he was a part of the Yiga Clan one hundred years ago..." Zelda, at first, seemed shocked, however, a soft smile slowly decorated her features as she understood everything she was told.

"Once you are healed up, then you are able to head there. I would feel better knowing you were traveling at your best, rather you still being injured." In two weeks, I would begin my journey to the desert. In the time of healing, I realized my true feelings. And all the responsibilities that went along with them.


They slumped around, unsure of where to go and what to do. Ever since Kohga's timely passing, the Yiga Clan have sought revenge against Link. However, the moment he saved Princess Zelda and the entirety of Hyrule from absolute ruin, they didn't know what to do. Without a leader, they were nothing. A dynasty that has lasted for longer than anyone has been alive had vanished into thin air. Who would take Kohga's legacy and lead to the Yiga? No one knew. And no one dared to take his place. That was until an intruder began to approach the hideout.

They appeared in front of the entrance, ready for a fight; however, they immediately dropped their weapons. I stood in the front of them, holding out my hands, showcasing that I wasn't armed. "Mistress (Y/N)..." They bowed in my presence. "Why have you... come back?" One of the Footsoldier's questioned. I didn't know how to answer just yet. I knew what I wanted to say, but I needed everyone to hear what I had to say.

"Assemble the entire Clan. Shuffle them into courtyard." They agreed before disappearing. With that, I was led there myself, taking my stance on a box. When everyone showed up, I began to speak, "Yiga! I'm here today not out of pity, and not out of malicious intent, but I'm here because of a good cause!" Opening my bag, I pulled out Sooga's mask along with his letters. "One hundred years ago I was brought to this Hideout. I met your Master as well as his right-hand man. Dearest Sooga..." A pause as I held up Sooga's mask. Gasps filled the air as I held it up for everyone to see. "It is time to end your connections with Ganon, and to do the impossible. Sooga wrote to me one hundred years ago, before he was executed for the crime that he didn't commit. All Sooga did was help me! He wrote, ' hope is after my master's downfall, that the Yiga Clan will find the same happiness as I have and leave the Clan to live their lives to the fullest.' He asked me to guide you the same as I have guided Sooga! I wish the Yiga a path toward salvation. You... all aren't hopeless, merely lost. Please, let me help you!" A pause. None of the members knew what to say. I could only hope that they would accept this change. Silence continued, and I was sure that they weren't going to side with me. That was until I heard the dropping of metal onto compacted sand. It started with one, then two... after that was ten, and before I knew it no member was holding their weapons. A smile danced on my lips, however, there was still a lot of work to be done. I was sure though, that with time and effort, they would change.


"So? Let me get this straight, Seer..." Impa started, as multiple Yiga members stood behind me, "You... want to rehabilitate the Yiga Clan? And to do that... you want them to reconstruct the Promenade?" I nodded.

"Yes. I believe with time they'll grow into good people. I'll watch after them and take full responsibility for their actions. Please, Impa!" She stared around at the crowd behind me. Some of them hide their weapons, as others were eating bananas... er, at least attempting to. Still had the masks on, you know?

"Fine, but only on one condition." She spoke, "They need to remove their masks and destroy them." Gasps filled the room, as I turned around to calm scared members.

"Guys, this is alright! It's normal! Just... take them off." They all looked at each other, panicked, before one brave soul stepped forward. He removed his mask to reveal white hair and hazel eyes. "Okay next!" One after another, until they were all off.

"I'll allow this, as long as they are on their best behavior." Thanking her, we exited the building before leading the former soldiers to the Prominade. As soon as it happened, we got to work.


Sooga? Are you watching? I managed to fulfill your final wish. The Yiga have changed their ways, helping Princess Zelda and the Bolson Construction Company with Hyrule renewal. It was better than we ever imagined! Toottootbicknungersnazal is getting married in a week, Jerry is about to move to the rain forest with his wife, Tymn is about to become a traveling merchant... There is so much more. They've all improved and grew a sense of individuality. I can't wait to tell you all about it in a decade. Kohga, finally, has been defeated. Not a speck of his influence is imbedded in them any longer.

Sooga, you wrote in your letter that you'd always watch over me. I'm not sure if you can see this or not, but I'll write it anyway. I love you too.

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