Chapter 82

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Nothing. Just as it had always been. I had looked in all the major spots of Hyrule, yet my switch was still nowhere to be found. Any time I had a lead, all I could find were star fragments. It was frustrating! The Calamity was soon approaching, and I believed that I didn't have the time, which I did not. Even though I felt my entire world falling apart, I still couldn't give up hope. Faith was the only thing keeping me alive. And it was the last thing I wanted to lose.

Sighing under my breath, I looked over my map journal, before looking over the ink marks again. Red 'X' strewn across each page, as I tried to think of any other spots I didn't look. 'I haven't looked around Akkala, Woodland Tower, or the Faron yet...' I thought to myself thinking over each spot. 'Akkala and Faron are no doubt filled with Yiga members, and The Great Deku Tree would have known if my switch fell in the Woodland Region.' As the minutes passed, the more stressed I became. I wasn't getting anywhere and all I was doing was riding around like an idiot. On (H/N), we rode through the Dueling Peaks with no sense of haste. (H/N) took it easy and (he/she) followed the beaten path. Some people were around, but I was basically alone.

'What a fool I am...' My head started to ache, before I put my cold hand upon it gingerly, 'It has been about a week, but the Princess is still on my mind... She probably hates me now.' I would have cried, but there was no time for it and my body didn't wield the energy to do so. As I rode along, I heard a voice call out, "Lady (Y/N)!" Getting off my horse, I looked around the area to find no one. 'Must be my imagination.' I thought, until the voice called out again, "Lady (Y/N)! In the water!!" Looking into Squabble River, I met eyes with a smiling Zora male who was waving me over to him.

"Oh, hello there." I squeaked, making my way over to the water. The Zora's smile never faded or questioned itself. It remained kind and sincere, "What are you doing so far from the Domain?"

"Looking for you, of course! No need to cause alarm, but the Domain was attacked recently by an army of monsters and Wizzrobes. Everyone is okay, but our beautiful home says otherwise. We were wondering if you had any luminous stones that you could sell to us..." The Zora became bashful rather quickly. I wondered what happened to the luminous stones I gave the Zora the last time; Nevertheless, I couldn't say 'no' to people who need my precious stones. I lifted my bag off my horse, before searching through it two thirds of my supply was luminous stone and my bag was practically filled to the brim. "Yes, that is a perfect amount, Lady (Y/N)! Won't you come to the Domain?!" His enthusiasm sent a plethora of emotions through me, but the dominant feeling was bewilderment. The Zora turned his back to me and signaled for me to get on his back. I looked over at (H/N).

"Um... Can I board my horse first? It will only take a moment." I queried, as the Zora blinked his eyes in confusing. Once he looked at my horse, everything seemed to click.

"Oh, of course!" Jumping on my horse, I continued to ride toward the stable. The male Zora followed by my side, as he stayed in the pristine waters. The worst part was his constant staring. 'Why is he watching me so intensely?' I asked myself before riding over the bridge. I boarded my horse, before running over to the river. "Ready to go, Lady (Y/N)?" He asked. I nodded slowly, before steadily slipping my feet into the river. I held on tight as he started to swim upriver. It was something I never experienced before. Sure, I have swum before, but this was much different. With great speed, the Zora cut through the water like a knife.

In little time, the Domain was in perfect view; However, it wasn't a pretty sight. From far away, Zora's Domain looked beaten to a bloody pulp, at least one side of it. The other side was being worked on and looked brand new. The Zora dropped me off near the ladder and thanked me for coming to the Domain before he hastily swam away. With no other choice, I climbed the ladder and walked into the home of the Zora. My wet clothes seemed to weigh me down quite a bit. I rung out my hair gently once I made it to the top. Walking into Dento's workshop, I immediately noticed he wasn't there. "Excuse me?" I called to a Zora nearby, "Pardon my intrusion, but do you happen to where Dento is?"

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