Chapter 76

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"No! No!! No!!! (H/N), what's wrong?! Ah, your bleeding!! Um- I don't know what to do!!!" In short terms, my horse, the majestic animal I swore to protect, was terribly injured. It had been a couple days since I had my run in with Princess Zelda and Link. I was making my way to Akkala for some research and surveying; However, as I was riding past Goponga Village, I was ambushed by a mob of pesky Bokoblins. (H/N) got spooked terribly, which resulted with me falling off them. (He/She) tried to escape from the situation, but the monsters started to attack them. (His/Her) terrified neighs made my blood boil. I did not even know that Bokoblins attacked horses. Pulling out my sword, I started to slice them before the beasts ran off for safety. The malice in their eyes sent chills up my spine. I was unscathed. (H/N) wasn't as lucky. Blood stained (H/N) coat as cuts adorned all over (his/her) body. "Calm down (Y/N)..." I mumbled to myself, before taking off my extra equipment that sat on my horse's back.

"Excuse me Miss, are you doing alright? Would you like my assistance?" A masculine voice spoke. Looking over my shoulder, I was met with a slim man carrying a massive beetle-shaped backpack, "Oh, haven't we met before? You are the pretty little lady who bought some supplies from me a couple months back."

"You remember me?" I asked, not meaning to sound rude. Even though I wanted to be seen as respectful and polite, I continued to tend to my whimpering horse, not bothering to look at Beetle's relative who looked exactly like him. Grandfather Beetle nodded his head swiftly, grasping his bag's thick straps. "Well... it is a pleasure to meet you again, but I'm kind of in the middle of something." The older man's expression was contorted in confusion, "I was attacked by a group of monsters and my horse was hurt in the process... Tell me, is there someone who can patch (him/her) up?"

"I know for a fact that the stables will be no help to you. The place you go to get your horse fixed up nice is... Nah, I couldn't possibly tell you such important information..." He scoffed, messing with his ridiculous mustache. My teeth grit and my (E/C) eyes twitched furiously, "...for free." Before I could argue back at him, he put out his hand urging me to give him something of value, "Fifty rupees will suffice, little Miss." This is what I get when I insult a Beetle. Grabbing my wallet, I pulled out his desired amount before putting it in his eager palms. The gremlin snatched it away and looked at the gems in his hand.

"May I have my information? My horse is kind of dying." I queried politely, trying to get his attention. Grandfather Beetle placed my rupees in his pocket before turning to me, as if he was expecting something more. Sighing silently, I whispered a brief, "Please..." With that, the man was smiling again.

"Little lady, do you happen to know where Lon Lon Ranch is?" Nodding, he continued, "They can fix up your horse. After all, they have as much experience on the matter as do I with business."

"Thank you for the help. We'll be off now. Good day, Beetle." I thanked, before taking (H/N)'s reigns and walking away. My suspicions would be proven correct that the man was current Beetle's grandfather. The man that ripped me off would go on to tell his grandson about me and my hidden 'charm.' But this I wouldn't figure out until much later.

Horses are strong, diligent creatures; However, I was too reckless when it came to that attack. 'Ganon... He's growing stronger by the day... I'm running out of time.' I thought, looking up to the approaching castle. It was a beautiful sight. All sorts of towers stood above the land, as a constant reminder. To others, that reminder was one of joy and peace, but to me, it was a relentless aide-mémoire of the impending doom of the Kingdom of Hyrule. I continued across Thims and Rebonae Bridge, constantly glancing back at my horse to see if (he/she) was doing alright. Once Lon Lon Ranch was in view, I hurried my horse along. "Sir!" I yelled to a man, with another horse's reigns in hand, "Sir, please help! My horse and I were attacked!!" The man stared at my horse, before whistling someone over. A young woman ushered over and took my horse's reigns from me. I followed closely behind her.

"Lucky for you, (he/she)'s fine. It looks like (he/she) just needs a couple days to rest and get back on (his/her) feet." The woman stated, "I just need your name and some basic information, if you don't mind. Let's see... What is your name?" The young lady wasn't too much older than myself. She had bright red hair and deep blue eyes. She reminded me so much of Malon that it was proving difficult to concentrate. Eventually, I snapped out of my daze.

