Chapter 51

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"Sooga, you mean what you say? This isn't some kind of scheme to get me caught, right? Y-You mean it?!" I couldn't believe it! Someone was going to help me escape this place!! I looked at Sooga desperately for a straight answer. The stoic ape nodded, allowing me to continue, "What changed your mind? You were so bent on following Master Kohga's every whim a couple of minutes ago, so what did it?" Sooga thought about his Master's obsessive nature. To him, it was unfair that I didn't have a choice.

"No reason (Y/N), but you have to do a couple of things for your freedom." I tilted my head to the right in confusion. Sooga decided to continue, "First of all, you need to tell me all the information I want to know. Secondly, I need you to understand that the Yiga Clan are constantly going to be on your tail once you do escape, so if you get captured again, then I can't help you escape again."

"I understand wholeheartedly, Sooga. Do you already have a plan in mind?" I asked, signaling for him to come into my cell. He did so and started to look around suspiciously, before looking at me again. He took a piece of writing paper off from a desk and started to draw a lay out of the Yiga Clan Hideout. I watched as he did so, before getting distracted. It might have been the heat of the moment, but I started to look at Sooga more carefully. As I realized what I was doing, I turned away with a large, heated blush. Sooga then gave me the map, "Is the red line the way out of the hideout?" I questioned, as Sooga nodded.

"There is only one problem (Y/N)." Sooga paused, "The only opening you have to leave is... on your wedding day." That could only mean that I had only one chance, otherwise I would most likely have to marry Master Kohga. Even though it was risky, I was still willing to go through with it, "Until your 'big day,' I'll teach you the way of the Yiga Clan. I won't reveal the plan until I think you're ready. Now, you are going to answer my questions." His demanding tone had scared me a little, but I knew this was coming. After all, he did tell me he would ask that.

"Alright fine!" I grumbled, before getting up and walking over to a drawer. I pulled out my worn journal, before carefully untying the knot. Sooga gazed at me curiously, as I walked back to him with it. Feeling slightly queasy, I handed him the leather bound book before taking a seat next to him. As he flipped through the journal, I decided to speak in my own words, "You could say... I'm not from around here. I lied about being from Greyham, but it was really the only thing I could do. People's minds would literally be blown if they knew the truth." When I looked over at the unresponsive Sooga, I saw that he had flipped back to my first entry, at the last paragraph. My bitter parting woe. I snatched the diary away from Sooga. There was a moment of a solemn atmosphere, "Do you believe me or not?!"

"Of course, I believe you (Y/N). You are too... odd to be from Greyham, much less Hyrule. My next question is a little more to do with Master Kohga. How does my Master die?" Sooga questioned. I was about to start laughing, but I tried to keep calm.

"Master Kohga will live for another hundred years, yearning for the Thunder Helm; However, once he steals it, the Hero will appear. But Master Kohga will not die from the Hero Wielding the Sword that Seals the Darkness, the Hero of the Wild. It will be a death on his own part. Master Kohga will die by his own hands, down the bottomless pit in this very hideout." I answered, all seer like, trying to sound as believable as possible. I had thought about a surplus of things at the time, and I realized the impending future was likely different than the one I saw through my device's screen. After all, I was never supposed to be in Hyrule. I wondered how much I had changed.

"Hero of the Wild?" When he asked that, I suddenly became nervous. No one would have known of the ancient heroes that had long passed away. They don't even know about the green tunic bestowed to a hero with great courage.

"Yes, there are many other heroes like him. The Hero of the Sky, the Hero of Time, the Hero of Twilight, the Hero of Wind, and many more; However, those heroes have long passed on. All except the Hero of the Wild." I breathed, remembering all the other games. Breath of the Wild was truly different than the others in the series, but all had something appealing about them. I snapped out of my daze before looking back at Sooga, "Is that all your questions?" He nodded at my query, "Great! Now tell me a little more about this escape plan-"

"What escape plan?" A familiar voice questioned. Sooga and I looked over to the perpetrator to see none other than Dorian; Nevertheless, I was still nervous, "Sooga? Are you really helping Mistress (Y/N) escape?" Sooga didn't answer, but that was all Dorian needed to know. The young Blademaster walked into my cell and eyed me for a second, "Alright! How can I assist?"

"Why are you helping me, Dorian? I thought you would remain loyal to the Yiga Clan a little longer!" I whisper-shouted, which made Dorian think a little, before giving me a straight answer.

"Listen (Y/N). I haven't known you long. Not enough for my actions to have merit. However, you told me that love would be on my side in the future, and the only reason why you would want to leave is your distaste for Master Kohga. You helped me find my right path and it would be unfair if I left you in the dark. I'm helping because I don't want you to suffer for our Master's happiness. Just promise me that if you do get caught, you won't turn either of us in." I swore a promise to Dorian and Sooga that day. These high ranked Yiga were putting their lives on the line for me and my freedom, so if I didn't successfully escape from the Yiga Clan Hideout, or if I was caught again, then I wouldn't throw anyone under the bus.

Days passed by slowly, and as the 'big day' grew closure, I started to grow more nervous. I underestimated the Yiga Clan before, so my chances weren't looking to good. Dorian had been steadily moving my belongings to the nearest stable, so I won't have to carry anything with me. As for Sooga, he has been teaching me Yiga Clan customs, which looked completely normal. To others, it looked like I was taking my job as Mistress seriously, but Sooga was actually teaching me this so I could blend into the Footsoldiers. Besides the lessons, Sooga had been my 'personal bodyguard,' in the Footsoldiers place, since they were doing an inadequate job, "Hmph!" I groaned, as a corset was being tightened from my back, "So why do I have to wear a red dress instead of a traditional white one?" I asked, looking to Sooga for an answer.

"White symbolizes the Goddess Hylia, and we wouldn't want the Mistress of the Yiga Clan to wear such an atrocious color." Sooga explained, not even bothering to look up from his progress report.

"Okay, then why am I wearing a corset? I thought I was wearing a two-piece kind of thing. Something 'Arabian?'" I questioned, a little more annoyed. The female Footsoldiers were fitting me, without care. They weren't happy that I was supposed to take their Master away, which annoyed me greatly. Sooga looked at the fitters, sending them a death glare. They backed off and left the room, leaving Sooga and I alone. Not having much to do, I decided to try on my wedding outfit, even though I wouldn't have any need to wear it. I changed behind a partition and looked myself in the mirror. The red was vibrant, and the fabric was more than comfortable, however the weight of it was more excessive than normal sirwals and tube tops. This was most likely due to the plethora of gold and rubies. I walked near Sooga, tapping his shoulder. Once he turned around, I started to show off the rich clothing, "What do you think Sooga?" Sooga looked at me without any movement, before looking away quickly. I knew he was flustered. Before I could go behind the partition again to change, Master Kohga came into the room.

"Oh, my dear~ You look so beautiful~" He cooed, going in for a hug, before I gently shunned him away.

"Kohga, don't you know that seeing the bride in her wedding dress before the actually ceremony is bad luck?!" I pouted, making sure to sound as genuine as possible. Master Kohga, even though he was unaware with the saying, voiced his apologies before walking out of the room in a hurry. There was a moment of silence, before Sooga decided to speak.

"The 'big day' is tomorrow. Are your prepared for the consequences (Y/N)?" Sooga questioned, turning to look at me. I knew he was serious. I nodded, accepting what I had to do. We had discussed the route of escape, all the Yiga rules, and the consequences upon escape, but Sooga still hadn't told me the plan on how I would be getting out of the Yiga Clan Hideout; Nevertheless, I followed blindly. Good thing luck was on my side.

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