Chapter 46

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"I win!" I celebrated, doing a cringy dance while Mychel looked at the Tik Tac Toe that I drew in the dirt with a stick. Mychel wasn't happy that he lost, and I definitely didn't make it better with my boasting. Eventually, I stopped and sat back down. Even though they weren't allowed, Mychel and I would play the competitive game in my cell, as Hew stood guard, "It's okay Mychel, you'll get it next time, I'm sure. I'm not really good at this game anyway." I encouraged, giving the common Footsoldier a gentle smile. We smiled at each other, before Hew told Mychel to get back to his position. Once he did, another cloud of smoke appeared. It was Sooga, as usual. Except the only difference was the Sooga didn't appear in my cell.

"I'll be taking the girl now. I'll give you new orders soon. Come with me (Y/N)." The cell gate opened, and I walked out as he told me to do. The three of us didn't know what was going on. Sooga took my hand in his as he dragged me through the hallways. The more we walked, the steamier the area seemed to become. I was even more confused, when he stopped in front of two doors with curtains blocking the view into them. I looked to Sooga for answers, "You'll clean yourself and then put on the clothes in the hot spring, before meeting up with Master Kohga. And don't think about running. There are Blademasters stationed around every hallway. I will retrieve you in a couple minutes." With that he was gone. 'Do I really stink that bad?' I huffed to myself before entering the hot spring area. It was empty and it wasn't communal, so that was a plus. Taking off my smock, I dipped into the warm waters and sank in. I hadn't bathed myself in months, so I felt all my stress melt away. I washed my hair and made sure I was squeaky clean, before hopping out. I looked to a table to see folded clothes. They were the clothes I bought from Gerudo Town. I heaved a large sigh of relief before putting them on. My body definitely lost weight, since the clothes were bigger on me than before. Once I felt presentable, I walked out of the doorway to find Sooga leaning against the wall.

"Ready to go?" He muttered lightly, reaching out his hand for me to take. Out of politeness, I accepted, and he walked me down the vast hallway. We came upon the first pedestal room where I met Master Kohga. And there he was! On top of his pedestal, looking down on the both of us. Something changed about Kohga, and I couldn't help but glare. Sooga sat me down on one of the floor cushions as I waited for Kohga to speak. He suddenly started to laugh maniacally.

"How long did you think you could keep this from me, without me finding out?" Kohga asked slyly, obviously knowing something. Fear started to run through my heart as I tried to contain any leaked emotion. 'What did he know?' I wondered, looking up at the insane cult leader, "Well? Aren't you going to say anything, seer?!" Signals were going off in my head, left and right. I tried to remain calm.

"I'm not a seer. What on Earth are you talking about?!" I asked, wanting to get up from my spot and run, but my body wouldn't move. Kohga came down the stairs and started to circle around me, as if I were prey caught in a predator's trap.

"You know what I mean, seer! This whole time, I was conversing and arguing with an all-powerful seer... that has seen into the far future. In a report, it stated, that YOU are a seer, and that Princess Zelda will fail to awaken her Sealing Power before the Great Calamity! Calamity Ganon will take over everything and inevitably win, and the Yiga Clan will be by his side!!" I gritted my teeth, as he laughed at a victory that wouldn't even be in his favor. Ganon was pure evil, and he wouldn't think twice about betraying his lackies if it would benefit himself.

"You think this is some kind of game?" I muttered loud enough for both Kohga and Sooga to hear me. I looked up at the both of them with anger in my eyes, "Calamity Ganon doesn't care whether or not who is on his side! He will devastate everything in his path until there is nothing!! You think you're going to win that fight?! Why? Why do you want everyone else to suffer? I understand that you Sheikah were mistreated in the far-off past but have a heart! Calamity Ganon is going to kill everyone!! He not only wishes death on Princess Zelda and the Hero Wielding the Sword that Seals the Darkness, but he will not stop until everyone is dead!! You hear me?! Everyone is going to die!!!"

"So you have seen it, the future that is to come! I knew it!! Sooga, put these things on her ankles!!!" Kohga ordered, before I was lifted off the ground and into the air by none other than Sooga. In his hands were two ankle bracelets that looked quite normal; However, when he put them on my ankles, I could feel intense weight. I was dropped back on the ground and could barely move my legs. 'What are these things made of?! Lead?!!' I thought trying to stand up, but the ankle weights wouldn't let me, "Didn't see that coming, huh seer?"

"Shut up..." I grumbled, finally standing up; However, I had to use Sooga as support. If I felt defeated before, I was definitely feeling it then, "W-What do you want from me? You have your answer, so why can't you let me leave?"

"Seer (Y/N), because of your ability to see not only the near future, but as well as the far-off forthcomings, I want you to be the Yiga Clan's personal seer. You don't really have a choice, but I just thought you should know. Besides, you still need to tell me when and how I die, with all the details. You are still of use to the Yiga Clan. Count yourself lucky!" With that Master Kohga disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving Sooga and I alone. Anger was rushing through my veins as I gritted my teeth. Sooga picked me up and teleported me back to my cell, but instead of leaving, he closed the bars and guarded my cell.

"What are you still doing here, Sooga?" I hissed, holding Revali's Kite Shield, as I waited for Sooga's reply. There was a moment of silence, before he looked back at me.

"I am to guard your cell until a certain Blademaster gets back from one of his missions. His name is Dorian, and I am certain he will watch over you well." He answered not moving a muscle. 'Dorian?' I knew that name! That was the guy whose wife was killed in cold blood because he refused to be part of anymore abysmal acts of violence, "(Y/N)? You once said that I'll die in the future, correct? How do I die?"

"I don't know... That's not how that works." I answered, looking down at the dirt floor. Sooga continued to look back at me with question, "I... only see a hundred years in the future, Sooga. And in those one hundred years, Kohga was the only one there. You were nowhere to be found... Sorry." Not another word was shared between the both of us. The silence overcame my surroundings, as I mentally prayed to whoever sent me here. 'Please... Please help me...'

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