Chapter 29

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"Mm~ I almost forgot what pizza tasted like~" I cooed softly to myself, sitting under a large oak tree eating my lunch. (H/N) was roaming nearby, enjoying the sun's warm rays. It had only been a couple of hours since I left Death Mountain and I was already making my way toward Hateno Village; However, I still had about two weeks until I had to meet up with Robbie and Purah, so I planned on doing some sightseeing in Kakariko Village. No one had to believe me, but Daruk taught me to enjoy the moment, even if the situation wasn't going my way, so that was what I was doing: Enjoying my time in this world until I had to go back home, "Or would this be considered a calzone?" I questioned to no one except for myself. In Goron City, I also learned how to cook a little better. I learned a couple of recipes and made some of my own. Finishing up my folded pizza, I got up and dusted off my long dress, looking to see where my beautiful steed went, finally noticing (him/her) behind some shrubbery. I hadn't made it that far from Foothill Stable. I was almost to the fork in the road along Zora River, except I was going to branch off through Goponga Village and through Kakariko Village. Giving my horse a quick snack, I jumped on their back and lightly whipped the reigns. (H/N) started to trot down the path.

Eyes. Dark, corrupted, evil eyes watched me so carefully, that I couldn't help but feel there intent. I decided to ignore it of course, because Hyrule was such a safe, and secure place that would never put me in a situation where I could be in danger, said no one ever. Sure the majority of people wished no ill will, but monsters still roamed around. Those eyes weren't of a monster's however, at least one without a mask. A person was watching my every movement, and I could only guess that it was the Yiga Clan; But I assumed that they couldn't have been formed yet, since Kohga shouldn't even be alive. I always wondered about the Yiga Clan, but the game didn't go too much into it. They were against the Goddess Hylia and anyone who prayed to her as well as the Sheikah Tribe. So... the Yiga Clan was pretty much an evil cult. Ignorance is bliss, as they say, so I kept moving down the road, until I reached the river. Getting off, I continued to hold the reigns as I steered (H/N) toward a pine tree.

"In the rabbit hole, out comes the rabbit. She run around the tree to the left, and hoops back into her hole." I sang to myself, tying a bowline knot to secure my horse. Once tied, I grabbed my water canister and stubbled down to the river. I unscrewed the metal cap and placed half the canister in the water. I made a mental note to pasteurize said water later. Once full, I walked back up the small, yet steep hill, seeing a stranger near my horse. (H/N) was becoming increasingly anxious next to the stranger, "Excuse me? Is there something I can help you with?" I asked, slowly approaching (H/N), and trying my hardest to comfort (him/her). The stranger was a woman with short brown hair. She was short, yet athletic looking. The mystery woman was an average looking Hylian.

"Yes actually, I was wondering if you were the girl that everyone is talking about now?" Her question confused me. Who was the lady that everyone was gossiping about? It couldn't have been me, right?! After all, I didn't do anything wrong!! I started to ask myself why I was freaking out. 'Besides, why is she asking me this? What does this question have to do with approaching my usually friendly horse?' I thought, keeping my cool in front of the lady, even though my suspicion was growing.

"I don't believe so... Why? What happened?" I queried, untying the knot, trying to buy time. If this woman was a threat on my life, I wouldn't want to be held up by a simple knot. Her expression became a surprised one.

"Seriously, you don't know?! Everyone in Hyrule knows about it!! Some girl badmouthed the King of Hyrule! Pretty much told him that he wasn't doing enough for his people and that his daughter is a failure. Nobody knows what she looks like, or her name, since the King is keeping anonymity for his audience, but I have never seen you before, so you must be the one to-" Before she could continue on with her claims, I spoke over her.

"I am going to stop you right there. I never had an audience with the King since I have never had a problem with the way he is running things right now. If anything, I support his decisions. In any case, you shouldn't just assume that someone did such an impolite thing just because their face isn't recognizable." Untying the knot, I climbed onto (H/N)'s back and looked at the stranger again, "Besides, your question doesn't explain why you were scaring my horse." Before I could let her answer I resumed, "I bid you farewell, and I hope we... can meet again in the future. For now though, I have places to be. Good day." I spoke, before patting (H/N) to start moving forward, but the woman was persistent.

"Wait!!" I stopped (H/N) before turning to look at her again. My patience was wearing thin, but I decided to humor her. She walked up next to me and gave me a banana. 'Is this a joke?' I wondered to myself, wanting an explanation for her strange mannerism, "Have a banana for your troubles! It always makes me feel better!" I handed it back to her slowly.

"No thank you. I already ate lunch so... I'm not really hungry." She shoved the yellow shaped fruit back into my hand. Her expression was becoming more sinister by the second.

"I insist." Was all she said, before walking off toward Zora's Domain. I was confused more than anything. It was such a bizarre encounter; Nevertheless, I continued toward Goponga Village without thinking too much about what I had just witnessed. In the game, Goponga Village was surrounded by marshland due to Divine Beast Vah Ruta; However, since the Divine Beast wasn't flooding the land, the area that was soon going to be covered by water, was firm ground and nothing more. The grass was soft, and the ambience was softer. It was a beautiful village, with children running about and parents working their normal lives. This was what I saw before a 'self-proclaimed' guard stopped me from going any further.

"Excuse me, what am I being stopped for?" I questioned kindly, not wanting to start a fight.

"You, or anyone else for that matter, aren't allowed to ride their horses through town! Not after the incident..." His voice went from a booming, assertive one, to timid and quiet. I asked him what happened to not allow people to ride their horses through town, "Drunk-riding!" Was the only thing he answered. It took everything I had not to roll my eyes at this man's intense stupidity. Getting off my horse and taking the leather reigns in hand, I walked through the beautiful town. A hundred years from this moment, the homes would be burnt and broken, leaving a forgotten legacy. Passing by a couple of people, I decided to get some information about my switch.

"Excuse me? Do you have a moment?" I asked kindly, not wanting to interrupt anyone's afternoon. It was an older woman with what I assumed were her grandchildren. The older women nodded, "Have you seen any oddities fall out of the sky, from a month back?"

"Sorry dear, I haven't seen anything of the sort. But you would be surprised how much we do see from our viewpoint. The children and I usually see a plentiful amount of shooting stars, but I fear that is all I have seen." I thanked the woman for her time before going about my day. I continued to ask residents about any sightings of a strange object falling from the sky, yet none of them saw anything. Once out of the quaint town, I got back on (H/N) and rode toward the other entrance of Kakariko Village. The mood had immediately changed from bright green plains of little flowers to a deep green and grey mountains. People and carriages packed the confined road. I guessed it was mainly due to the height of the Sheikah Tribe's influence in technology. Once meeting the two wooden arches, I gasped at the beauty of Kakariko Village.

'I'm a glad this place survives the destruction.'

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