Chapter 41

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"That was a close one," I breathed, finding the girl laying on the ground while the members of the Yiga Clan gazed upon her. She was one of the most trained adversaries the lesser members have ever fought. No one had expected her to be so trained. Obviously, her skills have only been relevant for a short time. With one arm, I hoisted her over my shoulder before looking at all the current members in the room, "That was too close for comfort. Next time, do a better job. I'm leaving with the prisoner, get back into position."

"Yes, Sooga!!" They yelled before disappearing back to their assigned post. Smoke and talismans filled the room until no one was there except for me and her. Taking the chance, I pulled her off my shoulder and held her up by her dainty shoulders. 'She's so... small.' I internally admitted. She was kind of cute for someone who tried to choke me. Her hair was drawn over her shut eyes, and her face was at peace. More of her (H/L) (H/C) hair fell over her face, so I set her down against a wall and pushed her hair behind her ear. To my shock, I noticed that her ears were not of a Hylians or any other race I know. Her rounded ears unsettled me a little before I heard Master Kohga call my name from down the hallway. With haste, I teleported her and myself back to her cell. I set her down on the floor and watched her sleep. Master Kohga called my name again.

"Who are you... truly?"


I was once again back in my dreamscape, looking upon the universe as Earth drew further and further away from my eyes. I decided to look away from Earth and look upon the rest of the galaxy. Beautiful nebulas and dazzling stars brought me temporary peace. That was, until I was woken up by yelling.

"Hey!! Miss Prisoner?! Wake up!!!" A male voice yelled, as I jolted awake. Looking through my wooden bars I saw two Footsoldiers. One was leaning against the bars, while the other was sitting against the wall, "Oh good, you're awake! We honestly thought you died!!" I looked at both of them confused. 'Why on Earth would they think I would be dead?!' My blistering headache was my answer, "Anyway! We were looking through your stuff and we couldn't find anything of interest except for this diary." He said, holding up my writing journal. 'No. No. No! No!! No!!! Have they read everything?! What are they going to do to me?!!' I wanted to hyperventilate, but I knew it would be too suspicious. I had to stay calm; Nevertheless, it was going to be rough. "However!" the Footsoldier continued. "The knot was too tight for me and Kornal over there since we have meaty fingers."

They had to be joking. First of all, they had just told me that they wanted to look in my private journal. Secondly, they admitted to not knowing what was in the journal. Lastly, they hadn't even thought about cutting the tie to open it. "So... we were wondering what was in your journal? No lies! We want a straight and true answer." I wasn't one for deception, but it had become a normalcy in my everyday life. At this moment, I knew I had to lie, at least extend the truth.

"Um... rocks..." Was the only idea to come out of my head. Sweat rolled down the back of my neck and my forehead, as I anticipated the worst, however it didn't come. Their body language showed confusion, so I decided to build on the lie, "Yeah, every time I would collect a certain rock or precious stone, I would put it in my bag and note it down in my journal." I wasn't really lying. I did have a page in my journal where I would write down my intake of income and what I sold. I guessed that it was a force of habit from my old life.

"Oh, that makes perfect sense- Wait a minute! You're a miner, aren't you?!" The one known as Kornal accused, pointing his finger in my direction. I thought it was a stupid question for him to ask, since it was pretty obvious. After all, they looked through my bag, didn't they? Without thinking, I nodded at his justification, "Then you must be the miner that helped Gerudo Town!!"

This time, I was shocked. These people were idiots, but they weren't oblivious. As I yelled for them to wait and let me explain, one of them had already ran off, presumably to Master Kohga. I put my head against the wooden bars and sighed in defeat. Why was everything going from bad to worse? After a minute or so, Sooga appeared in front of my cell, with a prideful Kornal beside him.

"Come with me, girl. Master Kohga wishes to speak with you." Sooga ordered, flipping a switch to open up the wooden bars. I debated to myself about escape, but I was certain that I would be defeated again. If only I had my stuff... Then all my belongings flashed through my memories. 'Revali's bow and shield!' I thought to myself, looking around frantically. 'Oh no! I completely forgot about his equipment, "What's wrong with you?"