"(Y/N)." I answered.

"What an odd name. I don't believe I heard that one before. Anyway, can you tell me what happened?" I told her everything that she needed to know. How we were being attacked out of the blue. How my horse drew more attention than I did. And so on, "Ah, those vile beasts! Those 'things' have been lurking about lately, and I just can't stand it anymore! The poor horses are always being ambushed!! You aren't the only person to be attacked recently though... Anyway, come back in a day. Your horse's cuts were not too deep, luckily, so I shouldn't take long." I wanted to protest, but I knew that it wouldn't do me any good. I needed (H/N) to be in working condition. I needed (him/her) to be happy and healthy, so I backed down before I could complain. Stepping away, I started to walk around the fence.

Within the fences lining, horses were galloping and trotting about. One horse in particular caught my attention. There was nothing too special about her, but she seemed all too familiar. A deep coffee colored horse with a dark mane. She trotted around with the other horses, before we made eye contact. I held back my panic, knowing that horses could sense emotions. She started to approach me from the other side of the fence. When she was close enough, she started to brush my face with her snout. "You look so familiar." I mutter, holding my bag's straps tighter. As I put my hand out toward the handsome steed, she immediately put her head in my hand, "Goodness, whoever trained you is quite compassionate."

"Thank you."

Turning around quickly, I was met with a familiar knight. His blue eyes gazed from mine to his horse's. His bright blue garb shone in the sun as he slowly approached his horse. "Link, I didn't know you would be here. Sorry! I was just-" Link put up his hand, preventing me from saying another word. From a small satchel, the knight pulled out an apple and fed it to his beautiful horse.

"It's alright. She loves everyone as if they were her owner. What are you doing here?" Link asked, turning to face me directly. A small, embarrassed blush dusted over my cheeks, as I tried to come up with an answer that didn't make me seem irresponsible; However, I couldn't come up with anything of the sort.

"Um... I got attacked by some Bokoblins near Goponga Village, and my horse suffered the consequences..." I muttered, loud enough for Link to hear me. I felt awful! How could I do that to poor (H/N)?! I knew that I wasn't the one that did those things, but I could have easily avoided it if I just went a different route. Link saw that I was distraught, but he didn't dare to do anything. At the time, we weren't close, so why would he feel the need? Nevertheless, he silently rubbed my back in reassurance. At first, I was utterly shocked the sudden affection. Sending him a quick smile, I returned my gaze toward his horse, "So, what's her name?" I queried, as I ran my hands through her dark mane.

"Epona." He stated, which earned me a little ecstasy. Just the idea that a Link, with no recollections of his predecessors, still named his horse Epona gave me a warm feeling. I asked him where he got the name, in which he replied, "I don't know. When I first laid eyes on her, I just had the urge to name her Epona." It took all I had to not start babbling about past Links and Eponas. "Um... would you like to take a walk?" Surprised by his sudden flustered state, I accepted kindly before letting the blond knight lead the way. It was a beautiful day. The grass was green, the sun was shining across the land, and the horses were prancing about in their pen. An awkward silence hung in the air as we circled around; However, I had nothing to say to the Hylian Champion. "So... Where were you headed?"

"Huh? Oh, I was headed to Akkala. I need to survey the area for more ancient ruins before I start investigating somewhere else. The Faron Region is supposedly filled with the ruins from a tribe of barbarians. They're called the Zonai. I want to finish my research on Ancient Hylian structures, before moving on to the Zonai, since they are my main goal of study." Babbling is a mannerism that lonely people often experience. Don't get it wrong, all types of people tend to drone on about whatever topic interests them; However, when a lonely person gets going, they don't stop until the deed is done. Lonely persons also like to hear others speak. Just the thought that someone is talking to them makes their heart soar. I stopped myself from talking too much, however, I felt like I exposed too much. But had I? In all actuality, I hadn't said enough, at least to the observing knight. Neither of us knew it at the time, but Link wanted to listen to what I had to say. Perhaps it was out of curiosity for the topic. But that is up to the imagination.

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