Chapter 40

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'What is this? Is this the afterlife? Am I dead?' I wondered, as I floated through what could only be described as space. I opened my (E/C) eyes to see Earth, the blue planet that I so dearly wanted to get back to. As I reached out for it, the further it seemed to get from my grasp, until it was gone. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, as I realized my position. Even my dreams couldn't make me forget about my fears and crushed aspirations. They, in fact, heightened them! 'Was this a punishment? Why can't I just go home? What is my purpose? Why am I here?!'

Why am I here? An interesting question for sure. As my head throbbed from my overthinking, Ganon's Malice seeped in from every corner, threatening to cage me in. I had only noticed it's presence once it was too late. It was crawling up my arms, consuming my flesh and my blood. I was torn whether or not to accept my fate, or to panic and scream. Laughing surrounded my ears as the voices in my head got louder. I covered my ears to escape, but every time I blinked, it would all be the same. Everything had turned blood red and their laughter only got louder. Yiga Clan symbols appeared around my figure as I continued to toon myself out. Louder and louder, the voice got, until it all stopped. Not just the laughter and gore; I woke up from my nightmare.

My eyes were widened, and I slightly moved every part of my body to make sure it was there. I looked at my hands and saw that they were the same as ever. Slowly getting up from the dirty floor, a blistering headache ravished through my overused brain. I groaned in pain. Looking around, I saw a small room with nothing in it. All the walls were the same, except for one. One wall was wooden, stake like bars. My eyes moved around the small area for something useful! My bag, my weapons, anything!! But nothing was in sight. It was just me and an empty, dirty room. Using the wall, I tried to stand up, but my legs would only wobble painfully, before collapsing in on themselves. Eventually, I was able to saunter over to the bars. I looked left than right, to see nothing particular. No one was in sight. Just the hollow air to keep me company. I had an urge to yell, but I knew that wasn't a good idea. Who knew where I was?! Looking around once more, I saw something at the edge of the hallway, that I couldn't see all too well. I back up a little to see what it was.

"A Yiga Clan talisman?" I continued to back up, until my back hit something. It didn't feel like a wall, since it felt strangely warm and chiseled, unlike the flat walls I had witnessed before. This 'thing' I ran into was a person. I gulped fearfully, before looking up at the mysterious new figure. He was a large, muscular man with two, large samurai swords adjacent to both his sides. His hair is an exaggeration of a samurai's. The mystery man wore a red suit and had a Yiga mask covering his face. A deep, large scratch was indented in the inverted Hylia eye. Sweat ran down the back of my neck as I looked at him.

'Is this the leader of the Yiga Clan before Kohga?!! He's jacked!!!' I felt the urge to faint, but I just couldn't. Everything was spinning. Unsteadily, I turned to face him completely, however, I didn't have the guts to look him in the eye. When I tried to do this, my legs gave out once more. I sat on the dirty floor on the verge of tears. He just looked down at me. He hadn't even said a word. I decided to say something, "A-Are you... t-the leader o-of the Y-Y-Yiga C-Clan?"

"What are you talking about? I am not my Master." Was all he said, before he roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me up onto my feet. Hatred for both myself and this man bubbled within me. How could I be so stupid?! Even if I was right, it would be incredibly rude to ask something like that. I knew I should have kept quiet, "You may call me Sooga. I'm the Top General of the Yiga Clan. My Master does not like it when prisoner's ask too many questions so I will answer whatever you have to ask."

"O-Okay, um..." I thought about what I should ask. After all, Sooga didn't look like a patient man either, "W-Why am I here?"

"I found you. I was on a special mission my Master sent me on, but then I saw you running for your life. You were about to be swallowed up by a Molduga, but you remember that, don't you? I saved you, but you were unconscious. I couldn't just leave you in the middle of the desert." His response was both helpful and incredibly vague; But I didn't care about that! I'm not in the base for a reason, so there was a slim chance that I was able to leave.

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