Chapter 19

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Diary Entry #1

21 Days

Hello! Is this how I am supposed to start a diary? Oh, well. My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I am currently stuck in a game. Well, as far as my understanding goes. I think I'll use this journal for my more personal thoughts and about my experiences in Hyrule. Here goes nothing!

Just in case if I forget, the night before I found myself in this world, I was experiencing weird happenings with my switch. When I fell asleep, POOF, I was in Hyrule. Once again, I am not sure if I am actually in my switch or not, but either way, I am in the mystical, dangerous land of Hyrule; However, it's not that dangerous... Sure I almost got crushed by a Frost Talus, but otherwise there are no monsters! Now that I think about it though, in the Eldin Canyon memory, Princess Zelda did say something about an increase in monster population and appearances...

Currently, I have seen all sorts of characters! I'll start with Purah and Robbie!! Both are geniuses, but they are a little LOT eccentric. Purah is exactly as I imagined her, sweet, quirky, and childish, however, Robbie is the opposite of what I thought he would be. By that I mean what he looks like! In the game, he was a crusty old man, but it turns out that he was attractive when he was younger. Which only adds on to my embarrassment! Robbie had gifted me the nickname, 'Cherry,' which could mean a lot of things, but I decided to ignore the nickname... for now. Beyond their weirdness, they are kind and are my friends... It's kind of weird to be able to write that!

I also met His Majesty, King Rhoam. I tried telling him that the efforts he is preparing for aren't going to be enough, but he wouldn't listen! I hate the monarchy!! I agree with Zelda's frustrations, to be perfectly honest. After getting kicked out of the castle, I met Link. Only for a brief second though... I felt almost inferior compared to him. I always felt that way about him though! Link can do so many things, but I was struggling to keep up with one simple task. I don't think about Link much. Besides, I don't think I'll see him again...

On the brighter side, I met an unmentioned character named Angus. Angus is a handsome knight that I met on the way to Castle Town. He isn't only a knight in shining armor, but he's really nice. To make sure I was well cared for, he gave me a large bag of rupees! Mental Note: Remember to pay him back once I have the money. His friends were a little strange, but Aziel and Thyme were good people deep down... I'm pretty sure...

I also met Beetle; I think... He's probably Beetle's great-grandfather or something?

Robbie had insisted that he would work on getting me home. In the meantime, my mission is to find my switch. I thought that the switch might be in Rito Village, so I rode all the way there on (H/N). At Flight Range, I encountered the Rito Champion himself! Revali!! One of my favorite characters were right in front of me, but I didn't anticipate how rude he was going to be. The term he uses to describe me is 'useless girl.' Honestly, I can't deny it, but it still hurts. Revali's thoughts and feelings are an utter mystery to me. First, he was rude and completely unreasonable at best; However, he started to warm up to me when I saved him from the Frost Talus I mentioned earlier. As a 'reward,' Revali became my teacher! All was going well until the hot spring. I told him he could leave but he wouldn't listen to anything I had to say. After that we started to drift apart. He refuses to train me sometimes! Anyway, his birthday is in a couple days, and I can't help but worry... Of course I want to celebrate his birthday, but I think the main problem is if he wants me to celebrate with him. I write this with a heavy heart, but after my training is over, I am leaving straight away.

There is no point staying in Rito Village. First of all, my switch isn't near there. The switch is most likely in the exact spot my character was before I fell asleep. Goodness! If only I could remember where the hell I was when I fell asleep!! I had a memory a little bit ago about another possible location. I remember being there before I fell asleep, so there is a good chance that it is still there! The place I am speaking of is Goron City. I remember cooking and selling amber in the lava filled city, so it wouldn't hurt to check. The worst part about it, however, is that I hate Death Mountain!! No one likes that part of the game!!! You're burning alive until you can get to the armor store, Ripped and Shredded!!! Even if the switch happens to not be near Death Mountain, business thrives well in Goron City. I am bound to find a way to make some money.

I don't have anything else to write about...

I've had a lot on my mind lately, but I truly have nothing else I want to talk about... I guess, I'll write again when I have the chance.

(Y/N) (L/N) signing off for now.

P.S. I'm trying to remain optimistic, but it's not working. Honestly, I am not sure if I will be able to go home. I don't want to put any bad things in this journal, yet it is hard not to. Everything hasn't gone right, and I am not sure if I will live on. Monsters are soon going to run rampant, and the Calamity is approaching quickly! I'm not smart or talented! I don't know what to do in these situations, except follow the leaders. Revali's refusal to train me in his presence has diminished my self-confidence.

Please, to whoever brought me to this world, give me strength. I am going to need it.

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