Chapter 9

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"This technology is absolutely incredible! It's nothing like I ever seen before!!" Robbie exasperated, looking into their strange looking microscope. Purah had moved aside in order to give Robbie a look at the technology. She stood right next to me.

"Do you know anything else about this 'device' that would prove useful to us?" She asked, as she smiled at me, with her arms crossed. I thought for a moment before answering. I shook my head slowly before looking at Robbie's back again. Purah sighed a heavy breath, wanting more details about the gamecard. Unfortunately, I barely had any interest in technology in High School, so I had no idea how the gamecards were set up, "Well... This is going to take longer than I initially thought.

"I know I'm asking for a lot, but all I need is some sort of way to get back to my world. If you and Robbie can figure out how to jump from universe to universe, then the people of Hyrule can be evacuated quickly and with no possibility of harm." I added, looking to Purah for any type of agreement. She smiled at me, but I knew that she wasn't completely on board with the idea. Robbie spined his chair around to look at us.

"Cherry? You said that the gamecard could be put into a device called 'a switch' and then you could look upon our ruined world, correct?" I nodded at his words before he continued, "Do you have the larger device with you? Your 'switch' is probably a large piece in this puzzle." Sweat started to appear again, as I looked to the floor in defeat. Robbie knew what I was getting at, before he instinctively put a hand on my shoulder to comfort my woes, "It's okay Cherry! Um... do you know where you were last when gazing upon our world, maybe that is where it was teleported."

I couldn't remember. I remember being all over the map that night. I remember the creepy signs about being teleported into the game. The crack. Its teleportation into my small dining room. All the sighs were there! How could I have not seen something like this happening. The worst part was that I was drowsy when playing before falling asleep, so I just couldn't remember where I was last, "I... don't remember..." I sighed.

"Okay, how about this Cherry. Purah and I will try to decipher this... card, while you go travel through Hyrule and try to find us the 'switch.' Meet us back in Hateno in about two months, near Princess Zelda sixteenth birthday. I am pretty sure me... and Purah will have made progress by then." His suggestion wasn't half bad. Looking for the switch would help a lot, but I wondered if I could even play the game in this world; Nevertheless, I agreed to Robbie's idea. He nodded curtly, before turning to the gamecard again. Purah and Robbie started talking to one another after that, but I didn't really know what they were talking about. Without thinking, I walked toward a small window to take a look outside. The rain had stopped, but ash gray clouds still hung heavily in the sky. The green grass was even more replenished than before, and small yellow birds plucked worms out of the wet ground. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry (Y/N). Robbie will figure out how to get you home. I'm pretty sure he'll be working on your dilemma more than the other important stuff he has to do." Purah giggled, before Robbie started to yell at her.

"P-Purah! You know t-that's not t-t-true!!" My expression saddened at his words. 'If he doesn't care about getting me home than why am I here?' Tears threatened to fall from my (E/C) eyes, as I looked to the ground. I heard Robbie gasp and Purah snort out a laugh. I felt two hands hold the sides of my forearms. I looked up to see Robbie's concerned expression, "You know, I still have a lot to do for the kingdom, but I promise that I'll get you home before the Calamity strikes. I can promise that much, Cherry. Now! Go find the 'switch,' Cherry!!" He did it! He did the pose!! Before I could fangirl, I walked out of the lab and started to run toward the stable to get (H/N). Jumping on (him/her), I cracked the reigns. (He/She) started to sprint toward the citadel and then past it.

Once at the bank of the Zora River, I contemplated where I could have put my switch. From the top of my head, I remembered one of the last places I went to before falling asleep was Rito Village. Of course, I wasn't sure, but that was somewhere I remembered being, so I decided that my first destination would be the Hebra Region. As I passed Zelo Pond, I wondered how long it would take to get from point A to point B. Closing my eyes, I tried to remember a time where I kept track of how long it took to get to Rito Village from Akkala. All I recalled was that when said journey would start, it was day and when the journey ends, it is night. A sigh escaped my lips when I thought of that. I continued at the same pace anyway. To make the journey quicker, I decided to take my usual shortcut, north of Hyrule Castle Moat but south of the Lost Woods and Korok Forest. Once meeting Irch Plain, I went between Salari Hill and Elma Knolls. In the game, a lynel would wander near the foot of Elma Knolls, but the large beast wasn't there, much to my comfort.

A good portion of the day had been taken up from riding through my usual shortcut. The sun was setting, and I only made it to Serenne Stable. I knew that the Hebra Region was cold and that my cloak just wouldn't cut it. Not only did I need warmer clothes, but I also needed food, stronger weapons, and some flint. I sighed, knowing that I had to buy something eventually. I picked some mushrooms on the way, but that wasn't enough. From the corner of my eye, I saw a man with a familiar overstuffed backpack. I got confused. 'Beetle isn't supposed to be born yet. What is going on?' Walking towards the man, I poked his shoulder and he turned around. It looked like Beetle but with a mustache.

"Can I help you, miss?" He asked, pulling down his portable counter. This only confused me further.

"Um... Do you have any supplies for sale? I need flint and a whole surplus of food. Can you help me out Beedle?" I asked, widening my eyes when I realized I said his name without me ever meeting him before. He glared at me suspiciously before he happily cheered.

"Haha! You know my name!! I must be famous all over Hyrule~" His pride was just as large as his mustache. He sold me the supplies and food I needed before I went back to (H/N). I gave (him/her) a couple apples, as I took a bite into my own food. Without realizing how hungry I was, I started to eat more apples as if they were Ticktacks. I remembered that I hadn't eaten since I came to Hyrule. No wonder I was so tired. God, I was so tired. Deciding to wait till the morning, I slept on the cold ground hoping that this nightmare would be over. But a Hyrule morning came and all I could do was pack up and continue to Rito Village.

Just as I anticipated, the Tabantha Tundra was cold and snowy. I wrapped myself in my wool cloak, but it didn't do anything to keep me warm. Once a large gust of wind blew at me, I felt its cold chill run around my body; However, I sucked it up. Reaching Tabantha Village, I was stunned how western it looked. Log cabins were all in the same area. The warmth the village drew, gave me a warm feeling. I watched silently as I saw two children play outside the house. They were rolling up snowmen and enjoying the snowy weather. A smile was drawn on my features. After passing through the village, (H/N) sprinted to Rito Stable. The snow fall had stopped so I could see the upwards village from a long distance. I breathed a happy sigh of relief as I gazed upon it.

'I'm finally here...'

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