"Um..." I questioned whether or not to tell the 'stoic ape' about my precious belongings. If I were to tell him, then he would probably try to extort me, but if I weren't to tell him about it, then they might get rid of my stuff! "I... w-want my p-possessions b-back..." Sooga continued to stare down at me. "A-A-And I h-have a name, you know?!"

"And what might that be?" He asked, taking my wrist, and leading me somewhere. I was mildly shocked! I was expecting him to get all defensive and to say something like, 'I don't care, girl! Now get a move on!!' But he didn't. He asked for my name. I still didn't like his stupid face!

"(Y-Y/N)..." I stuttered, staring down at my feet for any source of confidence. Sooga had secretly loved my name. His inner thoughts had told him that it was a beautiful, graceful name. A perfect one for a girl such as myself; However, I would never figure this out. Sooga's shook his head to alleviate any inner thoughts that he deemed inappropriate as he continued to lead me down the never ending hallway. As Sooga was doing this, I was mentally taking note of the area. The stoic ape had lead me into another throne room, decorated top to bottom in red. Master Kohga was on the pedestal, looking less than pleased. By his feet was my bag and equipment. I gasped lightly as he picked up Revali's Kite Shield.

"Rito equipment, several luminous stones, an inaccessible journal, and the ability to take out some of my Footsoldiers. Yet not one of my lackies have seen you around Hyrule. You have also been accused of sneaking precious stones into Gerudo Town. I had a whole plan and everything! I was going to isolate Gerudo Town so they would surrender the Thunder Helm to me- I mean the Yiga Clan!! Yet you had to come and ruin everything!!!" The Top Banana of the Yiga Clan then started to cry into one of the many pillows surrounding him. I would have said something, but the atmosphere felt too awkward. I looked up to Sooga for some sort of guidance, but as usual, his face was covered by that stupid mask. Sooga must have noticed this, before walking up to Kohga and whispering something in his ear. Kohga finally stopped crying before he rummaged through the rest of my stuff. I was about to protest against Kohga's actions, until I saw Sooga looking at me. I stayed quiet... for a whole two seconds.

"Hey! That's my stuff you're rummaging through!! You're not allowed to do that!!!" I snarled, trying to look as menacing as possible; However, this did not stop Kohga from looking through my bag. I looked around the room to look upon the exit. 'Déjà vu...' I thought putting my head in my hands. As I did this, more noises could be heard from the Yiga's direction. When I looked up, I saw Kohga and Sooga gazing upon a banana. 'Oh yeah, I got that from the weird lady awhile back. I thought it would be rotten by now...' I watched them admire the fruit as I gazed at the exit once more. I took a step toward said exit, but my subconscious stopped me. My (E/C) eyes looked at Revali's gear. I couldn't just leave it behind. As I walked up to them, I was stopped my Sooga, "What's the point in bringing me here if you're just going to admire a banana?! I would have run to that exit by now if it wasn't for my stuff! You better tell me what is going on, and what you are planning to do to me, or so help me-"

"You will wait patiently for your sentence, girl! I want to kill you, but it's too early for that. In a week, I'll have your head and I'll drop it into the pit!! Yeah! That's what I'll do." Master Kohga proclaimed, laughing hysterically at nothing in particular. I felt anger rush through my brain as I clenched my fists and bit my lips. Blood seeped down from my chin as I tried to handle the situation. Unfortunately, this was a lot bigger than me. I didn't want to die. Not to these low lives. If anything, I would want to die near those close to me. I couldn't, "Take her away, Narnie and Bek."

Two Footsoldiers were about to take me back to my cellbefore I yelled, "You know what?! I'm glad you die in the future!! I'm gladthat you are thrown down that pit by the Hero Wielding the Sword that Seals theDarkness!!! You think you can just push people around and you think you canalways get what you want! That everything will go your way, but it won't!! Markmy words, Kohga!!! You and your main subordinate will die, and I'll meet youwherever we're going to end up!!!" The Footsoldiers started to take me away, asI continued to frantically yell at these awful people; Nevertheless, I wastaken away and thrown back into my cell. I started to cry. I didn't want todie... not like this...

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